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2024-05-18 Israel-Palestine-Jordan
Arab League calls for peacekeepers in 'occupied Palestinian territories'
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Posted by Fred 2024-05-18 00:00|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [105 views ]  Top
 File under: Hamas 

#1 Why bother? It's been done before with no actual peacekeeping being done.

Posted by Seeking Cure For Ignorance 2024-05-18 01:15||   2024-05-18 01:15|| Front Page Top

#2 The subject of of "Arab Peacekeepers" (an oxymoron) was addressed in 1948, 1956, 1967, and 1973.
In 1973 it took Soviet Union & USA working together to save Egypt from a defeat that would destroy them as a country.
Things are a lot different now: the imbalance between Israel and Arabs - using borrowed tech they don't really understand - is much greater.
Also, Israel no longer has any illusions about it's Great Ally & post-civilized West in general.
Posted by Grom the reflective 2024-05-18 01:57||   2024-05-18 01:57|| Front Page Top

#3 Jordan's turn.
Posted by Skidmark 2024-05-18 10:16||   2024-05-18 10:16|| Front Page Top

#4 In 1948 the surrounding arsb muslim countries declared war on israel the second the british administrators left

It is their fault that their fellow arab muslims were displaced, because the Arab League told them to flee the war and after they defeat Israel and push the Jews into the sea and they could all return to an Islamic state.

That is the history.

There were less than a million displaced arab muslims, from that original war started bt the Arab Muslim states.

They lost.

There are now about 5 million? Several million Arab Muslim descendants now claiming a new ethnicity “palestinian” using the pan-arab flag from the Arab Revolt and Syrian Ba’ath party.

They are the arab muslims of gaza who voted in hamas and support hamas in the west bank.

They do ths brcause hamas is muslim brotherhood.

They know that if they “free palestine” theywill demographically swamp the small Jewish democracy woth arab muslims and it will cease to exist as a jewish state.

This is the goal.

That is why the arab muslims of Gaza and west bank need to be resettled once and for all in Jordan, Egypt, Iraq and Saudi who were the main belligerents in the original 1948 war.

Then they can get on with their lives peacefully among their brothers and sisters.

The only reason these countries do not willingly take them is because they are using them as a weapon against israel hoping to destroy it as they failed to do in 1948.

This is a religious imperative. It is not about land, it is about ensuring that Islam rules over the Jews, since Islam once held that territory.

But these countries simply must be made to take the, because no teo-state solution is possible.

Peace is not now and never will be possible unless the Arab Muslims of Gaza and West Bank are all resettled with their brothers and sisters in those neighbouring lands, where they share a culture, arabic language, and sunni Islam.

Also Qatar should be made to take some as it is Muslim Brotherhood HQ and hosts the hamas leadership.

So Hamas, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan and Saudi should all be made to resettle the refugees of Gaza and also move there the Arab Muslims of West Bank.

Otherwise long-term Israel cannot defend that tiny sliver of land they are on. Muslim Brotherhood will get drones and they wont be able to defend it.

It is too small. So i fear Israel will not survive at all long-term, and I think they should have gone hard the day after that October 7 attack.

i think that not to do so was a strategic error for Israel, since Muslim Brotherhood propaganda is so well-integrated now into Western Media. Israel had only a small window to act before the Muslim Brotherhood diaspora was able to kick in to the western countries and destroy support.

Posted by Anon1 2024-05-18 14:33||   2024-05-18 14:33|| Front Page Top

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