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Pakistani minister says over 600 militants killed in military operations
The Pakistani Interior Minister Tuesday said that over 600 militants including some high-profile Al-Qaeda figures have been killed in series of military operations in the tribal belt since last two years. Interior Minister Aftab Ahmed Khan Sherpao talking to newsmen expressed Musharraf-led governments resolve to continue fighting till the last miscreant had been washed out.
Couldn't work a deal with the local holy men, huh?
He said Pakistans soil would [not] be allowed to use for seeding of terrorism, adding, "We are committed to take strict actions against those who are using Islam for their vested interests with linking it with terrorism."

Meanwhile, Pakistan deported more than 13 Afghan nationals, arrested Monday for defying government warning to leave the area. On Monday, about 45 Afghans were deported, arrested for illegal stay in Pakistan. The government has launched campaign to expel foreigners from the lawless tribal region. Most of these foreigners are Afghan refugees who fled US-led invasion at home in late 2001. The military has launched operation in North Waziristan tribal agency to flush out foreign militants. In almost two-week long operation, backed by gunship helicopters, over 100 foreign and local militants have been killed and dozens wounded. The operations also forced local populace to fled to safer places.

Vice Chief of Army Staff General Ahsan Saleem Hyat Tuesday visited Miranshah, main headquarters of North Waziristan agency, where he was briefed in detail about the prevailing situation in the area and planned development works, said a military statement. Situation in the aftermath of these operations was normal, said the statement, adding that public life in the area is picking up pace and usual business is taking place.
Posted by:Fred

#4  Woody Allen joined Taliban?
Posted by: gromgoru   2006-03-29 20:54  

#3  That picture of the turban guy with the bandolier, glasses, and long dark beard----hmmmm. Now THAT would be a good outline on a pistol or sniper marksmanship qualification target!
Posted by: Alaska Paul   2006-03-29 20:30  

#2  Pakistani minister says over 600 militants killed in military operations

Does that count the ones serving in the Pakistani military, or just their targets?
Posted by: Robert Crawford   2006-03-29 07:41  

#1  Note to author: Definite and indefinite articles are your friends.

600 - over two years. Probly halve that and divide by two... still not good enough, Pervy.
Posted by: Howard UK   2006-03-29 06:26  
