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Migrant gets arrested for the 10th time in 10 months
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16 21:29 Frank G [260] 
1 12:50 Skidmark [40] 
6 08:21 MikeKozlowski [194] 
7 20:03 Canuckistan sniper [138] 
3 11:43 Grom the Reflective [69] 
0 [32] 
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4 11:12 Skidmark [201] 
2 12:54 Skidmark [56] 
0 [36] 
11 11:32 Grom the Reflective [175] 
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8 19:52 Lord Garth [136]
5 20:25 Super Hose [123]
3 19:46 Huputle+Cherelet4131 [108]
6 10:19 SteveS [155]
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6 13:06 irish rage boy [134]
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2 18:58 swksvolFF [101]
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6 19:21 Procopius2k [95]
1 09:05 DooDahMan [91]
11 19:18 Pancho Poodle8452 [201]
9 16:21 Besoeker [172]
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4 13:39 Old Salty [127]
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1 13:12 Skidmark [46]
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7 16:11 ed in texas [181]
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9 22:58 SteveS [176]
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4 16:16 ed in texas [108]
5 15:31 Super Hose [131]
3 15:29 Super Hose [73]
2 15:28 Super Hose [65]
-Lurid Crime Tales-
Migrant gets arrested for the 10th time in 10 months
[CWB] Why isn't he airdropped back at 25,000 ft?
Carlos Mavarez Viloria, a resident of the Standard Club migrant shelter in downtown Chicago, has been arrested ten times since arriving in our fair city last summer, according to police and court records.

Viloria was consistently released from custody after each arrest, but that ended with the tenth case, his first felony, and he is currently living in the Cook County jail.

His first arrest came on July 12, when he was accused of stealing 10 Major League Baseball hats, watches, a backpack, and food, worth a total of $193, from Walmart in Evergreen Park.

A judge issued a warrant for his arrest when he failed to appear in court the next month. But he wasn’t on the lam for long. The following day, Chicago police arrested him after security at Macy’s, 111 South State, claimed he attempted to shoplift $158 worth of t-shirts.

The following month, he was detained for allegedly possessing a crack pipe in the Loop. Prosecutors dropped the charge, but a judge ordered officials to destroy the crack pipe, records show.

He received seven days for the Walmart case, but prosecutors dropped the other two matters.

On November 24, he was arrested for shoplifting and narcotics possession at Nordstrom Rack, 24 North State. Prosecutors dropped those charges less than three weeks later.

In February, police arrested him twice, the first time for allegedly shoplifting at the Walmart in Evergreen Park. He never showed up in court, and a warrant has been out for his arrest since May 3, according to court records.

Later that month, Chicago police arrested Viloria after a convenience store clerk in the Loop reported that Viloria pulled a gun on him and said something like, “I will shoot you.”

Officers found Viloria inside a different 7-Eleven with a gun-shaped cigarette lighter, according to a CPD report. Prosecutors dropped the case less than a month later.

On April 12, Chicago police officers tazed Viloria after he allegedly ran from them twice and resisted arrest when they tried to detain him for stealing two 23.5-ounce Four Loko from a downtown convenience store. The case is still pending.

His eighth arrest came on April 19, when a security guard told him he was not allowed inside Walgreens, 2 North State, and he entered anyway, a CPD report said. Prosecutors dropped the case on May 14.

Arrest number nine? That was on April 27 at Pritzker Park. The police said he was selling men’s clothing without a permit.

“I bought the clothes from another person, and I’m selling it to make money for my kids,” he allegedly told the officers. Prosecutors dropped the case the next day.

That brings us to arrest number ten. It happened on May 15 at Pritzker Park. Cook County sheriff’s deputies arrested him for several shoplifting cases filed by TJ Maxx, 11 North State, according to court records.

Viloria pushed, struggled, and fell to the ground with one of the deputies. A second deputy suffered hand and arm injuries, the report said.

In addition to felony aggravated battery of a peace officer, Viloria was charged with resisting, reckless conduct, and shoplifting merchandise worth $450 from TJ Maxx, including men’s clothing and a suitcase, according to court filings. The alleged thefts occurred on April 9, April 25, April 30, and May 7.

Judge Ankur Srivastava issued a ruling allowing Viloria’s release under electronic monitoring. So far, though, that has not happened.

In other “new neighbor” developments:

  • Giovanny Tovar, a 44-year-old Venezuelan living at the Standard Club shelter, faces felony criminal damage charges after he allegedly threw an object and shattered the window of a Chicago police squad car posted outside the shelter on May 19, according to a CPD report.

  • Pedro Izquiel Omana, a 37-year-old Standard Club resident, is charged with operating a continuing financial crimes enterprise for allegedly shoplifting from three different stores in Orland Park on May 11.
Posted by: Frank G || 05/28/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [201 views] Top|| File under: Migrants/Illegal Immigrants

#1  May is 100th Anniversary of Congress' 1924 Immigration Reform
Posted by: Skidmark || 05/28/2024 5:17 Comments || Top||


Arrested 10 x's and still not deported or jailed.

If he were a White US Citizen, would that be the same case in Chicago ?
Posted by: NN2N1 || 05/28/2024 6:54 Comments || Top||

#3  That Carlos is a Non-J6 fella. Release not an issue.
Posted by: Besoeker || 05/28/2024 7:03 Comments || Top||

Islamic Emirate Denies Pakistani Claims of TTP Presence in Afghanistan
[TOLONEWS] Zabihullah Mujahid, the spokesperson of the Islamic Emirate, in response to recent statements made by Pakistain's Interior Minister, denied claims that the Tehrik-e-Taliban
...mindless ferocity in a turban...
Pakistain (TTP) is operating on Afghan soil.

Zabihullah Mujahid rejected the Pak official's claim and added that Kabul seeks to have good relations with Islamabad and that Afghanistan does not want war in Pakistain.

The spokesperson of the Islamic Emirate said, "First, we reject the claim that TTP leaders are in Afghanistan. We do not allow anyone to use Afghanistan's soil against other countries, and Afghanistan does not want war in Pakistain."

Earlier, the Pak Interior Minister, Mohsin Raza Naqvi, asked the Islamic Emirate to arrest and hand over the TTP leaders, who he claimed were planning attacks from Afghanistan.

Mohsin Raza Naqvi once again claimed in a presser yesterday (Sunday) that the TTP is present in Afghanistan. He called on the Islamic Emirate to arrest their leaders and hand them over to Pakistain.

According to Mohsin Reza Naqvi, Islamabad wants good relations with Kabul and does not want this issue to become contentious between the two countries.

Mohsin Raza Naqvi told news hounds, "We ask the caretaker government of Afghanistan to arrest and hand over Bakhtyar Shah, Qari Abdullah, Khan Lala, especially Noor Wali Mehsud, the leader of the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistain, and Azmatullah Mehsud, the commander, and several members of this group's leadership, to us as soon as possible. We want good relations with Afghanistan, and this is only possible if they cooperate with us and do not allow Afghanistan's soil to be used against us."

Some military analysts believe that the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistain is Islamabad's internal issue, and the country wants to make such claims for its own purposes.

Aziz Stanakzai, a military analyst, told TOLOnews, "Pakistain accusing Afghanistan and claiming that the TTP is present on Afghan soil and poses a threat from Afghan soil to Pakistain is not true."

Mohammad Matin Mohammadkhel, another military analyst, said: "The TTP has issues with the Pak government, and members of the TTP are from this country. They are not called terrorists; they are murderous Moslems and want Sharia and independence in Pakistain."

Previously, some Pak officials, including the country's Defense Minister, claimed that Afghanistan's soil was being used against Pakistain, and Islamabad had raised this issue with Kabul. However,
you can observe a lot just by watching...
the Islamic Emirate has repeatedly denied the use of Afghan soil against other countries and pledged that Afghanistan's soil will not be used against any country.

Posted by: Fred || 05/28/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [32 views] Top|| File under: Taliban/IEA

Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Russia Considering Removing 'Taliban' From Terrorist List
[TOLONEWS] The Russian Ministries of Justice and Foreign Affairs have presented President Vladimir Putin
...President-for-Life of Russia. He gets along well with other presidents for life. He is credited with bringing political stability and re-establishing something like the rule of law, which occasionally results in somebody dropping dead from poisoning by polonium or other interesting substance. Under Putin, a new group of business magnates controlling significant swathes of Russia's economy has emerged, all of whom have close personal ties to him. The old bunch, without close personal ties to Putin, are in jail or in exile or dead from poisoning by polonium or other interesting substances...
with a proposal to potentially remove the name 'Taliban
...Arabic for students...
' from the list of designated terrorist groups.
Russia has been trying to rehabilitate the Taliban since about two minutes after the Coalition left… if not before.
According to TASS news agency, Zamir Kabulov, Russia's special representative for Afghanistan, stated that many government institutions in the country have supported this decision.

Kabulov also mentioned that although the "Taliban" have come a long way towards recognition since their rule in Afghanistan, there are still some "hurdles."

TASS, citing Zamir Kabulov, said: "The Taliban government has come a long way towards being recognized since it came to power in Afghanistan in 2021. But there are still a few hurdles to overcome, after which the Russian leadership will make a decision."

Javid Momand, a university lecturer, told TOLOnews: "If Russia decides to remove the names of senior members of the Islamic Emirate from the blacklist or sanction list, I think this will have an impact because Russia is a military power today."

The Islamic Emirate has not recently commented on this; however, it had previously stated that if this decision is implemented, trust between the two countries will increase.

Aziz Maarij, a former diplomat, said: "Indeed, if Russia wants to remove the Taliban from the terrorist blacklist, this will bring Russia closer to the Islamic Emirate, and the world will also grant a privilege to the Taliban and recognize them as rulers."

TASS news agency had previously reported that the Russian Foreign Ministry is reviewing the removal of the Taliban from the list of terrorist groups.

Lavrov calls the idea to exclude the Taliban from the list of banned groups a reflection of reality
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
[Regnum] The initiative to possibly exclude the Taliban movement (the organization is under UN sanctions for terrorist activities) from the list of terrorist organizations reflects objective reality. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov announced this on May 27.

“This process reflects an awareness of reality,” the minister emphasized.

The head of the foreign policy department explained that the Taliban is the real power in Afghanistan, and Russia is not indifferent to Afghanistan.

“It is not indifferent to our allies, especially in Central Asia,” Lavrov added.

As Regnum reported, on May 27, the director of the second Asian department of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Zamir Kabulov, said that the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Justice reported to President Vladimir Putin that the Taliban movement can be excluded from the list of prohibited organizations. The diplomat stressed that without this step it would be premature to talk about recognition.

He noted that the position of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was conveyed in agreement with other departments. Recognition of the Taliban government by Russia is much closer than when they came to power in Afghanistan in 2021, the diplomat added. However, Kabulov emphasized that there are a number of issues that need to be overcome. Then the Russian leadership will make a decision.

The radical Taliban movement took control of Afghanistan in 2021. At the same time, American troops and Afghan President Ashraf Ghani hastily left the country. The Taliban entered Kabul without a fight.

In January, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that representatives of the Taliban movement as a whole control power in Afghanistan, and Russia does not stop contacts with them. Issues whose resolution is necessary for them to become a fully recognized government are also being discussed with the Taliban, Lavrov added.

The Foreign Ministry reported on April 1 that they had begun to consider the issue of lifting the Taliban’s status as a terrorist organization, but the final decision would be made by the country’s top political leadership. Press Secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov noted on April 2 that Russia is conducting a dialogue with the movement in power in Afghanistan, as it is necessary to resolve pressing issues.

In December 2023, the Kazakh authorities decided to remove the Taliban from the list of terrorists. Russian Foreign Ministry official Maria Zakharova expressed hope that such a step will have a positive impact on the dialogue with Afghanistan and strengthen security in the region. The diplomat noted that the exclusion of the Taliban from the terrorist list will contribute to its removal from international isolation.

Since March 2022, Moscow has established diplomatic relations with Afghanistan and accredited diplomats from the government formed by the Taliban.

Posted by: Fred || 05/28/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [27 views] Top|| File under: Taliban/IEA

Israel’s ambassador to Dublin concerned Ireland’s recognition of Palestinian state could harm tech ties
[IsraelTimes] Israel’s ambassador to Dublin warns that a crisis in bilateral ties over Ireland’s plan to recognize a Paleostinian state sends the wrong message about Ireland as a tech hub and is worrying Israeli investors in the Irish IT services sector.

Speaking in Jerusalem, where she has held Foreign Ministry consultations after being recalled in protest, Ambassador Dana Erlich voices hope of returning to Ireland, although she says she sees its government as siding with the Paleostinians against Israel. She says, however, that many Irish people sympathize with Israel "behind the scenes."

"I think there is a lot of potential in our bilateral relations, if it’s cybersecurity or health care, climate change. I hope to be given that opportunity to continue that," Erlich says.

But she says a public mood of hostility, which some Jews have deemed antisemitic, is making Israelis question their place in Ireland — a threat to tech services that account for the lion’s share of some $5 billion in annual trade between the countries.

"We are getting more and more phone calls and conversations of concerned people — if it’s Israelis who invest in Ireland and are concerned about their investment, if it’s Israelis who have relocated to Ireland into different tech companies and either are requesting to be relocated somewhere else or asking to return to Israel," Erlich says.

"I think it sends the wrong message about the location and the centrality of Ireland as a tech hub when there are more and more people who are concerned about moving to Ireland. I don’t think that this is the message that Ireland wants to send to the world... And this is not what we want to see."
Posted by: trailing wife || 05/28/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [36 views] Top|| File under: Hamas

Fifth Column
Hamas thanks student protesters, dubs them part of the Oct. 7 'flood' to annihilate Jews
[CampusReform] A senior Hamas official thanked student protesters at American universities for their efforts following the creation of anti-Israel encampments at many college campuses.
"You make us proud!"
A senior Hamas
..a regional Iranian catspaw,...
official thanked student protesters at American universities for their efforts following the creation of anti-Israel encampments at many college campuses. The official used language that likened the wave of student occupations to Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack on Israel, referred to by Hamas as operation "Al Aqsa Flood."

The comments were made in Arabic by senior Hamas official Khaled Mashal on May 18 and translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute.

"We thank the great student flood which emerged from the American, European, and Western universities," Mashal said. "We have an opportunity to defeat Israel, Allah willing. We have an opportunity to dismantle the Zionist enterprise. We have an opportunity to change the world."

"And to make Paleostine a blessing to mankind, by annihilating the Zionists and their sinful enterprise," Mashal added.

Mashal said "three major steps" are "required" from those protesting against Israel for Paleostine.

The first step, according to Mashal, is to "continue what you started immediately following October 7."

"The activities and the programs that you have held throughout the past 8 months - you should continue the," Mashal said. "Continue your financial Jihad. We want a continuous financial Flood, in support of Gazoo
...Hellhole adjunct to Israel and Egypt's Sinai Peninsula, inhabited by Gazooks. The place was acquired in the wake of the 1967 War and then presented to Paleostinian control in 2006 by Ariel Sharon, who had entered his dotage. It is currently ruled with an iron fist by Hamas with about the living conditions you'd expect. It periodically attacks the Hated Zionist Entity whenever Iran needs a ruckus created or the hard boyz get bored, getting thumped by the IDF in return. The ruling turbans then wave the bloody shirt and holler loudly about oppression and disproportionate response...
, to provide the people shelter, aid, and food, in support of the mujahideen, and in order to buy weapons for them."

Mashal also called on individuals to "siege" Israeli and American embassies.

"We want a flood in the form of a siege of the Israeli and American embassies. We want constant rage that will stop this aggression. We want a media Flood that will deliver its message. We want the truthful Paleostinian narrative to reach far and to control all social media platforms and all forums. We want a legal Flood, like in the Hague. We should prosecute the criminal killers. We stand by South Africa and the countries that have now joined it — The Sick Man of Europe Turkey
...the occupiers of Greek Asia Minor...
, Libya, and Egypt," Mashal said.

The second step, Mashal said, "is that we want to become involved in the battle of Jihad and resistance."

"Today, we have a greater duty to do more than all we have done before. Indeed, on several fronts, there is blessed participation in the Jihad, and we are grateful to the people behind it. We want total integration in the battle on the ground. Today, we want a Flood of Jihad and resistance," he said. "It is good for Mankind, because annihilating the Zionists is good for humanity as a whole."

Posted by: trailing wife || 05/28/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [175 views] Top|| File under: Hamas

#1  Not the Bee!
Posted by: Grom the Reflective || 05/28/2024 0:19 Comments || Top||

#2  The muslim nations of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation i understand why they back hamas

But south africa???
Posted by: Anon1 || 05/28/2024 1:01 Comments || Top||

#3  Communists hate Jews, Anon1.
Posted by: trailing wife || 05/28/2024 2:15 Comments || Top||

#4  #2 A failed state desperately seeking importance.
Posted by: Grom the Reflective || 05/28/2024 2:22 Comments || Top||

#5  Ref #2: As the sun was gong down across the Veldt, strategic precautions were taken. For this we can be thankful.

Nuclear Disarmament South Africa
Part of Nuclear Disarmament Resource Collection
Posted by: Besoeker || 05/28/2024 4:33 Comments || Top||

US LAW: Supplying or Supporting terrorist groups that are on the US State Dept Terrorist Watch List is a Felony with a 5 to 10 sentence.

Posted by: NN2N1 || 05/28/2024 8:55 Comments || Top||

#8  Communists seem to hate everybody but themselves, and even that is questionable.
Posted by: DooDahMan || 05/28/2024 9:00 Comments || Top||

#9  Oh yeah, it's about time Israel stood up to of the ICC. What's that slogan? "Mossad: it's never an accident".

Posted by: Cromonter Spawn of the Faeries8107 || 05/28/2024 11:01 Comments || Top||

#10  Al Grauniad, Herb? Really?
Posted by: Frank G || 05/28/2024 11:14 Comments || Top||

#11  Yea, well, when Karim Khan ends in a cell like his brother Imran - he won't be able to say he wasn't warned.
Posted by: Grom the Reflective || 05/28/2024 11:32 Comments || Top||

Great White North
Canada pledges temporary visas for 5,000 Gaza residents related to citizens
[IsraelTimes] In preparatory move in case Palestinians are able to leave the Strip in the future, Canada’s interior ministry ups original allotment from 1,000 after wide interest in program

Canada announced on Monday that it will grant temporary visas to 5,000 Gazoo
...Hellhole adjunct to Israel and Egypt's Sinai Peninsula, inhabited by Gazooks. The place was acquired in the wake of the 1967 War and then presented to Paleostinian control in 2006 by Ariel Sharon, who had entered his dotage. It is currently ruled with an iron fist by Hamas with about the living conditions you'd expect. It periodically attacks the Hated Zionist Entity whenever Iran needs a ruckus created or the hard boyz get bored, getting thumped by the IDF in return. The ruling turbans then wave the bloody shirt and holler loudly about oppression and disproportionate response...
residents under a special program for relatives of Canadian living in the war-torn Paleostinian enclave, a preparatory move in case they are able to leave in the future.

That figure is an increase from the 1,000 temporary resident visas allotted under a special program for Gaza announced in December, the Canadian immigration ministry said in a statement, adding that many people had expressed interest.

"While movement out of Gaza is not currently possible, the situation may change at any time. With this cap increase, we will be ready to help more people as the situation evolves," Canadian Immigration Minister Marc Miller said.

The minister had previously said that leaving Gaza is extremely difficult and dependent on approval from Israel.

Canada has been sharing the names of Gaza residents who have passed preliminary screening to local authorities to secure their exit, Miller said. Israel and Egypt are important to the program’s efforts toward reuniting families in Canada, he added.

There was no immediate comment from Israel or Egypt regarding Canada’s announcement.

A spokesperson for Miller said 448 Gazooks had been issued a temporary visa, including 254 under a public policy, and that 41 have arrived in Canada so far.

The temporary visas are valid for three years after entering the country, according to the Canadian government website.

An estimated 1.7 million people, more than 75% of Gaza’s population, have been displaced, according to the UN Paleostinian refugee agency UNRWA.

Posted by: trailing wife || 05/28/2024 2024-05-28 02:10 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [138 views] Top|| File under: Hamas

#1  Bets on how many will cross the border into USA?
Posted by: Grom the Reflective || 05/28/2024 4:45 Comments || Top||

#2  /\ Phase-II.
Posted by: Besoeker || 05/28/2024 4:53 Comments || Top||

#3  Most of Gaza will end up in USA. There's nowhere else for them to go. Arab nations won't take them and they must not stay in Gaza. They are genocidal antisemites. Fortunately, there is a nation of immigrants who is a great friend to Israel.
Posted by: Cromonter Spawn of the Faeries8107 || 05/28/2024 7:54 Comments || Top||

#4  I understand Yellowknife is nice this time of year.
Posted by: Procopius2k || 05/28/2024 8:03 Comments || Top||

#5  While movement out of Gaza is not currently possible

So,...kind of an empty gesture.
Posted by: Skidmark || 05/28/2024 12:53 Comments || Top||

#6  While movement out of Gaza is not currently possible

Only true if one is a Gazan with no money and no connections. The other kind have been moving out of Gaza since about 10/10 last year. We had an article about it recently.
Posted by: trailing wife || 05/28/2024 17:12 Comments || Top||

#7  Ah JEEZ!!!!!
Posted by: Canuckistan sniper || 05/28/2024 20:03 Comments || Top||

How's Biden's Hamas Pier Going? About As Well As Everything Else He Touches

Noah Pollack: "Update on the Biden admin’s Gaza pier to nowhere: Parts of it have broken free and washed up in Israel. And virtually all of the aid that was delivered was stolen by Hamas. A $320M fleecing of the US taxpayer. There should be hearings."

More: 4 Army Vessels Run Aground Near Floating Gaza Pier.

To be fair, Biden promised "no boots on the ground" and said nothing about boats.

UPDATE (FROM GLENN): With a possible war in the Pacific looming, a logistics/engineering failure of this magnitude bodes poorly. We were great at this stuff in WWII, and as recently as twenty years ago. What are we great at now?

Pronouns, I guess.
Posted by: DarthVader || 05/28/2024 08:58 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [260 views] Top|| File under: Hamas

#1  Yup
Posted by: Frank G || 05/28/2024 9:47 Comments || Top||

#2  "When you retrieve those ...uh...components, make sure your boots don't touch ground!"
Posted by: Frank G || 05/28/2024 10:25 Comments || Top||

#3  Or ground the boat on the beach to pick them up then tow it off. No boots on the ground!
Posted by: DarthVader || 05/28/2024 10:28 Comments || Top||

#4  1990s naval slogan: "Forward... from the sea"
2024 slogan: Forward... from under the sea"
Posted by: SteveS || 05/28/2024 10:32 Comments || Top||

#5  From Mulberry to Dingleberry.

This was all a bad idea, but talk about sitting on the plunger.
Posted by: swksvolFF || 05/28/2024 10:36 Comments || Top||

#6  None of the links work. They all seem to have 'r-burg-dot-com' before the http link.
Posted by: Bobby || 05/28/2024 12:01 Comments || Top||

#7  ^ Weird. Fixed now?
Posted by: Frank G || 05/28/2024 12:11 Comments || Top||

#8  I wonder, do the selvage rules apply (IDF never had a floating pier before)?
Posted by: Grom the Reflective || 05/28/2024 12:33 Comments || Top||

#9  The pier is now a breakwater and beach erosion attenuation device. Always the greenies.
Posted by: Skidmark || 05/28/2024 12:48 Comments || Top||

Posted by: Beldar+Uneter3543 || 05/28/2024 12:51 Comments || Top||

#11  I wonder, do the selvage rules apply (IDF never had a floating pier before)?

I would say it is all yours. Please take this off our hands.
Posted by: DarthVader || 05/28/2024 13:07 Comments || Top||

#12  Beldar @#10, nice vids. The question I always have:
Who took these shots? HOW?
Posted by: ed in texas || 05/28/2024 15:47 Comments || Top||

#13  apparently the JLOTS was designed to be installed when seas were under 3' and winds under 15 mph

that seems to me to make this technology pretty close to uselss

Posted by: Lord Garth || 05/28/2024 21:09 Comments || Top||

#14  #12 From a much larger, therefore much more stable vessel in rough seas such as an aircraft carrier???
Posted by: Angealing+B.+Hayes4677 || 05/28/2024 21:15 Comments || Top||

#15  apparently the JLOTS was designed to be installed when seas were under 3' and winds under 15 mph

So basically inland lakes on a reasonably calm day. Invading Galveston is pretty much out of the question.

On positive note, underwater wrecks make for some good fishing.
Posted by: SteveS || 05/28/2024 21:20 Comments || Top||

#16  "Juice seas disrupted our aid!"
Posted by: Frank G || 05/28/2024 21:29 Comments || Top||

Ex-Mossad chief 'threatened' ICC prosecutor to drop Israel investigation - report
[Jpost] Former head of the Mossad, Yossi Cohen, reportedly pressured former International Criminal Court (ICC) prosecutor Fatou Bensouda to close the investigation of Israeli war crimes, The Guardian reported on Tuesday.
“Once upon a time, O Best Beloved, in a land far, far away…” Not current event, then.
According to the report, Cohen and Bensouda secretly met in the years preceding her decision to open an official investigation in 2021 on suspicion of war crimes and crimes against humanity in the Palestinian territories.

The Guardian noted that Cohen’s involvement against the ICC occurred while he served as head of the Mossad. The report cited an Israeli source that noted that the Mossad sought to “compromise the prosecutor or enlist her as someone who would cooperate with Israel’s demands.”

Another source told The Guardian that Cohen was acting as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's "unofficial messenger."

The Guardian quoted Cohen as saying, “You should help us and let us take care of you. You don’t want to be getting into things that could compromise your security or that of your family.”

Other reports of intimidation were revealed by The Guardian, which added that the Mossad, under Cohen’s tenure, took an interest in the prosecutor’s family, even obtaining transcripts of conversations between Bensouda and her husband in an attempt to use these conversations to discredit her.

An individual, quoted by The Guardian, stated that Cohen used “despicable tactics” against the former prosecutor, even likening his behavior to “stalking.”

Additionally, in the attempts to sway Bensouda, Israel was reportedly supported by Joseph Kabila, former president of the Democratic Republic of Congo, who played an unknown role in supporting the alleged acts.

The investigation came to light following Karim Khan, Bensouda’s successor, announcing his intention to seek arrest warrants for senior Israeli officials, among them Netanyahu.A spokesperson for the Prime Minister’s Office, when contacted by The Guardian, said, “The questions forwarded to us are replete with many false and unfounded allegations meant to hurt the state of Israel.”

Cohen, the former Mossad chief, was also a former close confidant of Netanyahu. He joined the Mossad in the early 1980s and was appointed as head of the Mossad by Netanyahu in 2015. He retired from Israeli intelligence in 2021.

Cohen has been involved in other controversial incidents as Mossad chief. Earlier in May, he told the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) that the Israeli government approached Qatar to fund civilian life in the Gaza Strip, including negotiating transfers of money to Hamas.

The New York Times also substantiated Cohen’s remarks, noting that he managed the Qatari file for several years while serving as Mossad chief. The report stated that during his final years as Mossad head, he believed “there was little oversight over where the money was going.”
Posted by: Skidmark || 05/28/2024 06:05 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [40 views] Top|| File under: Hamas

#1  Does the lady travel via helicopter?
Posted by: Skidmark || 05/28/2024 12:50 Comments || Top||

Air Force camp fails inspection: ‘Nothing learned from Oct. 7′
[May 27, 2024 / JNS] IDF inspectors posing as thieves succeeded in infiltrating a sensitive Air Force site and simulating the theft of ammunition and weapons.

Military officials criticized the facility’s lapse in security and the lack of discipline of the soldiers stationed there, saying that the lessons of Oct. 7 have not been learned.

"We all learned that adherence to routine procedures is important. You never know when the tide will turn," an IDF spokesman said.

The inspection took place as part of a general audit of the IDF’s Judea and Samaria Division.

"The camp defense system regularly conducts surprise inspections of the security of the camps. An audit was carried out in the camp, the findings of which were forwarded to the commanders," the IDF spokesman said.

"The determination that the camp failed the audit will only be accepted after a thorough investigation of commanders and examination of the findings," he added.

Once completed, the findings of the camp’s audit will be presented to OC Air Force Maj. Gen. Tomer Bar.

A routine inspection of Israel Defense Forces posts along the Gaza border carried out 72 hours before Hamas’s Oct. 7 onslaught showed a severe lack of preparedness.

Only one IDF base received a passing mark, the Yiftah outpost near the seaside Zikim training base. All other positions failed the Oct. 4 audit, Channel 12 reported.

The report detailed the results of an assessment of the Nahal Oz base, where Hamas terrorists on Oct. 7 killed 66 soldiers and kidnapped six.

Troops failed to prevent unauthorized people from entering the base on foot or by car, entering the operations rooms, taking sensitive materials, stealing the keys to the armory and leaving with weapons.

The IDF in response to the report said the inspection was a "routine defense inspection that was carried out with the aim of improving the security of the bases, and not an examination of a scenario simulating a sudden attack of thousands of terrorists, as had occurred on October 7.

"The IDF has started the investigation into the events of October 7 and what preceded them, and when this is concluded, the findings will be presented in a transparent way to the public," added the statement.

The army is concerned about camp infiltrations and the theft of ammunition and weapons, which can find their way into the hands of terrorist and criminal organizations.

In a particularly embarrassing event, the IDF in June 2011 discovered the theft of eight F-15 and F-16 fighter engines from the Tel Nof Air Base south of Rehovot.
Posted by: Besoeker || 05/28/2024 04:03 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [194 views] Top|| File under:

#1  The IDF in response to the report said the inspection was a "routine defense inspection that was carried out with the aim of improving the security of the bases, and not an examination of a scenario simulating a sudden attack of thousands of terrorists, as had occurred on October 7.

Thank you for your interest in national defense. We'll handle it from here.

Posted by: Besoeker || 05/28/2024 4:12 Comments || Top||

#2  Hopefully, heads will roll.
Posted by: Grom the Reflective || 05/28/2024 4:42 Comments || Top||

#3  "Hopefully" someone is taking detailed notes here.
Posted by: Besoeker || 05/28/2024 4:55 Comments || Top||

#4  Our US Navy didn't learn much from Pearl Harbor. Just 8 months later they would 'line them up again' for another round.
Posted by: Procopius2k || 05/28/2024 8:08 Comments || Top||

#5  Sounds like the US military and being more concerned with DEI crap instead of making sure they are ready to kill somebody.
Posted by: DarthVader || 05/28/2024 8:20 Comments || Top||

#6  ...After Khobar Towers - where 45 airmen and NCOs from my base ended up with Purple Hearts - we pushed awareness of how it happened and what to do, followed up by exercises where we simulated the events leading up to it.

The troops dropped the ball. They finally got it right later, but it took a lot of beating.

Posted by: MikeKozlowski || 05/28/2024 8:21 Comments || Top||

Shrapnel from Israeli strike may have ignited fuel tank near Rafah tents, report says
Lord Garth called it yesterday in comments.
[IsraelTimes] Israeli officials have told the US that they believe tents housing displaced Gazooks went up in flames after a fuel tank was set alight following an Arclight airstrike
on top Hamas
:#FFFB99'>..the braying voice of Islamic Resistance®,...
forces of Evil nearby, ABC news reports.

The tank was located some 100 meters (330 feet) from the area targeted in the airstrike, but was ignited by shrapnel or something else following the Israeli attack, the network reports, citing an unnamed US official.

According to the report, the US has no way to validate or reject Israel’s version of events and is awaiting the outcome of a probe into the deadly incident.
Posted by: trailing wife || 05/28/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [56 views] Top|| File under: Hamas

#1  Strike ==> Secondary explosions ==> Unprotected fuel tank. Another genocide!!!
Posted by: Grom the Reflective || 05/28/2024 4:48 Comments || Top||

#2  Or shit just blew up.
Posted by: Skidmark || 05/28/2024 12:54 Comments || Top||

UN nuclear watchdog says Iran expanding stockpile of near-weapons grade uranium
[IsraelTimes] Tehran has not reconsidered barring of IAEA’s most experienced inspectors, confidential report says, as talks with Islamic Republic falter after president’s fatal crash

...a theocratic Shiite state divided among the Medes, the Persians, and the (Arab) Elamites. Formerly a fairly civilized nation ruled by a Shah, it became a victim of Islamic revolution in 1979. The nation is today noted for spontaneously taking over other countries' embassies, maintaining whorehouses run by clergymen, involvement in international drug trafficking, and financing sock puppet militias to extend the regime's influence. The word Iran is a cognate form of Aryan. The abbreviation IRGC is the same idea as Stürmabteilung (or SA). The term Supreme Guide is a the modern version form of either Duce or Führer or maybe both. They hate Jews Zionists Jews. Their economy is based on the production of oil and vitriol...
has further increased its stockpile of uranium enriched to near weapons-grade levels, a confidential report by the United Nations
...where theory meets practice and practice loses...
’ nuclear watchdog said Monday.

The report, seen by The News Agency that Dare Not be Named, said Iran now has 142.1 kilograms (313.2 pounds) of uranium enriched up to 60% — an increase of 20.6 kilograms (45.4 pounds) since the last report in February. Uranium enriched at 60% purity is just a short, technical step away from weapons-grade levels of 90%.

According to the report, Iran’s overall stockpile of enriched uranium stands at 6201.3 kilograms (13671.5 pounds), which represents an increase of 675.8 kilograms (1489.8 pounds) since the last report by the ineffective International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

In its current report, the IAEA also said Tehran has not reconsidered the agency’s September 2023 decision of barring the most experienced nuclear inspectors from monitoring its nuclear program, but added that it expected Iran "to do so in the context of the ongoing consultations between the Agency and Iran."

The IAEA also said that the deaths of Iran’s president and foreign minister in a helicopter crash last week have caused a pause in the UN nuclear watchdog’s talks with Tehran over improving cooperation.

In its current report, the IAEA said that Iran suggested in a letter dated May 21 that discussions related to the cooperation between the IAEA and Iran "be continued in Tehran on an appropriate date that will be mutually agreed upon."

Posted by: trailing wife || 05/28/2024 2024-05-28 02:05 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [69 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Iran

#2  Ref #1: Brennan, Obama, ValJar shadow gov't guidance.
Posted by: Besoeker || 05/28/2024 7:10 Comments || Top||

#3  Iran Denies Sabotage in President's Death After Helicopter Crash
Posted by: Grom the Reflective || 05/28/2024 11:43 Comments || Top||

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