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IDF tanks said advancing into Gaza’s Shejaiya amid strikes on the neighborhood
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2 13:12 M. Murcek [75] 
4 17:48 Super Hose [119] 
6 11:41 Abu Uluque [133] 
15 17:01 swksvolFF [251] 
13 16:30 Grom the Reflective [166] 
13 19:59 crazyhorse [270] 
7 13:12 Frank G [101] 
4 10:04 Skidmark [81] 
4 16:30 Bangkok Billy [113] 
2 18:14 Glereng White1104 [84] 
2 13:08 M. Murcek [80] 
9 13:10 M. Murcek [184] 
Page 1: WoT Operations
4 13:19 Procopius2k [143]
0 [45]
0 [44]
2 12:23 Pancho Poodle8452 [60]
3 07:48 Procopius2k [133]
9 17:36 swksvolFF [166]
0 [59]
2 10:46 Grom the Reflective [120]
3 09:55 Procopius2k [106]
0 [58]
1 14:17 Skidmark [66]
0 [56]
4 19:52 Pancho Poodle8452 [114]
1 09:53 Mercutio [62]
0 [69]
0 [42]
8 20:15 SteveS [146]
0 [59]
1 10:33 Skidmark [57]
Page 2: WoT Background
3 10:08 Mercutio [114]
0 [31]
5 11:24 swksvolFF [135]
2 09:39 Pancho Poodle8452 [51]
1 07:14 Besoeker [57]
1 06:55 Grom the Reflective [58]
3 13:39 swksvolFF [70]
0 [45]
2 18:26 Glereng White1104 [67]
11 19:38 Deacon+Blues [207]
3 10:46 Skidmark [83]
Page 3: Non-WoT
3 10:44 Skidmark [90]
0 [57]
1 09:56 Skidmark [78]
4 22:31 trailing wife [91]
0 [53]
3 10:02 Mercutio [136]
8 16:10 Regular+joe [135]
1 07:06 Grom the Reflective [47]
0 [34]
5 16:08 Procopius2k [120]
2 08:57 Skidmark [81]
4 19:41 Deacon+Blues [106]
1 19:01 Procopius2k [72]
Page 5: Russia-Former Soviet Union
0 [43]
0 [36]
0 [34]
0 [35]
0 [46]
0 [53]
2 12:33 Armaros [62]
2 19:07 ed in texas [167]
0 [44]
Page 6: Politix
4 16:41 Besoeker [93]
10 16:01 Grom the Reflective [163]
24 16:29 Regular+joe [346]
13 13:45 M. Murcek [225]
2 13:40 Super Hose [89]
7 13:50 M. Murcek [167]
2 10:52 Abu Uluque [115]
5 13:33 M. Murcek [112]
2 13:30 Super Hose [86]
1 13:28 Super Hose [70]
3 13:38 Super Hose [79]
0 [56]
0 [81]
9 20:11 swksvolFF [143]
2 10:24 Gromble+Dribble4342 [101]
13 16:11 Besoeker [220]
4 14:31 Skidmark [154]
1 13:23 Super Hose [141]
-Short Attention Span Theater-
Einstein and his peers were 'irrationally resistant' to black holes.
Cuz dey wuz rayyy-cisss!
Posted by: Skidmark || 06/28/2024 09:05 || Comments || Link || [75 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Einstein was irrationally resistant to much more than black holes, and Tesla. Space is not empty. That is one of the biggest lies ever told. And it is because of this dogma we are decades behind where we should be. Once we stop accepting that space is empty, we do not need to account for the exotic bs theories like Dark Matter and Dark Energy. The science being done in Huntsville Alabama, all protected by NDAs, is beyond Einstein.

Posted by: mossomo || 06/28/2024 12:56 Comments || Top||

#2  Einstein said "The Universe is not more peculiar than we imagine. It's more peculiar than we can imagine."
Posted by: M. Murcek || 06/28/2024 13:12 Comments || Top||

-Land of the Free
Hilarious Tucker Carlson Master Class On Dealing With Liberal Journalists-Australian Edition
Posted by: NoMoreBS || 06/28/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || [113 views] Top|| File under:

#1  It's long (almost six minutes) but not boring.
Posted by: Bobby || 06/28/2024 8:00 Comments || Top||

#2  Carlson, VDH, Assange, Flynn, Kudlow, Shapiro, Bannon, Musk, and Ben Carson......truth tellers all.
Posted by: Besoeker || 06/28/2024 8:33 Comments || Top||

#3  The 'journalist' asking Corner Questions so blatantly is damn near parody, and worthy of example.
Posted by: swksvolFF || 06/28/2024 15:43 Comments || Top||

#4  Well worth the 6 minutes. I live in Sydney and the stupid is very strong here. The entire city is one big HOA w/regulations and petty rules for everything. Most Aussies want nothing to do w/Sydney.
Posted by: Bangkok Billy || 06/28/2024 16:30 Comments || Top||

Caribbean-Latin America
About the failure of the coup in Bolivia
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.

Commentary by Oleg Yasinsky

[ColonelCassad] Hot on the heels of that sleepless night. Yesterday's attempted military coup in Bolivia was extremely strange, improvised and doomed to failure from the start. If there were a world competition of poorly prepared coups, this one would be the winner. The military did absolutely nothing to actually seize power. Older generations of Bolivians, who understand a lot about coups, can easily compare the bloody battles of the past with the current production.

At the same time, the general assessment of the events remains unchanged - the Bolivian oligarchy and the United States want to overthrow the current legitimate government of Bolivia at any cost and restore the colonial status quo in one of the richest resource countries in the region. The enemy's work in this direction continues and decisions here are not made by maddened traitor generals with tin eyes (and not only because in Bolivia, along with lithium, there is tin, gas and a lot of other things, even those not yet explored). In all likelihood, this clumsy coup attempt was a test of strength and, most importantly, a tool for measuring the reaction of different layers of Bolivian society and other countries to the army mutiny.

One thing is absolutely clear - the tragic split in the ruling party MAS ("Movement Towards Socialism") between supporters of the historical leader Evo Morales and the current president Luis Arce, is more dangerous today than any military actions. Both groups have a large social base and there are practically no political differences between them. The main irreconcilable conflict is in the political ambitions of the leaders. The current coup attempt, instead of uniting and reconciling the parties, will most likely serve to further split them, as a result of which MAS risks losing the next presidential elections without any coups.

The last governments of Evo Morales and Luis Arce did more for the Bolivian people than all the previous ones put together, returning the country's main wealth, state independence and raising the standard and quality of life of the majority of the population, especially the poorest. Their enormous role in overcoming the racism of white elites in the most Indian country of Latin America is immeasurable.

Many years ago, during Evo's rule, when we were filming a movie about Che Guevara's last guerrilla war in Bolivia, following in his footsteps through the most forgotten corners of the hinterland, I remember how I was already surprised and amazed by the real war within the MAS party. At that time, many officials and random people signed up en masse for Evo's party solely for power. And their struggle for power and control began almost immediately. Of course, despite the mass of beautiful slogans and declarations, there is nothing political in it.

The main and incredibly difficult task of Bolivian social movements is to overcome this split, equally mortally dangerous for everyone. The next coup, military or electoral, could be real.

Posted by: badanov || 06/28/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || [81 views] Top|| File under:

#1  "The coup was totally incompetent - must be CIA!"?
Posted by: Grom the Reflective || 06/28/2024 6:07 Comments || Top||

#2  Bolivia has a long history of political instability - there have been almost 40 attempted or successful coups since 1946.
Posted by: Huputle+Cherelet4131 || 06/28/2024 8:47 Comments || Top||

#3  No cookies from Victoria this time.
Posted by: Dale || 06/28/2024 9:39 Comments || Top||

#4  Did Butch Cassidy and Sundance Kid Die in Bolivia? Yes, but . . .
Posted by: Skidmark || 06/28/2024 10:04 Comments || Top||

Troops in Ukraine. How else can the DPRK help Russia?
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
[Korrespondent] Should we expect North Korean soldiers in Ukraine?

North Korea may send military construction and engineering forces to participate in "reconstruction work" in the occupied Donetsk region.

North Korea is almost Russia’s main ally in the war against Ukraine. During a recent meeting between two dictators, Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong-un, they signed a comprehensive strategic partnership agreement, seeking to expand economic and military cooperation. North Korea has been supplying the Kremlin with weapons for the war against Ukraine for a long time, but now it can also help with soldiers?

North Korea will send military construction and engineering forces to participate in “reconstruction work” in the occupied Donetsk region as early as July this year, South Korean TV channel TV Chosun reports, citing a South Korean official.

Thus, South Korea expects the dispatch of large engineering forces from North Korea to the occupied Donetsk region as early as July. These forces will have to help restore the infrastructure in occupied Donetsk.

The North Korean military has 10 engineering brigades, and Chosun TV has estimated that North Korea could receive up to $115 million annually from Russia if it sends three or four engineering brigades to occupied Ukraine.

The American Institute for the Study of War (ISW) states that they have not yet seen any signs or evidence that North Korean military personnel are preparing to take part in hostilities in Ukraine. However, as experts emphasize, direct engineering support from North Korea in the occupied territories can free up Russian army forces for operations along the front line, in particular, help Russia expand military infrastructure and defensive fortifications in the occupied part of Ukraine.

Advisor to the head of the office of the President of Ukraine Mykhailo Podolyak reacted sharply to information that North Korea may send military construction and engineering forces to the temporarily occupied territory of Donetsk Oblast.

He noted that the DPRK “calmly emerged from global sanctions” and is actively engaged in military cooperation with Russia. Now the country has decided to send special engineering troops to participate in a full-scale war against Ukraine.

"AND? Nothing. Silence. Instead of responding, the UN invites Russian Interior Minister Kolokoltsev, who is under “strict” personal sanctions, to a “peacekeeping summit” to publicly discuss “peacekeeping” and once again tell neutral countries that “to attack other sovereignties, kill civilians en masse. excellent, right,” Podolyak wrote on Telegram. The adviser to the head of the OP sarcastically noted that it is the demonstrative ignoring of North Korea’s direct participation in the war on the side of the Russian Federation, as well as the invitation of Russian representatives to summits, that leads to a “fair ending.”

US Department of Defense spokesman Pat Ryder expressed the opinion that the North Korean military, if sent to help Russian forces in Ukraine, would most likely become “cannon fodder.”

“If I were the head of the North Korean military, I would question sending my forces as cannon fodder in an illegal war against Ukraine,” Ryder said at a briefing.

He added that the United States will continue to monitor the situation as cooperation between Russia and North Korea strengthens.

Posted by: badanov || 06/28/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || [101 views] Top|| File under:

#1  How?
New DPRK weapon systems need training, setup, deployment and maintenance.
Posted by: Skidmark || 06/28/2024 0:14 Comments || Top||

#2  Fewer mouths to feed. What's the down side of that?
Posted by: Procopius2k || 06/28/2024 7:56 Comments || Top||

#4  North Korean troops facing the French Foreign Legion. Hmmm.
Posted by: Abu Uluque || 06/28/2024 11:25 Comments || Top||

#5  Ah, Chipyong-ni* Part Deux

* Joining the Americans was the coalition’s French Battalion, led by Lt. Col. Raoul Magrin-Vernerey. Better known by his nom de guerre, Ralph Monclar, he was a battle-tested veteran of the French Foreign Legion and World War II general who had accepted a demotion in order to lead the battalion.
Posted by: Procopius2k || 06/28/2024 11:50 Comments || Top||

#6  Engineers vs Troops - semantics.

The take away: Experts emphasize, direct engineering support from North Korea in the occupied territories can free up Russian army forces for operations along the front line, in particular, help Russia expand military infrastructure and defensive fortifications in the occupied part of Ukraine.
Posted by: mossomo || 06/28/2024 12:59 Comments || Top||

#7  "Igor, you will be the first tank across the bridge the Norks spanned the river with. Wear a flotation vest"
Posted by: Frank G || 06/28/2024 13:12 Comments || Top||

Smart phone's secret network activity
[CyberNews] It is 10 times worse than what it's DNS logs report.

A single app can connect to dozens of websites while unused. An idle phone will make thousands of DNS queries per day. But the real situation is 10 times worse, one security expert explains.

Cybernews has already experimented with idle Android and iOS phones, each with 100 apps installed. When unused, the iPhone averaged 3308 DNS queries per day, compared to 2323 queries made by Android. Some requests, more often on Android, landed in high-risk countries such as Russia and China.

Say you install the Reddit app on your iPhone, start it once, and leave it without even logging in or interacting. It will connect to 30 different domains, according to research from Independent Advisor VPN...

Reddit was followed by QQ, the Chinese instant messaging software, which connected to 19 different domains.

Among the mainstream social networks, Instagram and X (Twitter) both connected to 10 different domains, each without any user interaction.

Posted by: NN2N1 || 06/28/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || [184 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Time to bring back the old EE8.
Posted by: crazyhorse || 06/28/2024 0:15 Comments || Top||

#2  I just power off the Samsung Android Smartphone until needed.

An use my old ITSEC safe Motorola Flip Phones ($25) bought at Dollar General for use on certain client site.

Cloning/Duping/Auto-forwarding the same # number isn't that hard. 😇... In fact, it was a widespread hack in 1990-2010

Google/D2D: "How to have the same number on 2 cell phones"
Posted by: NN2N1 || 06/28/2024 5:14 Comments || Top||

#3  Thanks
Posted by: 3dc || 06/28/2024 7:25 Comments || Top||

#4  What if you just don't install all that crap?
Posted by: ed in texas || 06/28/2024 8:06 Comments || Top||

#5  Faraday shield sleeves are sold on Amazon and elsewhere.
Posted by: Procopius2k || 06/28/2024 9:05 Comments || Top||

#6  I want to see research on how much network activity smartphones with no batteries and sealed inside Faraday cages engage in.
Posted by: Gromble+Dribble4342 || 06/28/2024 10:17 Comments || Top||

#7  You can turn it off or put it in a Faraday cage at night but it's doing that stuff in the daytime too. I don't have any social media apps on my phone but I wouldn't want to bet that some of these dubious activities aren't happening anyway. There is a whole lotta crap on that phone that I don't need, never use and have no idea what it might be doing.
Posted by: Abu Uluque || 06/28/2024 11:33 Comments || Top||

#8  Maybe dont install Apps?
Posted by: mossomo || 06/28/2024 13:00 Comments || Top||

#9  Burner phone + prepaid SIM. No apps that you have to log into.
Posted by: M. Murcek || 06/28/2024 13:10 Comments || Top||

If Hooters Can't Make it, the Economy is Doomed, Doomed I tell You!
[OffThePress] The Atlanta-based sports bar chain, Hooters, abruptly shuttered dozens of “underperforming” restaurants across the U.S., as it joins a growing list of eateries facing the harsh realities of inflation and changing consumer habits, according to reports.

Nation’s Restaurant News (NRN) reported that word began to spread on Sunday evening that Hooters locations in places like Bryan, Texas; Lakeland, Florida; and Louisville, Kentucky were closing abruptly, with nearly 40 restaurants in the U.S. shutting their doors.

“Like many restaurants under pressure from current market conditions, Hooters has made the difficult decision to close a select number of underperforming stores,” the company reportedly told the publication in a statement on Monday. “Ensuring the well-being of our staff is our priority in these rare instances.”
Posted by: Mercutio || 06/28/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || [80 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Six wings for $13 - Is that an acceptable price point for chicken wings? Not for me.
Posted by: mossomo || 06/28/2024 13:06 Comments || Top||

#2  I have a friend who had to price them at $22/dozen in his bar during COVID. People were buying them.
Posted by: M. Murcek || 06/28/2024 13:08 Comments || Top||

Home Front: Politix
All that! I bet the earpiece guy is exhausted! Lol. Elder abuse.
Posted by: Besoeker || 06/28/2024 08:58 || Comments || Link || [119 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Joe also appears to have had ordered note cards for his canned answers. Surely, they drugged him as well. They did everything they could except bang on trash can lids.
Posted by: Super Hose || 06/28/2024 13:54 Comments || Top||

#2  The finger to ear thing basically says he was being prompted.

How they thought that would work is beyond me.
Posted by: M. Murcek || 06/28/2024 13:59 Comments || Top||

#3  Interesting too was he would stone blank on a subject, and when the subject was brought back up, he would have a talking point and a delivery style ready to go.
Posted by: swksvolFF || 06/28/2024 15:33 Comments || Top||

#4  I think the ear piece instruction was on the level of, “Joe, read card one. Joe don’t dump now.”
Posted by: Super Hose || 06/28/2024 17:48 Comments || Top||

Post-debate analysis: Biden has more than six handicaps
[American Thinker] The Trump-Biden presidential debate went so badly for Joe Biden that the Dems (and contributors) want a rebate. Rather than their usual Machiavellian machinations, they are openly considering ways to dump the reprobate who’s riddled with hate.

Conservatives tend to be magnanimous and compassionate, but our republic is at stake so sorrow for Biden is not forthcoming while he dares to remain in the ring.

Biden’s debate performance was so atrocious that it’s almost tempting to sympathize with his inflictions and infirmities — but not quite. Not quite because he is unrepentant. Not quite because he is so harmful to America, and because he is a threat to democracy and our national security.

He is so loathsome that commiseration for his handicaps is grudging. He’s essentially public enemy number one, who, frankly, doesn’t engender much sympathy, pathetic though he is.

Despite the grave topics discussed during the debate, and Trump’s stark reminders that America, under Biden, is "failing," there was a humorous moment related to Biden’s age and infirmity.

When asked by the CNN debate moderator about his age, Biden mentioned he has six handicaps. I can think of more, but I wonder if the six include these: learning disabilities, mobility disabilities, medical disabilities, psychiatric disabilities, visual impairments, and hearing impairments?

There are many more handicaps by which Biden is encumbered. And while compassionate conservatives don’t relish schadenfreude, Joe and Jill brought the attention upon themselves. If they weren’t so pigheaded, they’d step aside gracefully, yet grace is not in their constitution.
Posted by: Besoeker || 06/28/2024 07:09 || Comments || Link || [133 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Unexpected disaster, or part of "The Plan"?
Posted by: Bobby || 06/28/2024 7:45 Comments || Top||

#3  They're running in to issues with state laws that stipulate the 'drop dead date' for getting a name on the November ballot.

If I was in a Machiavellian mood, I would thinking they're doing this intentionally to undermine the Electoral College. Remember you are not voting for the man but the state electors who represent the man. The Left can then say 'if you vote for Brain Dead, our electors will cast their vote for X' even though many state laws stipulate that the electors must vote for the name on the ballot. the Left hates the federal nature of the Electoral College. They just want pure power.
Posted by: Procopius2k || 06/28/2024 7:54 Comments || Top||

#4  What Bobby & Procop said.^^^
Posted by: Mercutio || 06/28/2024 10:00 Comments || Top||

#5  Betting sites are showing a yuuuge drop in Biden's chances of winning in November, with bets being placed on Captain Hairgel and Mooch as replacements.
Posted by: Raj || 06/28/2024 10:05 Comments || Top||

#6  Big Mike isn't campaigning for Joe because she wants to run? I dunno. As for Governor Dippity Do, Trump would only have to keep reminding people that California these days is an insane asylum with the inmates running the show.
Posted by: Abu Uluque || 06/28/2024 11:41 Comments || Top||

Trump Indicted For Murdering Elderly Man On CNN
[Bee] LAS VEGAS — Tonight's presidential debate ended abruptly when Donald Trump was served with papers notifying him that he had been indicted for the murder of an elderly man on CNN.

"Hey, I didn't do anything!" Trump told authorities. "He was like that when I got here!"

Trump, who had planned to debate President Joe Biden, argued that the strange old man keeled over all on his own.

"The very idea..." the old man said before slumping over onto a nearby podium. It was also at this point that Trump discovered the man had been propped up by an apparatus and could not stand on his own.

"You know, I got here and everything was fine. CNN is fake news, but I'm here and they've been nice tonight," Trump said. "But then there was this dead old man in the corner. And I thought, wow, the game must be afoot, you know? And believe me, I was about to solve this murder before you got here."

"Yeah, yeah," said Officer Nolan of the LVPD. "Why don't we talk about this downtown."

At publishing time, Trump had been indicted again for the murder of the Democratic Party.
Posted by: Frank G || 06/28/2024 01:17 || Comments || Link || [251 views] Top|| File under:

Thank you Frank
Now I have to wipe up some spilled coffee.
Posted by: NN2N1 || 06/28/2024 4:58 Comments || Top||

#2  I'm of two minds about this. Now the Dems will dust off their malevolent back bench.
Posted by: ed in texas || 06/28/2024 8:03 Comments || Top||

#3  ^^ Almost as if by design.....
Posted by: Mullah Richard || 06/28/2024 8:24 Comments || Top||

#4  This is a LATE parrot.
Posted by: European Conservative || 06/28/2024 8:41 Comments || Top||

#5  Dead Parrot sketch
Posted by: Skidmark || 06/28/2024 8:54 Comments || Top||

#6  Only question now: Where do I get a refund for 90 minutes of my life wasted?
Posted by: European Conservative || 06/28/2024 9:12 Comments || Top||

#7  Wasted? The political establishment, the media (but I repeat myself,) the Leak of Wimmin Voters, etc all say debates are so important to the "political process" that they must be fixed, stage managed, set up and otherwise artificialized into meaninglessness.

Sort of like protest - which is the "most sacted thing" in duhmocracy - until it's not. See: George Floyd riots vs. Jan 6.

If Bidet had "won," we would be hearing about how the debate was a "bellwether" and a "stunning success."
Posted by: M. Murcek || 06/28/2024 9:23 Comments || Top||

#8  Sacred, not sacted
Posted by: M. Murcek || 06/28/2024 9:24 Comments || Top||

#9  Joe Robinette Vince Foster Biden?
Posted by: European Conservative || 06/28/2024 9:42 Comments || Top||

#10  If the dems could pull a Jean Carnahan and coronate "Dr. Jill," Joe would be gone already. Since they are stuck with Kamala-lala-dingdong, he's safe from everything but an actual fatal accident or natural causes.
Posted by: M. Murcek || 06/28/2024 9:46 Comments || Top||

#11  #10 - then there are the fatal accidents disguised as natural causes.
Posted by: Gromble+Dribble4342 || 06/28/2024 10:14 Comments || Top||

#12  Missed quite a bit due to dealing with weather things, so a bit general take.

Trump had a fairly aggressive posture; see how that plays with normies, could be that is the only way to get those statements out with the censors doing their thing. I do notice the book of face is extra retarded today. Also, may be dinged for not answering the questions directly but hitting talking points only. Depends if you think the questions were Corner Questions or not.

Biden was trying to peak when I had to go get cars out of the hail. He talked himself into a corner at least three times like Ukraine being a weapons sales program, I'll let the experts touch on that. The training paid off, because as soon as he started rambling about the mods called time and he insta-stopped talking. He had all the posture grace of someone strapped onto a snow board. But my favorite is when he stuck his finger in his ear for just a half second. Why would someone do that you ask?

All of that above really doesn't matter, because I couldn't understand a full one quarter of what Biden was saying, and that's my take.
Posted by: swksvolFF || 06/28/2024 10:46 Comments || Top||

#13  Starting to look like the debate was held on a Thursday night specifically to make sure this sort of debacle was Friday news.
Posted by: M. Murcek || 06/28/2024 10:49 Comments || Top||

#14  Behind closed doors deep state has to be freaking out.
Posted by: Whavick Scourge of the Apes9857 || 06/28/2024 16:43 Comments || Top||

#15  All that stuff about getting advanced questions, cue cards, an ear piece, forrest gump braces, whatever are, yes, cheats, but:

Whatever the intention was of this showing, there are two very important takeaways:

The media are absolute in the tank no doubt liars.

So who has been running the country?

They rolled a 0. If your goal was to get rid of him, what you want is a Well Its Retirement Time old bean, not this total narrative implosion. Like its been noticed, the Champions of Democracy! are out in the open screaming about how to invalidate their elected primary candidate and sitting president so they can install a new puppet.
Posted by: swksvolFF || 06/28/2024 17:01 Comments || Top||

Notes on the CNN Panel Initial Remarks on the Presidential Debate Last Night
There's Nine on the Panel - All Democrats, and They're Frightened

#1-3: Probably need to remove Biden
#4: It's an unmitigated disaster, and Dem politicians are already worried about upcoming elections
#5: Painful. It's the old man v. the con man, and Biden failed
#6: Trump is bad for democracy
#7: Trump has a bad tone
#8: (#1 again) Pro-Democrat propaganda
#9: (#2 again) Only Biden can decide to walk away
#11: Pray for the President. The Biden family and administration are responsible - they've been lying about mental acuity
#12: Dems are in panic mode
#13: (#1 again) Third-party Dems are a big threat to winning
#14: Hard to watch
These are Rantburg’s own Fairbanks’ thoughts as he watched. What are your thoughts, dear Reader?
Posted by: Fairbanks || 06/28/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || [270 views] Top|| File under:

#1  I would have been thrilled to see both of those old geezers break out in a brawl at this debate.
Posted by: crazyhorse || 06/28/2024 0:11 Comments || Top||

#2  Thoughts?

Biden is a dead man walking and not a strong leader of the party. How could they subject that poor old man to such a beating.

Trump was quickly thrust into 'me vs him' role.
Perhaps a politician but no chance to show he is a statesman. Strong evidence on all issues Biden, few solutions.

Trump and Biden debate live updates: Follow all the action in real time from the first presidential...
Posted by: Skidmark || 06/28/2024 0:12 Comments || Top||

#3  Two went in.

Only one emerged.
Posted by: badanov || 06/28/2024 0:19 Comments || Top||

#4  Joe was grimacing and contorting his face when trying to put together a simple sentence, yet he still said American women were being raped by their sisters.
Posted by: Whavick Scourge of the Apes9857 || 06/28/2024 0:21 Comments || Top||

#5  I watched all of a minute of it, right at the beginning, because I refuse to give CNN the satisfaction. Biden looked and sounded old and feeble, someone about to shit his pants.

Game over for Biden - let the long knives come out
Posted by: Raj || 06/28/2024 0:30 Comments || Top||

Posted by: badanov || 06/28/2024 0:36 Comments || Top||

Posted by: badanov || 06/28/2024 1:01 Comments || Top||

#8  "Biden did great, move on to the election."
~ Jesse Waters

Posted by: Besoeker || 06/28/2024 4:10 Comments || Top||

#10  I liked that they had a lackey releasing Tweets during the debates.
Posted by: Super Hose || 06/28/2024 14:21 Comments || Top||

#11  So....Biden has re- financed all his properties to the hilt. Wonder why.
Posted by: crazyhorse || 06/28/2024 15:20 Comments || Top||

#12  How did he do it? Refinance so many times and owes way more than the property is worth.
Posted by: Deacon+Blues || 06/28/2024 19:43 Comments || Top||

#13  Not sure how as some were multiples of same property.
Posted by: crazyhorse || 06/28/2024 19:59 Comments || Top||

Olde Tyme Religion
Oklahoma superintendent orders all schools must teach the Bible and have a copy in every classroom
[Daily Mail, where America gets its news] The boss of Oklahoma public schools has ordered teachers to incorporate the Bible into lessons and keep a copy of the holy book in every classroom.

Republican State Superintendent of Public Instruction Ryan Walters made the decree on Thursday.

'Effective immediately, all Oklahoma schools are required to incorporate the Bible, which includes the Ten Commandments, as an instructional support into the curriculum across specified grade levels, e.g. grades 5 through 12,' Walters said.

Adherence to the mandate is compulsory and 'immediate and strict compliance is expected.'

'The Bible is an indispensable historical and cultural touchstone,' Walters said. 'Without basic knowledge of it, Oklahoma students are unable to properly contextualize the foundation of our nation which is why Oklahoma educational standards provide for its instruction.'

Oklahoma law already explicitly allows Bibles in the classroom and lets teachers use them in instruction, said Phil Bacharach, a spokesman for state Attorney General Gentner Drummond.

It's not clear if Walters has the authority to mandate that schools teach it and critics have spoken out against the order.

The head of the Oklahoma chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations slammed the directive as a clear violation of the Constitution's Establishment Clause, which prohibits the government from 'establishing' a religion.

'We adamantly oppose any requirements that religion be forcefully taught or required as a part of lesson plans in public schools, in Oklahoma, or anywhere else in the country,' Adam Soltani said.

Rachel Laser, president and CEO of Americans United for Separation of Church and State: 'Public schools are not Sunday schools.

'This is textbook Christian Nationalism: Walters is abusing the power of his public office to impose his religious beliefs on everyone else´s children. Not on our watch.'

Posted by: Skidmark || 06/28/2024 00:27 || Comments || Link || [166 views] Top|| File under:

#1  It is a historical document of Western Civilization whether you like it or not. Now which version did the Superintendent mean. O.o
Posted by: Procopius2k || 06/28/2024 7:56 Comments || Top||

#2  I would propose the freely available Gideon Bible.
Posted by: Skidmark || 06/28/2024 8:47 Comments || Top||

#3  Expecting a district judge somewhere in the USA to overturn this any moment now ...
Posted by: Gromble+Dribble4342 || 06/28/2024 10:15 Comments || Top||

#4  The Bible is a historical document? You mean a serpent really did convince Eve to eat fruit from the forbidden tree?
Posted by: jpal || 06/28/2024 11:13 Comments || Top||

#5  ...it is historical in its impact upon Western Civ. As much as one may despise the Roman Church, it was the one thing holding together what was the West in the post Roman era till around the Treaty of Westphalia. Even Luther started the translation process into local languages.
Posted by: Procopius2k || 06/28/2024 11:31 Comments || Top||

#6  So it's historical because believers fought wars over it and the different interpretations of it.
Posted by: jpal || 06/28/2024 11:59 Comments || Top||

So it's historical because believers fought wars over it and the different interpretations of it.

History is just the result of all the wars fought to date and survivor's/victor's notions about each other. Doesn't matter if they were "believers" or otherwise, just that they were left standing after the most recent war ended. "They killed God at Magdeburg" - line from the movie "The Last Valley"
Posted by: Gromble+Dribble4342 || 06/28/2024 12:11 Comments || Top||

#8  Abu's tribe had abandoned its bible
But neighbors soon held a revival
On top of the tell
Where his god used to dwell,
For their force was of course more reliable. ;-)
Posted by: Pancho Poodle8452 || 06/28/2024 13:20 Comments || Top||

#9  Oops. Abu's jpal's
Posted by: Pancho Poodle8452 || 06/28/2024 13:22 Comments || Top||

#10  You mean a serpent really did convince Eve to eat fruit from the forbidden tree?

Crazy isn't it? Getting her to choose a place to eat.

-hides under the desk-
Posted by: swksvolFF || 06/28/2024 15:37 Comments || Top||

#11  So it's historical because believers fought wars over it and the different interpretations of it.

You mean like the 20th Century godless Marxists? One hundred million and they're still racking up the count. Given they still imbue or teach that dogma in our universities, its fitting to put something counter to it.
Posted by: Procopius2k || 06/28/2024 15:54 Comments || Top||

#12  You mean a serpent really did convince Eve to eat fruit from the forbidden tree?

Consider the Bible as a major work of Western Civilization’s great literature, jpal, like Shakespeare and Aesop’s Fables and the Robin Hood tales, that give us common images and phrases. Whether or not one believes the stories themselves — and nobody will argue that Romeo and Juliet or The Mouse and the Lion are historically true — they provide a useful common shorthand and illuminate a common understanding of how people work.
Posted by: trailing wife || 06/28/2024 16:09 Comments || Top||

#13  #6 It is historical if analysed in combination with other sources.
Posted by: Grom the Reflective || 06/28/2024 16:30 Comments || Top||

Science & Technology
New Panic: Slowing the Burning of Fossil Fuels Will Cause Global Warming
[HotAir] In the world of climate scientists, everything causes the apocalypse. Whatever day or hour it is, it is time to panic.

Well, I just learned that if you burn fossil fuels, you warm the planet, but if you quit burning fossil fuels, you will still warm the planet.

...This terrible news comes via a Washington Post article, in which we learn that climate scientists have discovered that reducing the use of fossil fuels containing sulfur will increase temperatures by as much as a degree because we will be eliminating the cooling effects of the pollution and cloud formation caused by the sulfur particles released into the air.

Posted by: Grom the Reflective || 06/28/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || [84 views] Top|| File under:

#1  That's been known and understood for quite some time. The boom in low-sulfur coal from the Wyoming Powder River Basin started 50 years ago. On the other hand, scrubbers have reduced particulates a ton.

Complex systems, beyond the reach of Greta and Company.
Posted by: Bobby || 06/28/2024 7:50 Comments || Top||

#2  "complex systems" -- Amen to that!
Posted by: Glereng White1104 || 06/28/2024 18:14 Comments || Top||

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