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2004-04-20 Europe
France Detains Muslim Cleric Over Remarks on Wife-Beating
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Posted by Steve 2004-04-20 2:43:44 PM|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [17 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 Well, the battle lines are being drawn in France. It is soon becoming time to defecate or decommode™. Maybe there is some hope for France. I would hate to see the Islamist take them down the tubes. We will see if the govt has any resolve to a threat to their existance.
Posted by Alaska Paul 2004-04-20 3:58:02 PM||   2004-04-20 3:58:02 PM|| Front Page Top

#2 This article forgot to mention that the ban on headscarves is not just a ban on Muslim women wearing's a ban on any overt signs of religious affiliation, such as large crosses, Jewish yamikas (excuse the spelling)and Muslim headscarves. This article makes it seem like the crackdown only targets Muslims, and Alaska Paul, give me a break...what was the last time those weenies did anything to protect themselves?
Posted by Kentucky Beef 2004-04-20 6:24:04 PM||   2004-04-20 6:24:04 PM|| Front Page Top

#3 ima ima worr ima ima woorried worried worried bout this this this this this this
Posted by Last Shaker In France 2004-04-20 8:07:55 PM||   2004-04-20 8:07:55 PM|| Front Page Top

#4 Give France credit for cracking down on the religious nutz--now if the US would just do the same with Mr Speaking in Tongues prayer meetings in the DOJ Ashcroft we might equal the French's enlightened attitude
Posted by Not Mike Moore 2004-04-21 2:07:00 AM||   2004-04-21 2:07:00 AM|| Front Page Top

#5 Attorney General Ashcroft has done nothing wrong.
He keeps his Faith away from his job (and even if he didn't, Christianity isn't a religion of hate and murder).
Stop the Christian bashing!
Posted by Jen  2004-04-21 2:40:21 AM|| []  2004-04-21 2:40:21 AM|| Front Page Top

16:16 Glyph
23:48 Alaska Paul
23:17 Frank G
23:11 Frank G
23:09 Not Mike Moore
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12:27 Antiwar TROLL
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07:02 Shipman
07:01 Shipman
04:22 Jen
04:18 Bulldog
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03:36 Jen
03:14 Super Hose
03:11 Super Hose
02:49 Jen
02:46 Jen
02:43 Jen
02:40 Jen
02:19 Not Mike Moore
02:07 Not Mike Moore

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