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Somalia: Over 40 Shaboobs Killed in New Military Operation
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9 15:02 M. Murcek [168]
Government Corruption
Plurality Of Americans Believe Trump Trial Was Politically Motivated; New Poll Finds
[ZERO] As the Daily Caller reports, the ABC News/Ipsos poll shows that 47% of Americans believe the trial was indeed a political hit job, while 38% say that the trial was legitimate and fair.

On the question of the "guilty" verdict, 50% of respondents believe the verdict was correct; by contrast, just 27% believe the verdict was wrong, while the remaining 23% said they "don’t know" what to believe with regards to the verdict.

Among those who claimed to have followed the case closely, 55% say the verdict was correct while 35% say it was incorrect; another 8% said they "don’t know."

After the verdict was announced, 49% of respondents said that Trump should end his campaign for re-election.

Among partisan lines, just 16% of Republicans said Trump should drop out while 75% want him to continue his candidacy. Among Democrats, 79% want Trump to drop out now, while 52% of independents say the same thing.

The same poll also showed that the trial and its outcome have had virtually no effect on Trump’s approval ratings, and may have even led to a slight increase. While the former president had a 29% favorability in March, his favorability currently sits at 31%. Biden’s favorability is at 32%, a slight decrease from 33% in March.

The poll featured a sample size of 781 American adults, and was conducted from May 31st to June 1st. The margin of error is 3.7%.
Posted by: Besoeker || 06/05/2024 10:08 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [104 views] Top|| File under:

#1  So most people think it was a political hit job and most people approve.
Posted by: Glenmore || 06/05/2024 11:05 Comments || Top||

#2  Key word is ABC/IPSOS. They ditch the poll results if Stephanopolus tells them to.
Posted by: Super Hose || 06/05/2024 12:11 Comments || Top||

#3  ^ Sample question: "Donald Trump is a felon and a criminal mastermind. Should he drop out?"
Posted by: Frank G || 06/05/2024 12:35 Comments || Top||

#4  Read a good snark over at Ace's saying something similar to, unlike Brandon, Trump was found to be mentally capable to stand trial.
Posted by: swksvolFF || 06/05/2024 15:33 Comments || Top||

#5  #3 Criminal mastermind sounds good.
Posted by: Grom the Reflective || 06/05/2024 16:16 Comments || Top||

Home Front: Politix
Ray DiLorenzo - It's Official, We Are Now a Banana Republic
[Canada Free Press] We live in a strange time. The law in many states, cities, and jurisdictions in this country, especially in Democrat strongholds, has been laid low. In Chicago, a judge acquits an attacker who stole a police car, ran over a Chicago cop, and crashed into four vehicles.

In California, shoplifting is now de facto legal.

Shoplifting merchandise with a value under $950 is now a misdemeanor in California, which means the police will not bother to investigate and will most likely let the thief go. It has resulted in brazen acts of smash and grab and flash mobs walking in stores, sometimes with shopping carts, filling them up, and walking out. Fact-checkers will disagree, because it is their job to forward the Left's narrative. As a result, hundreds of businesses have closed, leaving neighborhoods either without stores or stores with locked toothpaste.

George Floyd's refusal to face arrest allows leftist mobs to get away with burning down major parts of a city. The most expensive insurance in U.S. history. However, the perpetrators of this misapplication of protest rights found solace in the Democrat Party, which paid for many of their bail bonds. It makes one ask, Who are these thugs working for? This is the country we now live in.

The Democrats have turned our country into a corrupt shithole because they have shown themselves to be unwilling to pass the mantle of power to any other political party. They feel obligated to use any legal or illegal means to bring down and destroy their opposition—weaponize the law, if you will.

In the Banana Republic of Mexico, 36 murders of candidates have taken place thus far during their current election cycle. Just days ago, a right-leaning mayoral candidate named Alfredo Cabrera was shot multiple times during a rally. He is dead. Cabrera, like so many others, failed to receive approval from the criminal cartels.

The Democrat Party is the criminal cartel in this country.

Since the Trump trial and its deliberations have dominated conversations for the past few weeks and days, I thought it would be helpful to explain the legal issues and the trial's conduct.

President Trump was charged with 34 counts of falsifying business records under New York Business Law 175.10. It states:

A person is guilty of falsifying business records in the first degree when he commits the crime of falsifying business records in the second degree, and when his intent to defraud includes an intent to commit another crime or to aid or conceal the commission thereof.”

The New York Election Law 17-152 violation was another charge against President Trump:

“Conspiracy to promote or prevent an election. Any two or more persons who conspire to promote or prevent the election of any person to a public office by unlawful means and whose conspiracy is acted upon by one or more of the parties thereto shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.”

The 34 counts, or records, consist of 11 checks written to Michael Cohen, along with comparable vouchers and invoices. The prosecution alleges that the payments marked as legal expenses, were reimbursements for payments made by Cohen to Stormy Daniels to aid in the election of Donald Trump. What was Clinton's payment to Paula Jones listed as? Remember, Paula Jones accused Clinton of rape!

The prosecution must demonstrate President Trump's intention to defraud or conceal the alleged conspiracy by creating business records.

That all somewhat sounds clear, but the jury, and a myriad of legal observers said it was confusing or made confusing from the start. The charges were never made clear tof jury. This was a case that has quite possibly destroyed the election system of our country. Elections are supposed to be won by issues, not the weaponization of the law. To even the casual observer, this case was 100% political. These charges were never brought before a court by anyone in American history. No one wanted to take this case to court except those who were elected with the promise of 'getting Trump.' Witnesses were called who had nothing to do with the case. The Democrats are now using the case as campaign fodder. How is all this not political? The strategy in court was to gather as many witnesses as possible to testify that Trump is a bum. 'Maybe we'll find something to hang him with.'

Is this how we conduct presidential elections?

The jury seemed confused much of the time. The case never should have been heard in New York City, a Democrat stronghold where elections routinely go 80–90% Democrat. A change of venue was denied.

Some witnesses, like Michael Cohen, Trump's former attorney, demand special attention. Here is a man who cannot tell the truth, a convicted perjurer who lost his license to practice law, hired Lanny Davis, a long-time Democrat operative, as his attorney, and was sentenced to three years in prison for tax evasion, making false statements to a federally insured bank, and campaign finance violations. He spent most of his sentence in home confinement and vowed that he would never go to prison again. That leads to the conclusion that he will say anything the feds or Democrats want him to say.

The judge, Juan Merchan, is a Colombian-born American who regularly donates to Democrats and progressive causes. He has a daughter, who is president of Authentic Campaigns, a Chicago-based progressive political consulting firm whose top clients raised $93 million for Democrats during the Trump case. Recusal of the judge was denied.

This was a kangaroo court by its very definition. Does a bookkeeping violation warrant 34 felony counts? This judge never even allowed Trump witnesses to explain their answers. No one seems to know what the jury convicted Trump of. The judge (paraphrased) instructed the jury to find something to convict.

What in American history can we compare this with? Turning our country into a banana republic? At the same time, the Democrats have been attacking the Supreme Court, trying to get Alito to recuse himself because his wife likes to fly flags from America's past, like the Appeal to Heaven, a flag hung by other cities routinely throughout our history.

What this all comes to is the realization that we are in danger of a split or divorce. Where are our common values, the E Pluribus Unum? The Democrat Party wants to jail Donald Trump because he's about to win an election? The Left in our country does not respect our Constitution, our system of government, or our elections. They don't like the electoral college. They would rather have mob rule, and the word 'mob' is perfect to describe Democrats. Even James Carville believes left-wing Democrats are "annoying and silly."

The Democrat Party has shown that, in spite of their claim to protect democracy, the rule of law, and the integrity of our institutions, they have systematically dismantled this country. This case was not about the law. It was about stopping Trump. They've weaponized the law to destroy all opposition they deem dangerous to their hold on power. This cannot continue.

If we do not get a handle on this split and come to some kind of consensus, I fear violence and civil war. The Democrat Party has been taken over by leftist fanatics, with almost the entire media encouraging and feeding them. If there are any centrists still in the party, they need to come together and take their party back. A banana republic in the United States will not stand!

We need to put the sleeping giant back to sleep.

Posted by: Besoeker || 06/05/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [91 views] Top|| File under:

#1  You just noticed? It hasn't been a republic for decades. At best its been an oligarchy of special interests. 'Regulations' are just Soviet central planning by other name. Congress surrendered the power of the purse decades ago and no matter who's in charge, its spend, spend, spend. The 'power' of Trump is making all the masks drop.
Posted by: Procopius2k || 06/05/2024 7:16 Comments || Top||

#2  The idea of centrist Democrats taking back their party is a fairy tale at this point. Everything in the DNC is rigged. While The Squad isn’t directly in charge, nobody is bucking them. Manchin might as well have clicked the lights off as he left what has become a kooky and demented rave.
Posted by: Super Hose || 06/05/2024 8:11 Comments || Top||

America's elites aren't as smart as they imagine
[UnHeard] When Joe Biden mishandled classified documents in an apparently egregious manner, he attracted the attention of a special prosecutor. The ensuing investigation proved without a doubt that Biden had violated the law. If I had done the same thing, and stashed government secrets in my garage near my trusty Rav4, I would never see the light of day again. But again, I’m not Biden. He belongs to a special class. The prosecutor’s report admitted Biden’s guilt but refused to prosecute because the president of the United States, leader of the free world, was too old and dotty to be held accountable.

Then there’s Trump. The New York State district attorney, Alvin Bragg, is a Democrat with powerful political motives to bring down the likely Republican nominee. That should be a scandal but, in the ethical muddle of our age, it seemingly isn’t. The actual charges concocted by Bragg against Trump I leave for the legal experts to parse. None of them rose to the level of Clinton’s server or Biden’s garage sale of secrets. But Trump is the monster that haunts the nightmares of the privileged class. He must be prosecuted in multiple times and places, convicted, fined hundreds of millions, imprisoned, annihilated, pulverised.

The whole process stinks of desperation. If the progressive elites who run the Biden administration felt confident they could defeat Trump at the polls, we would hear Homeric laughter ringing from the White House and its pet organs in the news media. But Biden is terribly unpopular, even among his base. America’s elites fear and mistrust the American voter. They have lost faith in democracy, a system that in 2016 delivered the power of the presidency to the monstrous Trump, and they dream of a rising class of Platonic guardians, people exactly like themselves, with the right pedigree, the right opinions, the right manners, who rule not because they have won an electoral lottery but in perpetuity, as a reward for their superior virtue.

Convicting Trump as a political insurance policy brings us a step closer to a fatal turning point in American history. This country, Abraham Lincoln said, was founded on a proposition: that all are created equal. That proposition has liberated millions from within and attracted millions more from abroad. For most of us, it meant little more than being left alone by the cops and the structures of power. But for others, evidently, there was an expectation of utopia, of perfectly proportional equality in every dimension and transaction, that has failed to materialise. Dismayed, the progressive elites have turned their backs on representative democracy and now seek an aristocracy of virtue. The forms will remain the same but the substance, with a wink and a nudge, will respect caste and breeding.

Can this really happen? To an alarming extent, it already has. A single monolithic class controls most of the key institutions of American life. Between a high official at the State Department or the FBI, an executive at Google or Nike, and an editor at the New York Times or NPR, the difference is scarcely noticeable. Conformity in word and gesture is mandatory. And these people have persuaded themselves that contemporary society is too complex for the public to navigate safely. Given the madness of social media, the prevalence of fake news and disinformation, the appeal to simple minds of post-truth populists like Trump — given all the chaos, there’s a need for stern measures. Information must be controlled. Prominent dissenters must be cowed into silence if they wish to keep their jobs. The cops must go after the populists and haul them off to prison.

In the present case, however, such tactics may backfire. It is remarkable to note how much of Trump’s popularity is a function of the intemperance of his enemies. After his defeat in 2020, Trump drifted downward in a semi-quiescent state. The announcement of his candidacy for the 2024 Republican nomination wasn’t greeted with wild enthusiasm. This exhausting reality s
Posted by: Besoeker || 06/05/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [139 views] Top|| File under:

#1  They say they’ll leave, but, more likely, they’ll just scream a lot like they are on The View.
Posted by: Super Hose || 06/05/2024 8:04 Comments || Top||

#2  They never were smarter, and getting stupider all the time.
Posted by: ed in texas || 06/05/2024 10:39 Comments || Top||

#3  Democrats always have a solution to problems they created, its just always more stupid!
Posted by: NoMoreBS || 06/05/2024 14:02 Comments || Top||

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Two weeks of WOT
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