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Iraqi "Doctor Death" confesses
A physician confessed to killing no less than 35 Iraqi policemen and soldiers with lethal injections and other means as they were treated in one of Kirkuk's hospitals. The confessions of the physician, Dr. Luay Omar Al-Tae, were broadcast by a Kurdish television station. Al-Tae explained that the persons he killed were suffering minor injuries, adding that he used to also cutoff electricity from operation rooms and reopen wounds.

An intelligence official from the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) said Al-Tae's cover was blown by a terrorist who was apprehended by security forces, noting that Al-Tae's crimes were first brought up by Britain's The Independent newspaper. Al-Tae, added the official, was driven to commit these crimes by money and "hate for Americans." Al-Tae, who received USD 100 after each killing, was responsible killing Kirkuk's deputy police director, General Ajman Abdullah, through lethal injection.
Posted by:Fred

#2  Remand him to the Wolf's Head Brigade for "Political Re-education".
Posted by: bigjim-ky   2006-03-29 12:54  

#1  Iraqi "Doctor Death" confesses

there are wonderous compounds that would exact a long heinous revenge.
Posted by: psychotic chemist   2006-03-29 04:08  
