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Explosion in northwest Pakistan kills one, US consulate closed
Hours after the US shut its consulate Tuesday in the capital of North-West Pakistani Frontier Province (NWFP), a bomb exploded, killing at least one person and wounding fifteen others, said police and US consulate. Some unknown terrorists had planted a time-bomb with a motorbike and parked it in a crowded bazaar of Peshawar city, about 250 kilometers north of Islamabad, local senior police official, Saeed Wazir, told KUNA. He said the explosion killed one and wounded 15 others, two of them seriously.

Hours ahead of the explosion, US consulate was temporarily closed owing to some security concerns, said US embassy. It said that the decision was taken following they received specific and credible threat. However, Saeed Wazir ruled out that the explosion was related to the security threats received by the US consulate.
Posted by:Fred
