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2024-06-10 Israel-Palestine-Jordan
Israeli forces pounded central Gaza anew, a day after killing 274 Palestinians during a hostage rescue raid
[PUBLISH.TWITTER] Based on previous analyses in the Rantburg archives, all Hamas numbers should be assumed to be imaginary but indicative, using the one, two, many method of counting. On the other hand, it would be ever so much more efficient if Hamas numbers were real.

Israeli forces pounded central Gazoo
...Hellhole adjunct to Israel and Egypt's Sinai Peninsula, inhabited by Gazooks. The place was acquired in the wake of the 1967 War and then presented to Paleostinian control in 2006 by Ariel Sharon, who had entered his dotage. It is currently ruled with an iron fist by Hamas with about the living conditions you'd expect. It periodically attacks the Hated Zionist Entity whenever Iran needs a ruckus created or the hard boyz get bored, getting thumped by the IDF in return. The ruling turbans then wave the bloody shirt and holler loudly about oppression and disproportionate response...
anew on Sunday, a day after killing 274 Paleostinians during a hostage rescue raid, and tanks advanced into further areas of Rafah in a bid to seal off part of the southern city, residents and Hamas
..a contraction of the Arabic words for "frothing at the mouth",...
media said.

Paleostinians remained in shock over Saturday’s corpse count, the worst over a 24-hour period of the Gaza war for months and including many women and kiddies, Paleostinian medics said.

In an update on Sunday, Gaza’s health ministry said 274 Paleostinians were killed - up from 210 it reported on Saturday - and 698 were maimed when Israeli special force commandos stormed into the densely populated al-Nuseirat camp to rescue four hostages held since October by Hamas bully boys.

Sixty-four of the dead were children and 57 were women, the Gaza government media office said.
Whatever the real number, those who really aren’t jihadis are what is known in the trade as human shields, putting their deaths on Hamas’ head.
Israel’s military said a special forces officer was killed in exchanges of fire with Death Eaters emerging from cover in residential blocks, and that it knew of "under 100" Paleostinians killed, though not how many of them were Death Eaters or civilians.

On Sunday, three Paleostinians were killed and several hurt in an Israeli Arclight airstrike
on a house in al-Bureij in the central Gaza Strip, while tanks shelled parts of nearby al-Maghazi and al-Nuseirat. All are built-up, historic refugee camps.

The Israeli military said in a statement its forces were continuing operations east of al-Bureij and the city of Deir al-Balah in the center of the coastal enclave, killing several Paleostinian button men and destroying bully boy infrastructure.

Israel sent forces into Rafah in May in what it called a mission to wipe out Hamas’ last intact combat units after eight months of war in which Israeli forces have bombed much of the rest of Gaza to rubble while advancing against fierce resistance.

Israeli tank forces have since seized Gaza’s entire border strip with Egypt running through Rafah to the Mediterranean coast and invaded several districts of the city, prompting around one million displaced people who had been sheltering in Rafah to flee elsewhere.

On Sunday, tanks advanced into two new districts in an apparent effort to complete the encirclement of the entire eastern side of Rafah, touching off festivities with dug-in Hamas-led gangs, according to residents trapped in their homes.

As of June 5, all but around 100,000 displaced people who took refuge in eastern Rafah after fleeing Israeli offensives further north in Gaza had left, according to the UN agency for Paleostinian refugees UNRWA.
And they screeched that it could not be done. Well done,O Gaza civilians!
"All UNRWA shelters in Rafah have been vacated. Many of the people who were based in Rafah have fled up the coast seeking safer locations in both Khan Younis and the middle area [of Gaza]," UNRWA said in a statement.

Paleostinian medics said an Israeli airstrike on a house in Tel al-Sultan in western Rafah killed two people.

The Israeli military said troops of its 162nd division were raiding some districts of Rafah where they had located "numerous additional terror tunnel shafts, mortars, and [other] weapons" belonging to Paleostinian bully boys.
Posted by Fred 2024-06-10 00:00|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [323 views ]  Top
 File under: Hamas 

#1 Even if it was 2740 or 27400 it's well worth it.
Posted by Grom the Reflective 2024-06-10 00:37||   2024-06-10 00:37|| Front Page Top

#2 Watch IDF soldiers' headcam footage of hostages rescue
Posted by Grom the Reflective 2024-06-10 01:04||   2024-06-10 01:04|| Front Page Top

#3 IDF confirms journalist, physician father, held Israelis hostage
Posted by Grom the Reflective 2024-06-10 01:07||   2024-06-10 01:07|| Front Page Top

#4 Primitive mathematics. Using the more advanced Australian system, we find: One, two, tree, nudder one, nudder one, nudder one, Big Mobs!
Posted by Ululating Platypus 2024-06-10 01:34||   2024-06-10 01:34|| Front Page Top

#5 #3 CONFIRMED: 'Journalist' Killed by IDF Held 3 Israeli Hostages in His Home, Wrote for US-Based Nonprofit
Posted by Grom the Reflective 2024-06-10 01:37||   2024-06-10 01:37|| Front Page Top

#6 Americans soon will be killing jews like rats , mark my words!
Every bastard surviving coward jew will pay reparations.
The Turks and Yemenis will rape your jew son and daughters, inside your synagogues , radicalized Latinos and Americans will tourture and disfigure your handlers and religious managers
This are my prognostications for the next 9 months
Did I start told you six years ago that israhell will cease to exist?
Did I told you bastards jew scum that Ukraine will cease to exist?
Well who is laughing now… you bastard scum. Fuck you!
And fuck you , and fuck your anti Palestinian stance
You need to be erased .
Posted by ACA JOE  2024-06-10 01:48||   2024-06-10 01:48|| Front Page Top

#7 Much more along these lines and we’ll start to think you don’t love us any more, Joe.
Posted by Ululating Platypus 2024-06-10 03:46||   2024-06-10 03:46|| Front Page Top

#8 Re #6, I can say with utter assurance this American won't be harming any Jewish people ever.
Posted by M. Murcek 2024-06-10 06:01||   2024-06-10 06:01|| Front Page Top

Insight of what a Hamas woman thinks.
Posted by Itsoktobewhite 2024-06-10 07:31||   2024-06-10 07:31|| Front Page Top

#10 where's the spittle, Joe?

Hamas operatives have standing orders to kill hostages if they think IDF is coming – NYT
Posted by Skidmark 2024-06-10 07:57||   2024-06-10 07:57|| Front Page Top

#11 Leaving the Subhuman's comment up for roasting.
Posted by Frank G 2024-06-10 09:30||   2024-06-10 09:30|| Front Page Top

#12 Grom, 'if only' it was 27400, not 'even if.'
Posted by Glenmore 2024-06-10 10:24||   2024-06-10 10:24|| Front Page Top

#13 definetly sub-human commenter,
Posted by Spats+B.+Hayes8168 2024-06-10 10:26||   2024-06-10 10:26|| Front Page Top

#14 #12 😎
Posted by Grom the Reflective 2024-06-10 10:38||   2024-06-10 10:38|| Front Page Top

#15 I wonder if our pal ACA is a chatbot - a Large Language Model that was, perhaps, trained on a rather limited dataset. His output is very focused, is syntactically correct, but does not demonstrate any insight.

It also does not rhyme, but we will let that slide for the momement.
Posted by SteveS 2024-06-10 10:39||   2024-06-10 10:39|| Front Page Top

#16 Watch: IDF kills RPG-armed Hamas terrorists that emerge from tunnels in Gaza

Posted by Grom the Reflective 2024-06-10 11:25||   2024-06-10 11:25|| Front Page Top

#17 They misspelled "Co-conspirators to kidnap"
Posted by DarthVader 2024-06-10 11:56||   2024-06-10 11:56|| Front Page Top

#18 I wonder if our pal ACA is a chatbot

Some time ago, in the early days, it was conversational. First as an Asian that made his way thru Mexico to SD or LA. Then a Mexican businessman with several properties as I recall.

All-in-all, not worth noting.
Posted by Skidmark 2024-06-10 15:04||   2024-06-10 15:04|| Front Page Top

06:47 M. Murcek
06:45 M. Murcek
06:21 NN2N1
06:14 NN2N1
05:27 Richard+Aubrey
05:20 Besoeker
05:06 Whavick Scourge of the Apes9857
05:00 Besoeker
04:52 Besoeker
04:33 Besoeker
03:26 Vortigern Borgia1150
03:17 Vortigern Borgia1150
03:06 Whavick Scourge of the Apes9857
02:13 Grom the Reflective
02:13 Grom the Reflective
02:12 Grom the Reflective
02:11 Grom the Reflective
02:05 Seeking Cure For Ignorance
01:19 49 Pan
01:18 49 Pan
00:46 Raj
00:39 Raj
00:17 Skidmark
00:10 Raj

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