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Six soldiers killed in southern Afghanistan
Six Afghan soldiers were killed and as many wounded when the vehicle they were travelling in was blown up by Taliban using a remote-controlled device on Tuesday. The incident happened in the afternoon in the Sangeen district of Afghanistan's insurgency-plague Helmand province.

Hours before, five people, including three Afghans and two foreigners, were killed in a similar attack in the same province. Taliban claimed responsibility for the first blast; however, they did not issue any word on the second explosion. A military commander in the neighbouring Kandahar province Abdul Razaq said the bomb was planted by Taliban. He said more troops had been sent on the site and the area had been encircled to arrest the perpetrators.

Afghanistan's Helmand province is scene to fierce fighting over the past one week. More than 12 people, including Taliban and government soldiers, had been killed in clashes during that period.
Posted by:Fred
