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Logar Governor Killed By Blast in Mosque
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Logar Governor Killed By Blast in Mosque
[TOLONEWS] Local security officials of eastern Pashtun-infested Logar province Tuesday said that the provincial governor, Arsala Jamal, was killed in a blast in a mosque during morning Eid prayer. Fifteen civilians were also reported injured by the kaboom.

The incident took place in Pul-e-Alam, the capital of the province, around 9:00am when an bomb placed inside the mosque detonated, said Abdul Sabor Nasrati, Provincial Police Chief.

The victims have been taken to a nearby hospital for emergency treatment and police have already started investigating the incident. The mosque and the area around it have been cleared and secured.

According to Pashtun-infested Logar officials, preliminary inspections of the scene show that the bomb was hidden inside the mosque's microphone. Reportedly, the device did not detonate until Jamal was in front of the microphone delivering a speech, which could explain why he was the only person immediately killed by the kaboom.

No one has yet grabbed credit for the attack, though many have been quick to suspect Taliban involvement.

Pashtun-infested Logar police said the same mosque was swept on Monday and two Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) were found and disabled.

"Our enemies never sit quite and are always ready to attack, and this incident shows that we have weaknesses," said Mohammad Omar Doudzai, the recently appointed Interior Minister. "We will investigate the murder and take measures moving forward to make sure this doesn't happen again."

Governor Jamal previously served as the executive of Khost province
... across the border from Miranshah, within commuting distance of Haqqani hangouts such as Datta Khel and probably within sight of Mordor. Khost is populated by six different tribes of Pashtuns, the largest probably being the Khostwal, from which it takes its name...
, where he was able to avoid numerous attempts against his life.

The liquidation comes just a week after Latifullah Mehsud, a close aide of Hakeemullah Mehsud, the leader of the Pak Taliban, was placed in durance vile
Drop the gat, Rocky, or you're a dead 'un!
by U.S. forces in the Mohammad Agha district of Pashtun-infested Logar. Mehsud was accused of involvement in a number of terrorist attacks in Pakistain and Afghanistan as well as the bombing plot targeting Times Square in New York City in 2010.

Back in August, Pashtun-infested Logar security officials noted an increase in bad turban attacks on bridges and other infrastructure throughout the province, particularly in the Mohammad Agha district.

Pashtun-infested Logar is considered one of the more restive provinces in Afghanistan, being a focal point of Taliban operations and festivities between Death Eaters and Afghan cops recently.

The opening of a number of the province's voter registration centers for next spring's Presidential and Provincial elections was delayed on account of security concerns over the summer.

This isn't the first time a Pashtun-infested Logar Governor has been assassinated. In 2008, then provincial governor Abdullah Wardak was killed by a remote control mine detonated by Taliban Death Eaters as he departed his house.

Tuesday morning's incident also bears resemblance to the 2010 Taliban liquidation of Kunduz Governor Mohammad Omar, the last time a provincial governor was killed in Afghanistan. Omar was targeted and killed by a bombing inside of a mosque during the month of October.
Posted by: Fred || 10/17/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under: Taliban

#1  According to some accounts, the bomb was hidden in a copy of the Quran.

Because the Paks and other nearby low brows seem to fly into the street to demonstrate and burn down US assets when a US soldier "defiles" the Quran, I wonder how long we have to wait for the screams and cries of the indignant ignorant in Pakistain?

How come they don't riot when a Moslem terrorist desecrates a Quran but they will riot for days and kill hundreds when a US soldier does it?
Posted by: Bill Clinton || 10/17/2013 11:49 Comments || Top||

#2  Bomb in a mic? Now that sounds like a hot item. Wonder if it's available Amazon Prime?
Posted by: KBK || 10/17/2013 14:04 Comments || Top||

NDS Reveals Details of Jamal Assassination, Condemnations Flow
[TOLONEWS] Only a day after the liquidation of Pashtun-infested Logar Governor Arsala Jamal, the National Directorate of Security's (NDS) investigation has already yielded shocking details about the incident. Meanwhile,
...back at the Council of Boskone, Helmuth ordered the space pirate fleet to attack Zemblonia...
Afghans and members of the international community alike have spoken up in condemnation of the attack.

According to NDS officials, the bomb that detonated around 9:00am on Tueday at a mosque in Pul-e-Alam, leaving the provincial governor dead and nineteen others maimed, was hidden inside the Holy Qur'an being used for the morning Eid prayer. This report contradicts the initial information provided after the incident by local police, which mistakenly had the device planted inside the mosque's microphone.

The killing of Jamal marks the second time since the fall of the Taliban that a Pashtun-infested Logar Governor has been assassinated. Back in 2008, then Governor Abdullah Wardak was killed by a remote control mine detonated by nearby hard boyz while he was leaving his house.

Although no one has grabbed credit for Tuesday's attack, many have been quick to suspect Taliban involvement.

The NDS' blurb condemned the liquidation as a defamation of Islamic teachings and humanitarian values. But it was hardly the only denouncement of the attack that has surfaced since Tuesday morning.

United Nations
...an idea whose time has gone...
(UN) officials criticized the attack, with a front man in Kabul describing it as an inhuman and brutal act that turned people's happiness during the Eid holiday into fear and sorrow.

"We strongly condemn the liquidation of Pashtun-infested Logar Governor inside the mosque on the first day of Eid, it's really an inhuman act," said Neelab Mubarez, the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) spokesperson.

She went on to reiterate the UN's plea to armed hard boyz in Afghanistan to avoid killing innocent civilians and respect human rights
...which are usually open to widely divergent definitions...
. According to a report released by UNAMA earlier this year, civilian casualties were up 23% from 2012, with the vast majority of them resulting from bully boy violence.

James Cunningham, the U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan, also offered remarks on the incident.

"An attack on a place of worship during one of the holiest times of the Islamic year is truly reprehensible. The Eid should be a time of celebration, reflection and peace. It has instead become a time of mourning for the people of Pashtun-infested Logar Province," the Ambassador said in a statement released on Tuesday.

"Terror will not deter us, nor will the Afghan people allow themselves to be defeated by the enemies of progress," the statement read.

Although news about the attack spread quickly through news outlets around the world, Afghans were, understandably, the ones first aware of and most impacted by the event. And there was no shortage of condemnations amongst them.

"It was really a cowardly attack on the life of the Pashtun-infested Logar governor, the act is against Islamic and Afghan values," said Muhebullah Samim, Governor of Paktika
...which coincidentally borders South Wazoo...
Posted by: Fred || 10/17/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in Pakistan

Africa North
Dutch Cancel Flights to Egypt's Sharm over 'Rocket Threat'
[An Nahar] Dutch charter airline Transavia has cancelled flights to the popular Egyptian resort of Sharm el-Sheikh in the restive Sinai peninsula because of a security threat, it said Wednesday.

Transavia declined to say what the specific threat was, but state broadcaster NOS said it was of a possible rocket attack from bully boyz in the Sinai.

"We have postponed our flights to Sharm el-Sheikh for the coming two weeks because of a risk-based assessment done by the KLM group," to which Transavia belongs, spokeswoman Marine Sluiter told Agence La Belle France Presse.

"We will look at the situation every day until then," she said, declining to discuss what was in the risk assessment.

NOS said that the Dutch National Counterterrorism and Security Coordinator (NCTV) had told the airline that bully boyz in the Sinai, a hotbed of Islamist activity, were planning on using a rocket to attack a passing plane.

National news agency ANP reported that the NCTV had received intelligence of a "possible attack from the ground in the Sinai area".

Militant attacks on Egyptian security forces after the military ousted Islamist president Mohammed Morsi
...the former president of Egypt. A proponent of the One Man, One Vote, One Time principle, Morsi won election after the deposal of Hosni Mubarak and jumped to the conclusion it was his turn to be dictator...
in July have been concentrated in the northern Sinai, while Sharm el-Sheikh is close to the peninsula's southern point.

Dozens of soldiers and coppers have been killed in daily attacks, as the army has poured troops and armor into the lawless peninsula that straddles Africa and Asia to crush the insurgency.

Israel's national carrier El Al last month changed routes it flies to the Red Sea coastal resort of Eilat last month over security concerns.

A rocket was fired at Eilat from the Sinai in August, but it was intercepted by an Israeli air defense system.
Posted by: Fred || 10/17/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in Sinai Peninsula

ASWJ man gunned down in Gulberg
[Dawn] A worker of the Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat
...which is the false nose and plastic mustache of the murderous banned extremist group Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistain, whatcha might call the political wing of Lashkar-e-Jhangvi...
was bumped off in an attack apparently on sectarian grounds in Federal B Area on Tuesday morning, police said.

The Gulberg police said that Abdul Hameed, 52, was sitting at his milk shop near Darbar Sultan in Federal B Area's Block 5 when two armed motorcyclists targeted him and rode away. He sustained two bullet wounds in the head and chest and was taken to the Abbasi Shaheed Hospital where doctors declared him dead.
He's dead, Jim!
"The murder appeared to be an outcome of sectarianism," said Bloody Karachi
...formerly the capital of Pakistain, now merely its most important port and financial center. It is among the largest cities in the world, with a population of 18 million, most of whom hate each other and many of whom are armed and dangerous...
Central SSP Amir Farooqi.

He said that the victim was an office-bearer of the ASWJ in the area.

The Gulberg police said that following the killing tension gripped some areas where shops were closed and other commercial activities were suspended.

A spokesperson for the ASWJ said that the victim, father of six, originally hailed from Kasur. The body was sent to his hometown for burial.

Young man killed in Lyari
...one of the eighteen constituent towns of the city of Karachi. It is the smallest town by area in the city but also the most densely populated. Lyari has few schools, substandard hospitals, a poor water system, limited infrastructure, and broken roads. It is a stronghold of ruling Pakistan Peoples Party. Ubiquitous gang activity and a thriving narcotics industry make Lyari one of the most disturbed places in Karachi, which is really saying a lot....
A young man was found murdered in the Kalri area on Tuesday.

Police said that the body was found near the Crown Cinema. It was shifted to the Civil Hospital Karachi for a post-mortem examination. Doctors said the man had been tortured to death.

He was later identified as Mohammed Amin, 25, a resident of Kalri.

Kalri SHO Mir Mohammed said that the victim had been friends with some criminals in the area.

He said that it appeared that those tortured him to death suspected that the victim was a police informer.

Three grenades found Three grenades were found in Sohrab Goth on Tuesday, according to police and Bomb Disposal Squad officials.

They said that the grenades were found in the bushes on a ground near Jamia Rasheedia in Ahsanabad.

The BDS team took the grenades into their custody to defuse them.

The police said that it appeared that criminals disposed of the grenades because of an ongoing targeted operation in the city.
Posted by: Fred || 10/17/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [15 views] Top|| File under: Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan

Musharraf attack case suspect walks free
[Dawn] The recent acquittal of a man charged with attacking the convoy of former president Pervez Perv Musharraf
... former dictator of Pakistain, who was less dictatorial and corrupt than any Pak civilian government to date ...
has once again highlighted the weaknesses and loopholes in the criminal justice system.

An anti-terrorism court (ATC) in Rawalpindi on September 18 acquitted Rana Mohammad Faqir, who was accused of attacking Gen Musharraf on December 25, 2003.
Continued on Page 49
Posted by: Fred || 10/17/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [27 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Pakistan

Suicide attack wounds Pakistani minister, kills at least five
[Al Ahram] A suicide kaboom in northwest Pakistain on Wednesday killed at least five people and maimed 30 others including a provincial minister who is at death's door, officials said. The bomber struck as Israr Ullah Gandapur, law minister for the troubled Khyber Pakthunkhwa province, met guests who came to greet him on the first day of the Islamic festival of Eid al-Adha, wounding 30 people, provincial health minister Shaukat Yousafzai told AFP.
Nothing to be surprised over. They always celebrate major holidays with human sacrifice.
Posted by: Fred || 10/17/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in Pakistan

Suicide bomber kills at least 15 in northern Iraq
At least 15 people were killed by a suicide bomb attack in northern Iraq, in the latest attack on the Shia community. The incident happened in the village of Mwafaqiya, where Iraq's Shabak communtity lives.

Qusay Abbas, a former Shabak representative in the Mosul provincial council, said the attack happened in the early morning. He said, "A suicide truck bomber detonated himself amidst the houses of my village. There are still some people under the debris of their houses."

The Shabak - many of whom follow a faith considered an offshoot of Shia Islam - are frequently targeted by Sunni terrorists militants. Last month, a suicide bomb attack on a Shabak funeral in Nineveh left more than 20 people dead.
Posted by: ryuge || 10/17/2013 06:26 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [12 views] Top|| File under:

Southeast Asia
Three terrorists killed in southern Thailand
[Bangkok Post] Three terrorists militants were killed in a clash with security forces in Pattani province late Tuesday afternoon.

About 4 p.m., the police and military force raided a rubber plantation after getting a tip that five armed men were hiding there. Upon seeing the soldiers and police, the armed men opened fire on them. The two sides exchanged gunfire for about 10 minutes, after which the terrorists militants retreated, leaving behind one body.

The security force followed the fleeing armed men deeper into the plantation and another gun battle esnued. After a three-hour clash, authorities found two dead bodies. Relatives of the three dead men later confirmed that they were Sagareeya Jehmaeh, Manusi Kasa and Abdul Asi Salah.

The security force also arrested Abdul Rorman Sala, who fled from the scene of the fighting to hide inside a nearby house. Police were hunting for the last armed man that fled.

Police had earlier received a report that attacks were planned on military outposts in Pattani, and it was likely the group destroyed by the security force had been involved.
Posted by: ryuge || 10/17/2013 05:52 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [20 views] Top|| File under: Thai Insurgency

Syrian Observatory: At Least 41 Killed in Kurd-Jihadist Fighting
[An Nahar] At least 41 fighters have been killed in violent festivities pitting Kurds against jihadists and Salafist tough guys in northeastern Syria, a monitoring group said on Wednesday.

Kurdish fighters from several villages in oil-rich Hasake province are engaged in combat against al-Qaeda affiliated groups the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) and Al-Nusra Front, said the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

"At least 41 fighters were killed, including 29 ISIL, Al-Nusra Front and Islamist fighters," said the Observatory, adding that one of the dead was a local Al-Nusra leader of Egyptian origin.

Also killed were "12 fighters from the Committees for the Protection of the Kurdish People" (YPG), said the Britannia-based group.

Clashes have raged in majority Kurdish areas for months, as the jihadist ISIL has sought to expel the YPG from areas under its control.

The latest round of fighting in Hasake broke out Tuesday morning, and resulted in the capture by YPG fighters of an ISIL checkpoint.

Analysts say ISIL aims to crush competition from other gangs active in areas out of the control of Hereditary President-for-Life Bashir Pencilneck al-Assad
Before going into the family business Pencilneck was an eye doctor. If he'd stuck with it he'd have had a good practice by now...
's regime, and that its war with the Kurds is part of its strategy for control of territory and resources.
Posted by: Fred || 10/17/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [21 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State of Iraq & the Levant

#1  We should be funding/supporting the Kurds.
Posted by: Paul D || 10/17/2013 6:31 Comments || Top||

#2  Too bad that we have such a feckless Mideast policy. Otherwise we could create an Eastern Kurdistan protectorate to include Hasaka and impose a no-fly zone over it. Unfortunately, we can not count on the support of Iraq or Turkey to make it work. This time the Kurds are on their own.
Posted by: Thumper Hatrack2359 || 10/17/2013 10:41 Comments || Top||

#3  The Kurds are on their own because the end game for the Kurdish groups, PPK, et al., is a greater Kurdistan which would absorb significant areas of Syria (Oil), Turkey (Oil), and Iraq (Oil). Are we seeing a trend here.

The Kurds could create a state to rival Israel in Moslem antipathy.

A greater Kurdistan makes sense in so many ways you can almost bet the bank it will never be allowed to happen. It is too rational a concept.

Heaven forbid! We have to protect the provisions of the Balfour Agreement no matter how irrational they were.
Posted by: Bill Clinton || 10/17/2013 11:21 Comments || Top||

Syria Rebels Assault Aleppo Prison
[An Nahar] Rebels assaulted the regime-controlled central prison in the main northern city of Aleppo on Wednesday, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said. The mostly jihadist fighters launched an attack on the administrative building of the prison, which has been under siege since April.
Posted by: Fred || 10/17/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State of Iraq & the Levant

#1  Is this another jailbreak?
Posted by: Raj || 10/17/2013 0:11 Comments || Top||

#2  Jailbreak attempt, at least.
Posted by: Pappy || 10/17/2013 10:30 Comments || Top||

Syria Army, Hizbullah Recapture Rebel Town Near Damascus
[An Nahar] Syrian troops recaptured the strategic town of Bweida, south of Damascus, from rebel forces on Wednesday, state media and a monitoring group reported.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the army was backed by Iraqi and Lebanese militia in the assault on the town, which lies not far from the shrine of Sayyida Zeinab, revered by Shiites around the world.

State television said the army had "restored safety and stability to the Bweida area of Damascus province after it defeated the hard boyz and destroyed their criminal equipment."

Observatory director Rami Abdel Rahman said that government troops had been supported by fighters of Hizbullah as well as volunteers from the Abul Fadl al-Abbas brigade, who include Iraqis.

"The army's advance is part of an attempt to crush the rebels' positions in the countryside south of Damascus, in order to isolate those operating within the southern belt of the capital," Abdel Rahman said.

There was also fighting on Wednesday nearer to the Sayyida Zeinab shrine, and in the Hojeira district of south Damascus.

For several months, the army has placed a suffocating siege on rebel-held districts south of the capital.
Posted by: Fred || 10/17/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [17 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Syria

Minibus blast kills 21 in southern Syria
[Al Ahram] Twenty-one people were killed when a minibus hit a mine and went kaboom! in the southern Syrian town of Noa on Wednesday, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitoring group said.

Opposition activists told the Observatory the minibus drove over a mine planted by forces loyal to Hereditary President-for-Life Bashir Pencilneck al-Assad
The Scourge of Hama...
. There was no immediate comment from the government.

The kaboom was reported in rebel-held territory in Deraa province but there are also army troops in the nearby base of Tel al-Jumaa, which is besieged.

Assad's forces are battling an uprising that grew out of protests against his family's four-decade grip on the country.

Violence has continued in recent days despite pleas from Arab and Mohammedan organizations for a ceasefire to mark the Mohammedan festival of Eid al Adha.

The British-based Observatory, which is opposed to Assad, reported festivities in most provinces on Wednesday and said war planes had been deployed to the eastern desert city of Deir al-Zor.

The group said at least 27 government soldiers had been killed during intense festivities in Deir al-Zor over the past two days although rebels gave a figure more than double that.
Posted by: Fred || 10/17/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [23 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Syria

Clashes in east Syria kill more than 40 fighters
Syrian activists say that two days of heavy clashes between Kurdish fighters and Al Qaeda-linked rebels in the northeast have killed at least 41 on both sides.

The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says the clashes in Hassakeh province pitted Kurdish militias against rebels from two Al Qaeda-linked factions — Jabhat al-Nusra and the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant. Such rebel infighting has become common in recent months in the northeast, which has a large Kurdish population.

Observatory’s director Rami Abdul-Rahman said Wednesday that 29 of the dead are from the two extremist groups, while the remaining 12 are Kurdish fighters.
Posted by: Steve White || 10/17/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [22 views] Top|| File under: al-Nusra

Explosion in southern Syria leaves 21 dead
At least 21 people, including four children, were killed when an explosion struck a vehicle packed with passengers traveling in southern Syria overnight, activists said.

The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said on Wednesday that the blast around midnight hit the vehicle as it was driving near Tel al-Juma in Daraa province. Six women were also among the dead, they added.

It was not immediately clear what caused the explosion, but activists in the area accuse the military of planting a bomb in the ground along the road. The Observatory says there is an army outpost in the area that is besieged by rebels.
Posted by: Steve White || 10/17/2013 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [16 views] Top|| File under:

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Two weeks of WOT
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