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2007-10-06 Fifth Column
American Leftists Now Openly (Criminally) Inciting The Military To Mutiny
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Posted by Anonymoose 2007-10-06 13:16|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [27 views ]  Top

#1 They're getting desperate and bold. None of the Vietnam-era tactics are working to their satisfaction so they're going to have to try ever-more-brazen provocations. If Hillary doesn't get elected, things will get interesting.
Posted by Jonathan">Jonathan  2007-10-06 13:38||   2007-10-06 13:38|| Front Page Top

#2 I'd like to see 'em 2 at a time in the electric chair, with one on another's lap. Keep the juice on til there's a brownout...
Posted by M. Murcek">M. Murcek  2007-10-06 13:45||   2007-10-06 13:45|| Front Page Top

#3 Yup...that list of names convinced me.
Posted by anymouse">anymouse  2007-10-06 13:54||]">[]  2007-10-06 13:54|| Front Page Top

#4 I don't believe this petition is criminal: it is correct in saying the military is actually required to disobey unlawful orders, and it is legitimately debatable whether orders to attack Iran would be lawful. At the moment, it is not clear to me that such orders would be lawful. Or that they would not. It comes down to whether Iran has or has not actually attacked the US. Iranians have. And the Iranian government talks big. And I personally believe the attacks are government sponsored. But belief is not proof, and governmental plausible deniability is going to be a continuing problem for us in developing anti-terrorism strategies.
(The problem is compounded by the perceived lack of competence of our intelligence agencies, and the inherent impossibility of publically proving their competence.)
Posted by Glenmore">Glenmore  2007-10-06 13:58||   2007-10-06 13:58|| Front Page Top

#5 usual POS's - I see Coleen Rowley is still trying to be relevant. F*ck her
Posted by Frank G">Frank G  2007-10-06 14:02||   2007-10-06 14:02|| Front Page Top

#6 The first rule of giving speeches is know your audience. I'm thinking the military is not exactly receptive to this boatload of lefty lunatics.
Posted by SteveS 2007-10-06 14:15||   2007-10-06 14:15|| Front Page Top

#7 Also known as the To Be Deported List. If they had any conviction, they would volunteer to chain themselves to the Iranian reactors and centrifuges.

“Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in a meeting with Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Mualem in Tehran on Tuesday assured that the United States and the Zionist regime of Israel will soon come to the end of their lives.”
Is it possible for us to witness a world without America and Zionism? But you had best know that this slogan and this goal are attainable, and surely can be achieved…The people who sit in closed rooms cannot decide on this matter. The Islamic people cannot allow this historical enemy to exist in the heart of the Islamic world.”
Posted by ed 2007-10-06 14:39||   2007-10-06 14:39|| Front Page Top

#8 They need to be careful what they ask for.
If the military does go against the government and cross the Rubicon, these morons will be the first rounded up.
Posted by DarthVader">DarthVader  2007-10-06 14:52||   2007-10-06 14:52|| Front Page Top

#9 I don't believe this petition is criminal: it is correct in saying the military is actually required to disobey unlawful orders, and it is legitimately debatable whether orders to attack Iran would be lawful.

Glenmore, this is a legitimate point where the intent of those calling for disobedience of an order is an honest concern for propriety and legality. But that is not the case with these signatories; they are not concerned with sincerely advising the military about the legality of an order, they are concerned with subverting the lawful authority of a commander-in-chief that they hate. Moreover, the declaration of the IRG as a terrorist organization, the discovery of Iranian agents and military personnel involved in killing US personnel, and the various other depredations of the Iranians can all be interpreted as casus belli.
Posted by Jonathan">Jonathan  2007-10-06 14:57||   2007-10-06 14:57|| Front Page Top

#10 Oh, and that first paragraph was a quote from Glenmore's comment.
Posted by Jonathan">Jonathan  2007-10-06 14:58||   2007-10-06 14:58|| Front Page Top

#11 Any preemptive U.S. attack on Iran would be illegal.
Any preemptive U.S. attack on Iran would be criminal.

Bullshit strawman argument for openers. I stopped reading right there. Thank goodness I don't recognize a lot of the names on their list of political traitors.

If they had any conviction, they would volunteer to chain themselves to the Iranian reactors and centrifuges.

Bingo, ed. Let's see just how dedicated they really are.

Moreover, the declaration of the IRG as a terrorist organization, the discovery of Iranian agents and military personnel involved in killing US personnel, and the various other depredations of the Iranians can all be interpreted as casus belli.

Which they are. Iran has declared war upon the United States of America countless times. It's long past tea to take these terrorist scumbag thugs at their word.
Posted by Zenster">Zenster  2007-10-06 15:11||   2007-10-06 15:11|| Front Page Top

#12 Has Iran attacked the US? ummmmmmm....yes, I believe that the embassy takeover and hostage crises during Carter's aministration is all the provocation we need. That, along with what could be credible evidence that DenimJacket took a leading role in that attack, would seem to provide more than enough legal precedence.
Posted by Rex Mundi 2007-10-06 15:15||   2007-10-06 15:15|| Front Page Top

#13 Let’s understand some fundamental concepts. Oath. The enlisted oath has a line to ‘obey the President and the officers appointed over them’. The officer oath is only to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States. Fidelity is to the compact that forms the United States. The latter instance is of allegiance to law is pointed out because of several historic individuals obtained similar oaths of loyalty to themselves and not to law or a concept of law. One just has to look south to Hugo to see the process at work. No where is there cited Constitutional law as the basis for the military to obey such direction. The only way to do so would for the structure of law to be set aside to include those Constitutional guarantees of liberty these wretched few are exercising. What can not be achieved through the proper organs of democratic government they seek to impose. What they are expressing is clearly sedition. As they sow, so shall they reap.
Posted by Procopius2k 2007-10-06 15:43||   2007-10-06 15:43|| Front Page Top

#14 Silly leftists, facts are for kids!

Fact: The 1979 attack on and occupation of the US embassy in Tehran for 444 days constituted an unprovoked attack and occupation of US soil. Under the UN charter, a nation is allowed to defend itself and its territory by any means necessary, when and where the state under attack decides to respond.

Fact: Multiple assassinations and attacks on US installations around the world by one terrorist group or another have been directly linked to Iran and/or it's state-sponsored terrorist groups. Under international law and the Geneva Convention, an attack on a foreign nation by a state-sponsored group can be considered an attack on the foreign nation by the state sponsoring the group that conducted the attack(s).

Fact: Technology and weapons used to kill US soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan have been directly linked to Iran and/or its state-sponsored terrorist groups. Under international law, a state sponsoring the deaths of another state's soldiers in any fashion can be considered to have made a direct attack upon the state whose soldiers are dying by use of weapons supplied by the other state.

Fact: A nation whose ally or allies are attacked by a foreign power is permitted by international law to respond to the attack upon its ally or allies in a manner such that the responding and allied power had been itself attacked by the offending state.

Fact: Iran declared war upon the United States of America not just once in 1979, but many times since. By Iran's own past and current actions it has provoked not only direct confrontation with the United States, but direct response by the United States to Iran's unprovoked and continued attacks upon the United States, its citizens, and its allies.

Unprovoked, my ass. Iran has it coming and has had it coming since 1979 at least.

Posted by FOTSGreg">FOTSGreg  2007-10-06 16:42||   2007-10-06 16:42|| Front Page Top

#15 nicely stated, Greg
Posted by Frank G">Frank G  2007-10-06 17:19||   2007-10-06 17:19|| Front Page Top

#16 On reflection, the current precedent as set by the SCOTUS is Brandenburg v. Ohio (1969):

"It held that government cannot punish inflammatory speech unless it is directed to inciting *and* likely to incite imminent lawless action."

So they would find that unless the president had already issued orders to the military that conflict with Iran is imminent, *and* some military personnel, having received this warning order, were already citing their intention to disobey it, based on this letter, then this letter would be legal.

They would probably have to cite a second, subsequent letter, after the order was issued.

However, whether or not it was a lawful order in the first place, would not be in question, as both the WH legal staff and the Attorney General would need to make determinations before the fact that it was legal, both by US and international law.

So legality would be presumed until the president's order was challenged in court, probably much later.
Posted by Anonymoose 2007-10-06 18:25||   2007-10-06 18:25|| Front Page Top

#17 Iran initiated the Islamic Cold War against us in 1979, but we need to be subtle in how we progress toward winning it. Until we have exhausted every form of subversion, diplomatic and economic pressure at our disposal a direct physical confrontation between the U.S. and Iran should be avoided.

As things are now progressing, the likelihood is great that Iraq will be stabilized before Iran's nuclear weapons development program can come to fruition. This would strengthen our hand in dealing with them and give us time to attempt the overthrow of the mullahcracy by less drastic means.

Of course if it is determined that Iran's nuclear program is prematurely approaching completion Israeli and/or U.S. aerial actions could be taken to degrade the facilities, but we are not there yet.

As for the Useful Idiot Brigades who signed this petition, most of these deluded Leftists probably see Iran as a harmless victim of American imperialist aggression. While I do not believe there is anything criminal about the petition, it seems as laughably foolhardy as a similar 1930's petition aimed at heading off war with Nazi Germany would have been.
Posted by Grumenk Philalzabod0723 2007-10-06 18:30||   2007-10-06 18:30|| Front Page Top

#18 might prompt the formidable Iranian military to attack

LOL, the Iranians ghostwrote this for them?
Posted by KBK 2007-10-06 18:32||   2007-10-06 18:32|| Front Page Top

#19 wishful thinking - they want us to LOSE
Posted by Frank G">Frank G  2007-10-06 18:39||   2007-10-06 18:39|| Front Page Top

#20 Not sure what happened to Willy Nelson, maybe too much weed or the Hollywood crowd.
Posted by RWV 2007-10-06 19:05||   2007-10-06 19:05|| Front Page Top

#21 Now I have a target list... None of these people will see any support from me. I will not pay to watch their programs, I will not buy their material, I will not mention them to others (except with derision), I will not listen to radio stations that broadcast their materials (big deal - I don't listen to radio anyway, but just saying), and I will not acknowledge their presence, that they are citizens of the United States, or that they have any intrinsic worth other than as fertilizer. May God deal with them as He will, the traitorous swine.
Posted by Old Patriot">Old Patriot  2007-10-06 19:25||]">[]  2007-10-06 19:25|| Front Page Top

#22 None of these people will see any support from me. I will not pay to watch their programs, I will not buy their material, I will not mention them to others (except with derision), I will not listen to radio stations that broadcast their materials (big deal - I don't listen to radio anyway, but just saying), and I will not acknowledge their presence, that they are citizens of the United States, or that they have any intrinsic worth other than as fertilizer.

Bravo, Old Patriot. This is the sort of financial, intellectual and physical boycott that must be imposed upon Rosie O'Donnell, Michael Moore and all of their verminous co-conspirators. All of us need to increase public awareness of the threat Islam poses and the inaction or outright collaboration that so often greets us.

Just the other night, I took an extra few minutes to tell a young woman at a nearby store about the Saudi schoolgirls that burned to death and other diseased facets of shari'a law. She grew evermore stunned and I used the opportunity to close with a request that she please tell all of her friends about this ongoing war upon the West. We will succeed in this war against Islam by winning one mind at a time here at home. All of us know by now that we cannot trust the media to assist in any way.
Posted by Zenster">Zenster  2007-10-06 20:23||   2007-10-06 20:23|| Front Page Top

#23 U.S. Embassy. Strike one.

According to former FBI Director Louis Freeh, we've got Iran cold on Khobar Towers. Strike two.

SCOTUS already recognized the "Expanding Theatre of War" during the expansion of the Vietnam War into Cambodia.

Strike three.

These fuckers are out.
Posted by Mike N. 2007-10-06 21:34||   2007-10-06 21:34|| Front Page Top

#24 I am sure they signed a petition to ask Iran to stop killing out troops in Iraq.

I am sure.

I am SO these good people did...
Posted by Woozle Ulish3488 2007-10-06 23:00||   2007-10-06 23:00|| Front Page Top

23:57 Zenster
23:54 Zenster
23:50 Zenster
23:50 Classer
23:41 Zenster
23:38 Zenster
23:33 Zenster
23:29 Old Patriot
23:17 Zenster
23:17 Old Patriot
23:14 lotp
23:09 Zenster
23:07 Zenster
23:07 Glenmore
23:02 Zenster
23:00 Woozle Ulish3488
22:58 Redneck Jim
22:58 Zenster
22:55 Zenster
22:52 trailing wife
22:51 Zenster
22:47 lotp
22:35 Zenster
22:30 ed

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