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Hezbollah Behind Synagogue Blasts
It has been revealed that Mesut Cabuk and Gokhan Elaltuntas, who staged the bomb attacks on two synagogues in Istanbul, and Azad Ekinci and Feridun Ugurlu, who provided logistic support to the attack, were members of terrorist Hezbollah organization.
Turkish Hezbollah, unrelated to the other Hezbollah. Well, maybe related by marriage of second cousins.
Officials of the Directorate General of Security who are experts in terrorism stress that the bomb attacks were similar to the attacks staged by Al Qaeda and search for connection between Hezbollah militants and Al Qaeda.
So far it looks like the connection is training in Afghanistan or maybe Iran. Always possibility of funding as well. The boomers were Turkish, we’ll know more after the Turkish police finish questioning their families.
Security officials had seen traces of Hezbollah in former bomb attacks on synagogues. It was revealed that Hezbollah provided logistic support for the first attack on Neve Shalom Synagogue staged on September 6, 1986 which was also a Saturday. Huseyin Velioglu, the head of the terrorist Hezbollah organization, gave the instructions for the second attack on the synagogue staged on March 1, 1992.
Hezbollah, booming Jews since "86".
Posted by:Steve

#4  Iran has the Ansar-e Hezbollahi, they're more into beating student demonstrators than blowing things up (it's the SMKI aka People's Muj who do that kind of thing.) There were rumours that the MIT used to tolerate Turkish Hizbullah because TH had 'problems' with the PKK (lefties & nationalists too - how unislamic can you get!) Dunno if things have changed since Ocalan got nabbed.
Posted by: Dave   2003-11-20 5:18:49 PM  

#3  Turkish Hezbollah's a different critter from Lebanese Hezbollah. There's also a Soddy organization of the same name, and an internal mob in Iran with that name.

We aren't talking about real original thinkers here.
Posted by: Fred   2003-11-20 2:21:04 PM  

#2  Time for a sustained aerial bombardment of southern Lebanon, followed by an assault on the Bekaa Valley. If "messages" are trying to be sent, such an action would send a nice, clear one.
Posted by: Bomb-a-rama   2003-11-20 12:28:30 PM  

#1  Update: Authorities arrested six people Wednesday in the synagogue bombings. A Turkish court charged five with "attempting to overthrow the constitutional structure," which carries a sentence of life imprisonment. The sixth was charged with "helping illegal organizations," punishable by five years in prison, Anatolia said. No trial date was set.
Posted by: Steve   2003-11-20 9:34:09 AM  
