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Hezbollah Arms Depot within the Village of Aitaroun in Southern Lebanon was Destroyed
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0 [47] 
4 14:47 DooDahMan [188] 
5 11:08 Super Hose [125] 
7 18:18 M. Murcek [208] 
4 12:55 Skidmark [148] 
17 12:41 Rex Mundi [283] 
4 13:04 Skidmark [172] 
7 09:25 Grom the Reflective [314] 
3 13:52 ACA JOE [111] 
1 07:25 Huputle+Cherelet4131 [55] 
0 [48] 
Page 2: WoT Background
1 06:45 Skidmark [56]
3 13:05 Skidmark [72]
2 08:27 Grom the Reflective [54]
0 [42]
0 [48]
3 11:04 Grom the Reflective [111]
6 18:16 M. Murcek [117]
1 07:39 Skidmark [66]
2 08:52 Grom the Reflective [90]
3 08:45 Grom the Reflective [125]
2 11:07 Mullah Richard [77]
0 [47]
Page 3: Non-WoT
8 14:18 NoMoreBS [155]
14 15:47 Cured Romantic [331]
2 08:26 Super Hose [94]
3 13:09 Skidmark [91]
6 10:45 Skidmark [109]
8 17:48 DooDahMan [127]
5 19:00 Frank G [118]
1 08:32 Super Hose [57]
21 19:42 Ululating Platypus [309]
0 [43]
0 [48]
2 07:09 NN2N1 [100]
Page 4: Opinion
12 18:20 Woodrow [243]
2 07:27 Skidmark [53]
10 18:29 Abu Uluque [211]
6 20:12 Rambler in Virginia [135]
1 08:11 Grom the Reflective [53]
3 13:11 NN2N1 [100]
0 [80]
Page 5: Russia-Former Soviet Union
0 [49]
0 [38]
1 10:02 Frank G [60]
0 [38]
0 [38]
1 07:25 Skidmark [62]
1 06:21 M. Murcek [69]
0 [42]
Page 6: Politix
2 19:15 Whiskey Mike [73]
2 15:06 M. Murcek [77]
3 18:32 M. Murcek [71]
9 21:21 Procopius2k [177]
4 13:57 Rex Mundi [143]
Good Morning

Paris -- Tens of thousands of leftists, including the extreme far-left and Antifa, gathered for a violent direct action today against the popularity of Marine Le Pen's party
Monday 06/17/2024

showing the ham f22b1a5
Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Eliminated in three minutes. The main thing about hostage taking in the Rostov pre-trial detention center
Africa Horn
US reports a strike on one of the leaders of ISIS in Somalia
Houthis attack US Navy destroyer in the Red Sea
Home Front: WoT
President of a Georgia state LGBTQ group charged for possessing firearm while preparing to distribute meth, crack cocaine and GHB
Paris -- Tens of thousands of leftists, including the extreme far-left and Antifa, gathered for a violent direct action today against the popularity of Marine Le Pen's party
'Defence system' on attacked
troop carrier failed to work: Report
Juvenile violent crime explodes
per USDOJ- 'it's just kids killing kids'

Posted by: Fred || 06/17/2024 11:26 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [47 views] Top|| File under:

Africa Horn
US reports a strike on one of the leaders of ISIS in Somalia
Direct Translation via Google Translate.
[Regnum] In May, the US military attacked the leader of the terrorist group ISIS (a terrorist organization whose activities are banned in the Russian Federation) in Somalia. NBC reported this with reference to the US Africa Command (AFRICOM).

“The American military launched an airstrike against the leader of the local terrorist group ISIS in Somalia... The airstrike was carried out in an area located 81 kilometers southeast of Bosaso,” the material says.
That would be this attack on May 31st.
It is alleged that the US government has publicly named the head of the group's Somalia affiliate, Abdulkadir Mumin, who, according to NBC sources, has secretly become the world leader of the terrorist organization,
…that last seems a tad unlikely, but I suppose it’s possible…
as the target of the strike.

As a result of the airstrike, the US Armed Forces killed three militants, but at the moment there is no confirmation of the death of Mumin.

According to one of the representatives of the US Department of Defense, the United States estimates the number of IS group in Somalia from 100 to 200 militants.

As Regnum reported, in May, Turkish Interior Minister Ali Yerlikaya said that law enforcement officers detained 41 suspects in the country suspected of involvement in the IS terrorist group. Law enforcement officers carried out an anti-terrorist operation in 12 provinces of Turkey - Bolu, Eskisehir, Istanbul, Kirikkale, Kilis, Kocaeli, Nevsehir, Sakarya, Gaziantep, Sanliurfa, Duzca and Manisa. Police seized firearms, digital media, foreign currency and Turkish lira from the detainees.

Posted by: badanov || 06/17/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [125 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

#1  Somalia? I see someone cares. Kinda.
Posted by: DooDahMan || 06/17/2024 0:33 Comments || Top||

#2  ^You think there's little interest in that?

New dinosaur species discovered in Zimbabwe highlights Africa's paleontological potential
Posted by: Skidmark || 06/17/2024 6:06 Comments || Top||

#3  ISIS in Somalia, interesting.

Is that where they send the folks who aren't performing up to 'standards'?

Sort of like being in the Federal government and relocated to Fargo or Galveston.
Posted by: Mullah Richard || 06/17/2024 8:29 Comments || Top||

#4  there is no confirmation

Struggling for some 'good' news, AFRICOM?
Posted by: Skidmark || 06/17/2024 10:32 Comments || Top||

#5  Somali is the third most popular language in Ohio. Not sure that has worked out well.
Posted by: Super Hose || 06/17/2024 11:08 Comments || Top||

Sudan's RSF uses CAR border town as strategic hub for recruitment and supplies
[SUDANTRIBUNE] A UN expert report has revealed that the Rapid Support Forces (RSF), engaged in conflict with the Sudan
...a Moslem country located in the Horn of Africa. It is noted for its affinity for rule by ex- or current generals, its holy men, and for the oppression of the native Afro population by its Arab conquerors. South Sudan, populated mostly by the natives, split off from Sudan proper, which left North and South Darfur to be oppressed by the guys with turbans...
ese army, are utilizing the Am Dafok region on the border with the Central African Republic (CAR) as a key supply line and recruitment hub of new fighters for the RSF.

Am Dafok, a strategic town located on the border between the Central African Republic and Sudan in South Darfur, holds economic and commercial significance. The RSF gained control of the town in mid-June 2023.

The Panel of Experts on the Central African Republic, tasked with monitoring sanctions imposed on the country, expressed concern in a report published Friday about the significant impact of the Sudanese conflict.

The report highlights the recruitment of CAR-based fighters by the RSF, with groups like the Popular Front for the Renaissance of Central Africa (FPRC) actively participating in the Sudanese conflict. These complex dynamics pose a challenge for the CAR’s national armed forces (FACA), as the RSF simultaneously claims to support the CAR government while also collaborating with gangs within the country.

Key figures like Habib Hareka, a prominent RSF member, have been identified as playing a crucial role in transborder activities, facilitating the recruitment and movement of fighters between CAR and Sudan.

The report identifies Am Dafok, Sam Ouandja, the Ndah mining site, and Haute-Kotto Prefecture (region) as primary recruitment areas, with fighters ultimately being sent to Nyala in Sudan.

The experts noted that the conflict in Sudan has caused an influx of armed actors to Vakaga Prefecture, particularly around Am Dafok, which is vital for RSF supplies and recruitment. Despite the presence of major gangs like UPC and FPRC, there’s been no infighting due to a "no-harm policy" and opportunistic collaboration. This cooperation could bolster their power, worsen regional security, and threaten the CAR government.

The UN experts’ report paints a concerning picture of the spillover effects of the Sudanese conflict on the CAR, with increased insecurity, gang activity, and recruitment posing significant challenges to the stability and security of the region.

They urged Central African authorities to "stem the flow of weapons from neighbouring countries, fueled by the ongoing conflict in Sudan." They further called to "address the influx of imported muscle, posing a grave and enduring threat to regional stability."
Posted by: Fred || 06/17/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [55 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Sudan

#1  Panel of Experts [note report above] Job Description: Inter alia,
"Cooperate with the KP CAR Monitoring Team to support the resumption of exports of rough diamonds from CAR and report to the Committee if the resumption of trade is destabilizing CAR or benefiting armed groups."
The exports were once the cash cow of French diplomats and military. They are now controlled by Russia's Wagner.
Posted by: Huputle+Cherelet4131 || 06/17/2024 7:25 Comments || Top||

Africa North
IOM: 7,000 Migrants Forcibly Returned to Libya in 2024
Posted by: Fred || 06/17/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [48 views] Top|| File under: Migrants/Illegal Immigrants

Houthis attack US Navy destroyer in the Red Sea
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
[Regnum] Yemen's Houthis attacked a US Navy destroyer and two commercial vessels, Captain Paris and Happy Condor, in the Red Sea. This was announced on Sunday, June 16, by the military representative of the Ansar Allah movement, Yahya Saria.

According to him, a group of militants fired ballistic missiles at the American destroyer. The Houthis attacked the Captain Paris oil tanker and an LNG tanker with anti-ship missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles.

Reuters, citing the United Kingdom Maritime Trade Office (UKMTO), reported that on Sunday morning, one of the merchant ships, 40 seas south of the Yemeni city of Al-Mukha, reported two explosions nearby. UKMTO is currently unable to confirm whether commercial vessels were damaged as a result of the reported attack.

As Regnum reported, on June 13, the US Central Command said that the Houthis attacked the commercial ship Verbena, owned by Ukraine and flying the flag of Palau, with two anti-ship missiles. On Saturday, the crew of the cargo ship sent a distress signal, which was responded to by the Anna Meta, whose sailors evacuated the crew of the Verbena.

On the same day, the military representative of the Houthi Ansar Allah movement, Yahya Saria, reported that the attacked ship Verbena sank in the Gulf of Aden 98 nautical miles east of Yemen's Aden. This information was also confirmed by UKMTO. At the same time, CENTCOM issued a statement that the distress signal from Verbena was allegedly ignored by the Iranian frigate Jamaran, which was then eight nautical miles from the Ukrainian cargo ship.

Posted by: badanov || 06/17/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [208 views] Top|| File under: Houthis

#1  Iran sees surging suicide rates among medical staff
Posted by: Grom the Reflective || 06/17/2024 9:24 Comments || Top||

#2  How could that HAPPEN!
They had no RADAR!

*OK, tone it down a bit there Skid*
Posted by: Skidmark || 06/17/2024 12:52 Comments || Top||

#3  It’s time that the Biden regime called Iran and scheduled a reprisal of no impact in two weeks.
Posted by: Super Hose || 06/17/2024 13:02 Comments || Top||

#5  yemen is a distraction. iran is the enemy.
occupy chah bahar
Posted by: irish rage boy || 06/17/2024 16:27 Comments || Top||

#6  They must have filed the plan for this strike with the Iranians ahead of time. These attacks are as fruitful and effective as a Joe Biden Celebrity Jeopardy appearance. Just give Eric Prince a budget and let him take care of the problem. If that includes seizing Joy Bahar’s ugly sister Chah, all the better. I don’t want the details.
Posted by: Super Hose || 06/17/2024 18:02 Comments || Top||

#7  Im sure the current chairman of the JCOS has Milley Vanilli's playbook and phone autodial right at hand.
Posted by: M. Murcek || 06/17/2024 18:18 Comments || Top||

Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Eliminated in three minutes. The main thing about hostage taking in the Rostov pre-trial detention center
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
by Mikhail Zakharov

[REGNUM] On the night of June 16, six prisoners in Rostov-on-Don managed to escape from the cells of the local pre-trial detention center and took two detention center employees hostage. The criminals called themselves supporters of IS (a terrorist organization whose activities are prohibited in Russia).

The invaders demanded a car, weapons and the opportunity to leave the country, but their plan did not work. Special forces quickly eliminated the militants and freed the employees.

On Sunday morning it became known that in Rostov pre-trial detention center No. 1, prisoners took hostage two employees of the institution - the head of the operational department of the Main Directorate of the Federal Penitentiary Service, Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Bogma and duty shift inspector Viktor Konchakov.

Before this, six criminals knocked out the previously weakened window bars in their cell and got out into the courtyard of the institution. Then they entered the premises of the duty station, where they captured the FSIN employees.

Armed with knives, fire axes and sharpeners, the criminals recorded a video message in which, in particular, they spoke about belonging to a terrorist organization. They also demanded a car, weapons and unhindered travel abroad. Otherwise, the militants promised to kill the two hostages.

Negotiations began: the security forces tried to persuade the militants to release the hostages and surrender. The criminals were blocked on the territory of the detention center and were not allowed to enter the weapons room. At the same time, the pre-trial detention center functioned as usual.

The area nearby was quickly cordoned off, roads were blocked, and law enforcement officers rushed to the scene. Special forces soldiers from the Federal Penitentiary Service and Special Operations Brigade, as well as ambulances and rescuers, also arrived there.

It was quickly possible to establish the identities of the militants - they were Shamil Akiev, Tamerlan Gireev and Azamat Tsitskiev, who had previously planned to blow up the building of the Supreme Court of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, and were then sentenced by the court to long prison terms. Akiev and Gireev were sentenced to 18 years in prison, Tsitskiev - to 18 and a half.

Also in the group of criminals was Malik Gandaloev, a former medical student who became interested in radical Islam; he had previously been detained in Ingushetia for preparing for a terrorist attack.

Negotiations with the militants, in which the imam of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Rostov Region, Muhammed Bakmaev, participated, did not lead to success; special forces began an assault on the Rostov detention center. The security forces opened fire to kill, eliminating the criminals in just three minutes. The FSIN employees who were held hostage were released and were practically unharmed. No bystanders were injured either.

Now law enforcement officers will have to understand the details of what happened and establish how the militants were able to realize their plans. The Investigative Committee has opened a criminal case, law enforcement officers are conducting an investigation under Article 206 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Hostage-taking”).

The daring crime had been prepared for a long time, and accomplices of the militants probably participated in it. Questions arise: who supervised them outside the pre-trial detention center, and were there any “assistants” in the detention center? After all, the criminals managed to arm themselves, obtain the symbols of a banned terrorist organization - and all this under 24-hour surveillance.

The prisoners were in different cells, but there was communication between them for a long time, probably at least a month. How they managed to weaken the bars and where they got their smartphones from are questions that the investigation will have to answer.

Now the relatives of the criminals are being searched.

“ The taking of hostages in the Rostov pre-trial detention center is the result of a lack of prevention of extremism and the spread of destructive ideas in the FSIN system,” says State Duma deputy Alexander Khinshtein.

They will probably check pre-trial detention centers throughout Russia, because this is not the first time that the problem of extremists recruiting prisoners inside FSIN institutions has been raised.

“ Now that the hostages have been released, I can say one thing: anyone who breaks the law must be held accountable,” said the governor of the Rostov region Vasily Golubev.

According to him, immediately after the incident, provocateurs with obvious anti-Russian sentiments began to be active on social networks, trying to incite hostility between peoples. Law enforcement officers will also have to deal with them.

More from regnum.ru. Direct Translation via Google Translate.
The bodies of terrorists liquidated in the Rostov pre-trial detention center will not be given to their relatives
Relatives of the terrorists who took hostages in the Rostov pre-trial detention center will not receive their bodies for burial, lawyer Dmitry Agranovsky said on June 16.

“They are not issued for burial and the place of their burial is not reported,” Gazeta.Ru reported the words of the lawyer.

Agranovsky referred to Article 14.1 Part 1 of the Federal Law “On Burial and Burial Matters.” According to the document, the burial of persons against whom criminal prosecution has been terminated due to their death is carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the government.

During the assault, security forces eliminated terrorists who had taken two employees of pre-trial detention center No. 1 hostage in the Rostov region. The FSIN employees who were held hostage were released and were not injured.

The Investigative Committee opened a criminal case under the article on hostage-taking.

According to law enforcement agencies, the terrorists had been preparing to take hostages for several months. They loosened the cell bars in advance so that they could get out into the yard at the right moment. After taking hostages, the terrorists demanded a car and weapons. The invaders called themselves supporters of IS (a terrorist organization whose activities are prohibited in Russia).

According to the source, three of the six defendants who took hostages planned to blow up the Supreme Court building in Karachay-Cherkessia in 2023. FSB officers detained them.

Adds kavkaz-uzel.eu:
According to the court, the defendants established contacts with militants in Syria, after which, on their instructions, they arrived in Cherkessk, where they rented an apartment and chose one of the administrative buildings as the target of attack. All three were found guilty of preparing for a terrorist attack, the FSB reported on May 14, 2024, noting that the verdict had already entered into force.

More from kavkaz-uzel.eu:
Dudayev denied the involvement of natives of Chechnya in the hostage-taking in Rostov-on-Don
...Among the prisoners who took hostages in the Rostov pre-trial detention center, there were no natives of Chechnya, said the Minister of National Policy of the Republic Akhmed Dudayev.

“Concerning the events in the Rostov pre-trial detention center, many, including official media, are disseminating information about the criminals that is not entirely accurate. I officially declare that none of the killed terrorists are Chechens. Once again I urge journalists to carefully check the information before publishing it,” - he wrote in his telegram channel.
Posted by: badanov || 06/17/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [188 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

#1  I guess Rafah hostage rescue operation really bothered the Ivans (wonder if the thing in Rostov was genuine).
Posted by: Grom the Reflective || 06/17/2024 8:29 Comments || Top||

#2  #1 I guess Rafah hostage rescue operation really bothered the Ivans (wonder if the thing in Rostov was genuine).

There is video of the blessed event.
Posted by: badanov || 06/17/2024 8:47 Comments || Top||

#3  ^it's the 21st century, kiril.
Posted by: Grom the Reflective || 06/17/2024 8:55 Comments || Top||

#4  I don't see a video of this blessed event, only one with a bunch of cars and traffic.
Posted by: DooDahMan || 06/17/2024 14:47 Comments || Top||

Paris — Tens of thousands of leftists, including the extreme far-left and Antifa, gathered for a violent direct action today against the popularity of Marine Le Pen’s party
Yesterday we had an article, today we get to see it in action.
Posted by: Fred || 06/17/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [283 views] Top|| File under: Antifa/BLM

#1  The police should resort to action that allows the protesters to she for themselves if heaven exists.
Posted by: Vinegar+Greque3942 || 06/17/2024 6:51 Comments || Top||

#2  Pronouns!
Posted by: Skidmark || 06/17/2024 7:01 Comments || Top||

#3  "Whiff of grapeshot"
Posted by: Procopius2k || 06/17/2024 7:19 Comments || Top||

#4  ^He was Italian, not French, P2k.
Posted by: Grom the Reflective || 06/17/2024 8:30 Comments || Top||

#5  Their problem is, they're all in Paris.
LePen won the rest of the country.
Posted by: ed in texas || 06/17/2024 8:35 Comments || Top||

#6  There was an article the other day bemoaning the fact that the different right wing groups couldn't work together and reach an agreement to govern, while the left was organizing like a turbo cancer. It occurred to me that the reason might be the rightists wouldn't compromise their various different principles while the left's only principle was the drive for power.
Posted by: Mercutio || 06/17/2024 8:57 Comments || Top||

#7  Grom - he was Corsican. And if you think they're Italian, go up to a small town square in Corsica and shout that out. I'll wait...
Posted by: Mercutio || 06/17/2024 9:00 Comments || Top||


Grom, wasn’t the Corsican culture impacted by several centuries of being subjugated by Islam, unlike both the rest of Italy and France?
Posted by: trailing wife || 06/17/2024 9:44 Comments || Top||

#10  #4 a bit nitpicky, but several the early leaders of the modern state of Israel were from Russia. Still didn't have a problem giving the local regional threat a bit of the grapeshot when they needed it.
Posted by: Procopius2k || 06/17/2024 10:30 Comments || Top||

#11  ...from the shit that doesn't matter department
Posted by: Skidmark || 06/17/2024 10:34 Comments || Top||

#12  Grom, wasn’t the Corsican culture impacted by several centuries of being subjugated by Islam, unlike both the rest of Italy and France?

Not according to Wiki.

It was Sicilia & South Italy who were islamic.
Posted by: Grom the Reflective || 06/17/2024 10:39 Comments || Top||

#13  Corsican samples presented affinities with people from ...

I bet there is a little Neanderthal DNA in the mix too, if you know what I mean *nudge*nudge*wink*wink*.

Interesting map of France. We see that same distribution of big Lefty cities vs a more conservative countryside here in our own states.
For example: 2012 Presidential Election by county

Amusing to note that a plot of zombie infestation and a plot of socialist ideas would look the same.
Posted by: SteveS || 06/17/2024 10:44 Comments || Top||

#14  #10. P2k: Russian Jew ==> some Russian genes. Russian genes ==> some Viking & Tatar genes. I guess, my wish to go full Tamerlane on Iran, and give blood eagle to Tony Guterres might have a genetic basis?😎

Posted by: Grom the Reflective || 06/17/2024 10:52 Comments || Top||

#15  Can't we all just agree on the grapeshot?
Posted by: Abu Uluque || 06/17/2024 11:25 Comments || Top||

#16  ^ what he said
Posted by: Mercutio || 06/17/2024 12:20 Comments || Top||

#17  Agreed.
Posted by: Rex Mundi || 06/17/2024 12:41 Comments || Top||

Home Front: WoT
President of a Georgia state LGBTQ+ group charged for possessing firearm while preparing to distribute meth, crack cocaine and GHB

A three-time failed city council candidate who was also an LGBTQ and DEI activist leader in Georgia was arrested this week on charges related to the intent to distribute methamphetamines and cocaine. He is also facing firearms charges.

According to a press release from the Columbus Police Department in Georgia, "On Wednesday, June 12, 2024, at 10:00 a.m., following a months-long investigation, the Columbus Police Department's Special Operations Unit executed a search warrant at a residence in the 4200 block of 16th Avenue. Jeremy Hobbs, 49, was taken into custody without incident."
Posted by: Fred || 06/17/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [148 views] Top|| File under: Narcos


He is looking at a minimum 10-year Prison Booty Call.
He's going to be very popular at Prison Inmate shower time.

O.C.G.A. 16-13-30 Schedule II Penalties: Schedule I or Schedule II Drugs = 5 to 30 years in GA.


O.C.G.A. 16-11-106 Possession or Use of a weapon during the commission of a Felony = 5 years, to run consecutively.
Posted by: NN2N1 || 06/17/2024 6:29 Comments || Top||

#2  Used to be, someone like this had a predictable future of having to dig his own undiscoverable backwoods grave
Posted by: Frank G || 06/17/2024 8:16 Comments || Top||

#3  Hey.
He's a party guy!
Posted by: Skidmark || 06/17/2024 12:53 Comments || Top||

#4  Wait...is that the queers in the state of Georgia
or at the university?
Posted by: Skidmark || 06/17/2024 12:55 Comments || Top||

'Defence system' on attacked troop carrier failed to work: Report
[Al Jazeera] A preliminary investigation by the Israeli military found the Hamas
..a contraction of the Arabic words for "frothing at the mouth",...
attack that killed eight troops in an army vehicle near Rafah was carried out with a rocket-propelled grenade (RPG) and a defence system failed to stop it.

The short range of the rocket launch is likely why the system didn’t work, the Israel Broadcasting Corporation reports. The armoured personnel carrier was carrying eight Israeli soldiers from the 601st engineering battalion.

The rocket penetrated outer compartments where bombs and mines were kept, and "secondary explosions left no chance for the soldiers to survive", it said.

The body of a Paleostinian fighter and an RPG launcher was found during a search in the Tal al-Sultan neighbourhood northwest of Rafah. He was apparently killed in the blast.
Posted by: Fred || 06/17/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [172 views] Top|| File under: Hamas

#1  A "defense system that failed to work" isn't a defense system. It's unnecessary baggage.
Posted by: ed in texas || 06/17/2024 8:37 Comments || Top||

#2  ^It's an excellent system, ed. But it's not perfect - not at point blank range (the way we have continuously to relearn old lessons).
Posted by: Grom the Reflective || 06/17/2024 8:44 Comments || Top||

#3  The body of a Paleostinian fighter and an RPG launcher was found during a search in the Tal al-Sultan neighbourhood northwest of Rafah. He was apparently killed in the blast.

Ah, now they're getting to the Japanese WW2 tactics. Starting to sound more like Iwo Jima and Okinawa without the banzai charges. For someone who believes paradise is the reward in dying for their faith, they seem rather reluctant to do such charges.
Posted by: Procopius2k || 06/17/2024 10:45 Comments || Top||

#4  EX: Raytheon Quick Kill

Don't know what the Israelis use.
Posted by: Skidmark || 06/17/2024 13:04 Comments || Top||

IDF reveals Identifies of 7 Soldiers with the 601st “Asaf” Battalion of the Combat Engineering Corps who were Killed yesterday

Posted by: Fred || 06/17/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [111 views] Top|| File under: Hamas

#2  Finish the Hamas bastids off, quickly please.
Posted by: Besoeker || 06/17/2024 6:50 Comments || Top||

Posted by: ACA JOE || 06/17/2024 13:52 Comments || Top||

Hezbollah Arms Depot within the Village of Aitaroun in Southern Lebanon was Destroyed

Posted by: Fred || 06/17/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [314 views] Top|| File under: Hezbollah

#2  Are you subtly hinting that the destruction of the Hezbollah weapons depot by Israeli weapons counts as an Israeli export, Grom? ;-)
Posted by: trailing wife || 06/17/2024 7:03 Comments || Top||

#3  Aitaroun is located right on the border. Five years from now it will be like former -- and now deserted -- villages on the Golan Heights.
Posted by: Huputle+Cherelet4131 || 06/17/2024 7:17 Comments || Top||

#4  #2 Just wanted to post it somewhere, milady.
Posted by: Grom the Reflective || 06/17/2024 8:32 Comments || Top||

#5  :-)
Posted by: trailing wife || 06/17/2024 8:57 Comments || Top||

#6  The Mossad appears to know Nasrallah's exact location at all times.
Posted by: Grom the Reflective || 06/17/2024 9:19 Comments || Top||

#7  Hezbollah field commander killed in attack on car in southern Lebanon, report says
Posted by: Grom the Reflective || 06/17/2024 9:25 Comments || Top||

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Two weeks of WOT
Mon 2024-06-17
  Hezbollah Arms Depot within the Village of Aitaroun in Southern Lebanon was Destroyed
Sun 2024-06-16
  Floating Pier off the Coast of Central Gaza will be Partially-Dismantled and Towed to the Port of Ashdod
Sat 2024-06-15
  Hezbollah's number two leader, Hashim Safi al-Din was eliminated in an airstrike in Lebanon
Fri 2024-06-14
  Suspected NYC jihadist was caught near major airport as new details of averted ‘disaster’ are revealed
Thu 2024-06-13
  Boat capsizes near Yemen: At least 49 dead, 140 others missing
Wed 2024-06-12
  At least 80 people killed by suspected ADF rebels in DRC
Tue 2024-06-11
  UNSC passes resolution for immediate ceasefire in Gaza
Mon 2024-06-10
  In India, a bus carrying pilgrims fell into a gorge after being attacked by militants
Sun 2024-06-09
  Yemen’s Houthis claimed to target two vessels in the Red Sea
Sat 2024-06-08
  IDF rescues four hostages in stunning operation in central Gaza
Fri 2024-06-07
  Sudan: RSF kills at least 100 in attack on village
Thu 2024-06-06
  Hamas says 'will agree to deal with permanent ceasefire, Israeli withdrawal'
Wed 2024-06-05
  Somalia: Over 40 Shaboobs Killed in New Military Operation
Tue 2024-06-04
  Fire rains down from the sky as Israel launches missile attack on Gaza
Mon 2024-06-03
  Turkey arrests over 500 for alleged Gulen ties

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