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Satellite photos show Rafah emptying as Israeli forces move in on southern Gaza city
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8 20:10 Super Hose [139] 
8 13:08 Jefe101 [194] 
2 17:10 jpal [93] 
1 08:06 Skidmark [84] 
1 03:27 Grom the Reflective [86] 
0 [272] 
0 [60] 
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6 10:45 Ebbuger Whuque4103 [131] 
1 06:09 Skidmark [84] 
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2 15:51 M. Murcek [43]
1 13:07 Grom the Reflective [30]
11 18:33 trailing wife [212]
3 17:28 Mullah Richard [64]
1 04:49 Grom the Reflective [43]
0 [58]
6 08:01 Skidmark [103]
5 23:44 Skidmark [85]
2 05:56 Frank G [76]
1 08:52 Huputle+Cherelet4131 [57]
2 10:26 Grom the Reflective [45]
2 11:30 Frank G [43]
0 [26]
14 16:15 Airandee [171]
1 17:43 Mullah Richard [52]
0 [31]
3 07:55 Skidmark [86]
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1 13:33 MikeKozlowski [49]
2 11:04 Ebbuger Whuque4103 [56]
1 07:31 Airandee [93]
6 14:42 Cromonter Spawn of the Faeries8107 [149]
1 11:32 Skidmark [42]
1 03:32 Grom the Reflective [85]
0 [28]
1 06:32 Skidmark [78]
1 12:20 Jefe101 [101]
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3 18:45 Super Hose [73]
3 18:46 Super Hose [82]
8 16:48 Frank G [118]
2 18:48 Super Hose [102]
4 14:01 NoMoreBS [97]
9 13:35 M. Murcek [138]
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4 15:14 Abu Uluque [67]
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2 11:13 badanov [58]
1 05:23 Grom the Reflective [60]
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3 20:17 Beldar+Uneter3543 [78]
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1 18:44 Super Hose [40]
6 18:43 Super Hose [92]
6 23:37 AlmostAnonymous5839 [112]
4 18:39 Super Hose [168]
8 13:28 trailing wife [147]
Good Morning

Houthis announce an attack
on the Essex ship en route to Israel.
Saturday 05/25/2024

The divine Miss B with Guy Kibbee
Dozens of rockets pound north after
IDF strike kills top Hezbollah arms dealer
Israeli troops leave Jenin after
40-hour raid; 8 gunmen reported among 12 dead
Hezbollah barrages deal heavy damage in northern Israel
Africa Horn
Somali pirates reportedly hijacked a cargo ship
UN says only 906 aid truckloads reached
Gaza since Israel's Rafah operation began
Houthis announce an attack
on the Essex ship en route to Israel.

Posted by: Fred || 05/25/2024 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [93 views] Top|| File under:

#1  She looks delightful. He looks as lost as Joe Biden.
Posted by: Frank G || 05/25/2024 13:21 Comments || Top||

#2  I like how she has a butt going. Women seem to be afraid of being caught with one these days.
Posted by: jpal || 05/25/2024 17:10 Comments || Top||

Africa Horn
Somali pirates reportedly hijacked a cargo ship
[SHABELLEMEDIA] The forces of EUNAVFOR Atalanta are responding to the reports of a privacy incident currently underway off the coast of Somalia. Details are still unfolding with later updates expected once the warship assigned to Atalanta reaches the scene.
I think they mean piracy
Two small crafts are reported to have come alongside the Liberian-registered Basilisk (17,800 dwt). The vessel’s last AIS signal was transmitted two days ago as it was north of Madagascar. The indication is that the vessel was traveling from Porto Grande in Cape Verde where it departed on May 3 and was due to reach Khalifa in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) on May 29. Built in 2013, the vessel is a general multipurpose dry fat merchantman managed by MINSHIP Shipmanagement of Germany.

Atalanta is placing the ship as sailing approximately 380 nautical miles east of Mogadishu, Somalia, heading north. The UK Maritime Trade Organizations places the vessel approximately 420 nautical miles southeast of Merca, Somalia.

There are unconfirmed reports that the crew was able to secure themselves in the vessel’s citadel. Atalanta reports one of its warships is in the vicinity and is first to respond.

At the beginning of last week, there were reports that pirates had hijacked another fishing dhow off the coast of Somalia. In the past, EUNAVFOR Atalanta has warned that attacks on merchant ships appear to take place within 12 days after reports of dhow hijackings.

Its strongest warnings however are for the area around Socotra island closer to Yemen
...an area of the Arabian Peninsula sometimes mistaken for a country. It is populated by more antagonistic tribes and factions than you can keep track of...
. They have warned that at least two groups were thought to be active in that area.

Last week, a Spanish frigate working with the EU forces was able to capture pirates who approached an oil product tanker, Chrystal Arctic. Six individuals were taken to the Seychelles for prosecution or attempted piracy.

Posted by: Fred || 05/25/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [44 views] Top|| File under: Pirates

Houthis announce an attack on the Essex ship en route to Israel.
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
[Regnum] For the first time, the Yemeni Houthis attacked a commercial ship in the Mediterranean Sea, the Essex ship en route to Israel was attacked, military representative of the movement Yahya Saria said on May 24, as reported by Al Masirah TV channel.

“Missile forces carried out a series of strikes on the Israeli vessel Essex in the Mediterranean Sea because it violated a ban on passage to ports in occupied Palestine,” he said.

Saria also said the Houthis launched ballistic missile attacks on the MSC Alexandra in the Arabian Sea and attacked the Yannis, owned by the Greek company Eastern Mediterranean Maritime, while it was in the Red Sea.

As Regnum reported, a day earlier, the leader of the Yemeni Ansar Allah movement, Abdel Malik al-Houthi, said that the Houthis carried out one of the operations in the Mediterranean Sea, without specifying its details. According to him, in a week a total of eight operations were carried out using 15 missiles and drones in the Red and Arabian Seas, the Gulf of Aden and the Indian Ocean. In total, the number of ships associated with Israel, the United States and Britain that were attacked reached 119.

On May 18, a missile hit an oil tanker off the coast of the Yemeni city of Moha. After this, a fire broke out on board. The ship was flying the flag of Panama. It received minor damage and continued to its next port of call.

Later, the US Central Command (CENTCOM) clarified that the Houthis allegedly attacked the M/T Wind oil tanker, which was allegedly heading to China. The US military claims that the ship moored in Russia before the voyage. It was operated by a Greek operator but flew the Panamanian flag.

On May 15, the Houthis said they attacked the American destroyer Mason in the Red Sea with a missile. In addition, they also launched a missile attack on the commercial ship Destiny, which was heading to the Israeli port of Eilat.
Posted by: badanov || 05/25/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [84 views] Top|| File under: Houthis

Hamas Planned Terror Attacks On Israeli Embassy, US Military Base In Germany
[IsraelTimes] A Hamas terror cell planned to carry out terror attacks on the Israeli embassy in Berlin and a US military base in Germany, the Welt am Sonntag German newspaper reports.

The targets were found on the smartphone of a terror suspect, who was arrested in Berlin in December, and accused by prosecutors of looking for places to hide weapons for the terror group, the outlet reports, citing sources in the German security services.

According to the report, the suspect, who has Lebanese origins, received his instructions from Hamas officials in Lebanon.

The Prime Minister’s Office revealed in January that Hamas runs a network of operatives in Europe commanded by terror leaders in Lebanon, and aimed to attack Jewish and Israeli targets abroad.
Posted by: Elmerert Hupens2660 || 05/25/2024 13:51 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [139 views] Top|| File under: Hamas

#1  It’s always a proud moment when someone here beats me to the post. It shows I’m thinking in the right direction. :-)
Posted by: trailing wife || 05/25/2024 15:10 Comments || Top||

#2  And yet the Biden administration continues to send food and medial aid to Hamas operatives in Gaza.
Posted by: jpal || 05/25/2024 15:16 Comments || Top||

#3  ^It forces Israel to send food and medial aid to Hamas operatives in Gaza.
Posted by: Grom the Reflective || 05/25/2024 15:23 Comments || Top||

#4  Let’s hope some of those supplies have trackers embedded.
Posted by: Airandee || 05/25/2024 15:31 Comments || Top||

#5  After 10/7 the German government increased aid payments to Gaza.

Setting up an incentive structure has consequences.
Posted by: Elmerert Hupens2660 || 05/25/2024 16:44 Comments || Top||

#6  #4 - and Arab Peepee shrinkers
Posted by: Frank G || 05/25/2024 17:37 Comments || Top||

#7  Will the ICC be issuing any arrest warrants for Hamas that Germany plans to uphold?

Yeah, I didn't think so.
Posted by: Crusader || 05/25/2024 17:46 Comments || Top||

#8  It’s almost like Hamas is a terrorist organization.
Posted by: Super Hose || 05/25/2024 20:10 Comments || Top||

Under a rug in Gazan home, IDF troops found shaft leading to bodies of 4 hostages
[IsraelTimes] The Times of Israel joins paratroopers fighting in the heart of Jabaliya’s refugee camp, where a determined officer made a sad but profound discovery — days before he was killed.

Three drones patrolled overhead in languid circles. A smaller quadcopter took off buzzily from a four-story structure, which a Hamas commander had called home until Paratrooper Battalion 202 stormed into the Jabaliya refugee camp two weeks ago.

Now, Lt. Col. Almog Rotem uses the building in the northern Gaza Strip as a temporary command post, as his forces continue to drive toward the sea, flushing out organized Hamas resistance.

Across a narrow alley — now strewn with pieces of concrete and metal, clothing, and the detritus of urban combat — sits a smaller home with a jagged hole blasted into one side. Inside, a small child’s bike and a wheelchair lie crumpled amid the cinder blocks.

A family had lived in that home until they cleared out ahead of the Israeli paratroopers’ arrival. But amid the furniture and children’s toys, the house had contained a gruesome secret.

Last Thursday, the bodies of four Israeli hostages kidnapped on October 7– Itzhak Gelerenter, Amit Buskila, Ron Benjamin and Shani Louk – were discovered by Israel Defense Forces troops in a tunnel dug under that very home.
Long. An embedded reporter reports, including this tidbit:
Dozens of Hamas fighters were killed by Rotem’s troops, among 400 eliminated by the division in Jabaliya.
Posted by: Skidmark || 05/25/2024 08:30 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [194 views] Top|| File under: Hamas

#1  "days before he was killed."

The way Israel prosecutes this war may be a good deed, in that it spares enemy civilians to the utmost extent possible.

But this good deed costs Israeli blood, and it is a good deed that is being punished and will be punished more.

This applies to the US & NATO, respectively, as well.
Posted by: Elmerert Hupens2660 || 05/25/2024 10:26 Comments || Top||

#2  And that is what happened to poor shani louk, whose young broken semi-naked body was paraded around gaza filmed on tge mobile phones of swarms of allahu akbars as they spat on her

Then her head was cut off and left somewhere else (found months ago) and her body taken down this tunnel by some lovely arab muslims of gaza

Resettle them ALL in egypt, Jordan, iraq and qatar

Kill all the hamas

Exit the UN

No more migration to the west.
Posted by: Anon1 || 05/25/2024 10:30 Comments || Top||

#3  Muzzizm is incompatible with the vast majority of societies on the planet. Relocation of them off world must be seriously considered.
Posted by: M. Murcek || 05/25/2024 10:39 Comments || Top||

#4  What #2 said.
Posted by: Ebbuger Whuque4103 || 05/25/2024 10:43 Comments || Top||

#5  /\ "Incompatibility"

Yes, it's a cultural thing. I have no business in the Amazon. They have no business coming here. Violation of "Intelligent Design" or some damn thing.

The evidence appears to be overwhelming. "Multiculturalism" is a lie from hell.

Posted by: Besoeker || 05/25/2024 10:51 Comments || Top||

#6  I think the Iranians who resettled her did all right. It has more to do with WHY a person comes here.

America does not ask you to lose your heritage, only to reject those values that are un-American, the reason you came here to begin with. Greed is not an American value. In order for it all to work the country has to remain a predominant judo-Christian culture and majority Americans a people of faith. Anything else won’t work. That is the current problem. And we have been sleeping behind the wheel for too long.
Posted by: Jefe101 || 05/25/2024 12:27 Comments || Top||

#7  the Iranians who resettled her did all right.

Some, yes. Others are — ore were later blackmailed to become — fifth columnists supporting the Mad Mullah regime from behind American lines.
Posted by: trailing wife || 05/25/2024 12:40 Comments || Top||

#8  Any person can be blackmailed, especially if threats are too family as is common in totalitarian regimes (and the DOJ), to do wrong things. The question is did they become part of the system or seek to disrupt it, as they do in MI now. I would argue they assimilated, for the most part, adapting the more “bad” parts of Islam to be compatible with Americanism.

I’m not saying this without some skepticism. An additional problem seems to be if you pack too many in an area. They kind of fall into a group think. Islam, by its nature, is not compatible with a free society. There is no moderate Muslim. You either are or, if you bend the “rules” your not. So there is way more peer pressure to conform totally than on Christianity or Judaism, which both outline the importance of community but, generally, exert less peer pressure on an individuals strength of faith and its practice.

Maybe I’m all wrong.

Posted by: Jefe101 || 05/25/2024 13:08 Comments || Top||

Dozens of rockets pound north after IDF strike kills top Hezbollah arms dealer
[IsraelTimes] No injuries in barrage; air defense systems intercept many projectiles that rained down hours after IDF targeted man said behind procuring ‘strategic and unique weapons’

The Israel Defense Forces said Thursday some 30 projectiles were fired from Leb
...an Iranian satrapy currently ruled by Hassan Nasrallah situated on the eastern Mediterranean, conveniently adjacent to Israel. Formerly inhabited by hardy Phoenecian traders, its official language is now Arabic, with the usual unpleasant side effects. The Leb civil war, between 1975 and 1990, lasted a little over 145 years and produced 120,000 fatalities. The average length of a ceasefire was measured in seconds. The Lebs maintain a precarious sectarian balance among Shiites, Sunnis, and about a dozen flavors of Christians, plus Armenians, Georgians, and who knows what else? It is the home of the original Hezbollah, which periodically starts a war with the Zionist Entity, gets Beirut pounded to rubble, and then declares victory and has a parade. The Lebs have the curious habit of periodically murdering their heads of state or prime ministers...
at northern towns in a barrage that came hours after a senior Hezbollah member, who was said to have procured "strategic and unique weapons" for the terror group, was killed in an Israeli strike.

It was the latest round in a simmering border conflict that threatens to boil over into a full-scale war.

According to the IDF, some of the projectiles were intercepted and others landed in open areas, and there were no injuries. The rockets sparked a bushfire in the Hula Valley region. Six firefighting crews were dispatched to try the blazes.

Hezbollah took responsibility for the attack, saying it fired Katyusha rockets at a military base in the north of the country near the city of Safed.

The IDF said air force jets attacked the launchers used to carry out the attack, "quickly closing the circle."

Videos from northern Israel being posted online appear to show several rocket interceptions near the city of Safed and other areas.

Rocket alarms were heard in several towns in the Galilee, stretching from Yaron and Avivim near the Lebanon border to Ayelet Hashahar, which sits over 10 kilometers (six miles) away from the frontier. Alarms also went off in several towns in between, including Sde Eliezer, Alma, and Ruheinah, the IDF’s Homefront Command said.

The Upper Galilee Regional Council said in a message that no rockets impacted in Ayelet Hashahar after sirens sounded in the kibbutz, which is deeper inside Israel than attacks normally take place.

Later in the afternoon, a barrage of at least five rockets was launched from Lebanon at the Beit Hillel area in northern Israel, according to the IDF. One rocket struck near Maayan Baruch Junction. There were no reports of injuries.

Drone alerts that went off in Kiryat Shmona and other nearby areas were a false alarm, the army added, the second such scare during the morning.

Earlier, a source close to Iran-backed Hezbollah said one of its fighters was killed in an Israeli dronezap in southern Lebanon.

Hezbollah later announced the death of its member Muhammad Ali Nasser Farran, from Nabatieh, saying he was killed "on the road to Jerusalem," its term for operatives slain in Israeli strikes. It did not provide information on his role.

The IDF confirmed carrying out the strike in Kafr Dajjal, close to Nabatieh. It said Farran was a "prominent" member of the terror group, responsible for the manufacturing and procurement of weapons.

Farran was involved in "the production of Hezbollah’s strategic and unique weapons." Some of the facilities under his command were struck in recent months, it said.

The military added that the killing is part of the IDF’s activity to "cause a blow to the build-up of the Hezbollah terror organization with weapons designed to attack the Israeli home front."

It published footage of the strike.

Lebanon’s official National News Agency had reported that a "drone targeted a car on the road leading to Nabatieh," a city close to Lebanon’s border with Israel.

"The driver was killed," it said, noting that three children in a nearby school bus were maimed.

A member of the civil defense told AFP that the children received "light injuries as a result of the broken windows of the bus that was taking them to school" and that they were taken to a hospital.

On Monday the IDF said that it killed in an Arclight airstrike
the commander of Hezbollah’s coastal rocket and missile unit. Qassem Saqlawi was targeted in a dronezap while driving in the Tyre area in southern Lebanon, the military said.

In another incident in the north, two suspects approaching the Israeli border in the northern Golan Heights were detained by soldiers, the IDF said. It said the suspects were tracked throughout the incident, and were detained before crossing the border fence with Syria.

The pair were taken for further questioning.

Since October 8, Hezbollah-led forces have attacked Israeli communities and military posts along the border on a near-daily basis, with the group saying it is doing so to support Gazoo
...Hellhole adjunct to Israel and Egypt's Sinai Peninsula, inhabited by Gazooks. The place was acquired in the wake of the 1967 War and then presented to Paleostinian control in 2006 by Ariel Sharon, who had entered his dotage. It is currently ruled with an iron fist by Hamas with about the living conditions you'd expect. It periodically attacks the Hated Zionist Entity whenever Iran needs a ruckus created or the hard boyz get bored, getting thumped by the IDF in return. The ruling turbans then wave the bloody shirt and holler loudly about oppression and disproportionate response...
amid the war there that opened with the Paleostinian terror group Hamas
..not a terrorist organization, even though it kidnaps people, holds hostages, and tries to negotiate by executing them,...
’s massive cross-border attack on Israel that killed 1,200 people, mostly civilians.

So far, the skirmishes on the border have resulted in 10 civilian deaths on the Israeli side, as well as the deaths of 14 IDF soldiers and reservists. There have also been several attacks from Syria, without any injuries.

Hezbollah has named 312 members who have been killed by Israel during the ongoing skirmishes, mostly in Lebanon but some also in Syria. In Lebanon, another 61 operatives from other terror groups, a Lebanese soldier, and dozens of civilians have been killed.
Posted by: trailing wife || 05/25/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [84 views] Top|| File under: Hezbollah

Israeli troops leave Jenin after 40-hour raid; 8 gunmen reported among 12 dead
From Thursday.
[IsraelTimes] Military says operation targeted Hamas, Islamic Jihad terrorists and infrastructure; eight of the dead claimed by terror groups as their gunmen; PA says surgeon, teacher killed

Israeli soldiers pulled out of Jenin early Thursday after a raid that lasted over 40 hours in the northern West Bank city, the military and local Paleostinian health authorities said.

Troops withdrew from the city early Thursday, a military spokesperson told The Times of Israel, after carrying out raids in the city’s refugee camp and exchanging fire with masked button men in a nearby neighborhood in the city center.

The Israel Defense Forces said on Tuesday that it had launched the operation following "intelligence information from the Shin Bet indicating the activity of armed bandidos turbans affiliated with the Hamas
..one of the armed feet of the Moslem Brüderbund millipede,...
and Paleostinian Islamic Jihad
...created after many members of the Egyptian Moslem Brotherhood decided the organization was becoming too moderate. Operations were conducted out of Egypt until 1981 when the group was exiled after the assassination of President Anwar Sadat. They worked out of Gaza until they were exiled to Lebanon in 1987, where they clove tightly to Hezbollah. In 1989 they moved to Damascus, where they remain a subsidiary of Hezbollah...
terror organizations, and the presence of many terror infrastructures in the area."

Later Tuesday, the IDF said that amid the raid, troops had demolished the home of Ahmed Barakat, a Paleostinian terrorist involved in the killing of Israeli civilian Meir Tamari in a shooting attack near the settlement of Hermesh in May 2023.

Barakat was killed in a dronezap in March.

On Wednesday, the IDF said troops had "exchanged fire with gunnies and killed a number of terrorists, including two bandidos turbans who threw explosives at the forces."

And in a statement on Thursday, the IDF reported that in the midst of the raid, troops identified an armed squad shooting in their direction, and pursued them to a hospital compound where they sought refuge.

The button men abandoned their vehicles, inside of which soldiers found six weapons as well as ammunition, the IDF said, attaching what it said was a video of the events.

The Paleostinian Authority health ministry said Israeli forces had killed 12 people during the raid in Jenin.

AP reported that eight of the dead were claimed by Hamas and other terror groups as their button men.

The IDF said it had only shot up button men and Paleostinians hurling bombs at troops.

The official PA news agency WAFA and medical charity Doctors Without Borders reported that surgeon Usaeed Jabareen, from Jenin’s Khalil Suleiman government hospital, was among those killed on Tuesday.

An AFP correspondent reported seeing five bodies at the hospital morgue, including Jabareen’s.

A schoolteacher, Allam Jaradat, and a student were also among the dead, WAFA said, quoting hospital director Wissam Bakr.

Several of the bodies of those killed were draped in flags and carried among crowds of Paleostinians through the streets as gunfire rang out.

Paleostinian Authority President the ineffectual Mahmoud Abbas
...aka Abu Mazen, a graduate of the prestigious unaccredited Patrice Lumumba University in Moscow with a doctorate in Holocaust Denial. While no Yasser Arafat, he has his own brand of evil, just a little more lowercase....>
condemned the Israeli raid, as did Hamas, the terror organization against which Israel is waging war in Gazoo
...Hellhole adjunct to Israel and Egypt's Sinai Peninsula, inhabited by Gazooks. The place was acquired in the wake of the 1967 War and then presented to Paleostinian control in 2006 by Ariel Sharon, who had entered his dotage. It is currently ruled with an iron fist by Hamas with about the living conditions you'd expect. It periodically attacks the Hated Zionist Entity whenever Iran needs a ruckus created or the hard boyz get bored, getting thumped by the IDF in return. The ruling turbans then wave the bloody shirt and holler loudly about oppression and disproportionate response...
, and which also has a significant presence in the West Bank.

PA Prime Minister Mohammad Mustafa warned in a statement Wednesday of the dangers of "Israeli military escalation and settlers attacks in the West Bank."

Jenin is widely seen as a hotbed of terrorist activity, and the IDF regularly carries out operations there.

On May 17, a rare Israeli Arclight airstrike
in Jenin targeted a command room belonging to a local terror network and killed another terrorist involved in the murder of Meir Tamari, according to the military.

Since October 7, troops have arrested some 4,000 wanted Paleostinians across the West Bank, including more than 1,700 affiliated with Hamas. According to the PA health ministry, more than 510 West Bank Paleostinians have been killed in that time. Based on military estimates, the vast majority of those killed since October 7 were shot during festivities amid arrest raids.
Posted by: trailing wife || 05/25/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [86 views] Top|| File under:

#1  troops identified an armed squad shooting in their direction, and pursued them to a hospital compound where they sought refuge.

International Community protests attack on hospital in 5..4..3
Just kidding. Just kidding. They no longer need any actual events to trigger outrage.

Posted by: Grom the Reflective || 05/25/2024 3:27 Comments || Top||

Satellite photos show Rafah emptying as Israeli forces move in on southern Gaza city
From Tuesday. Photos at the link.
[IsraelTimes] Pictures taken on May 8 display large patches of sand in two areas that were crowded with tents three days earlier; IDF says 950,000 have fled city under partial evacuation order

Newly released satellite photos reviewed by the News Agency that Dare Not be Named show a large exodus of Paleostinians from the southernmost Gazoo
...Hellhole adjunct to Israel and Egypt's Sinai Peninsula, inhabited by Gazooks. The place was acquired in the wake of the 1967 War and then presented to Paleostinian control in 2006 by Ariel Sharon, who had entered his dotage. It is currently ruled with an iron fist by Hamas with about the living conditions you'd expect. It periodically attacks the Hated Zionist Entity whenever Iran needs a ruckus created or the hard boyz get bored, getting thumped by the IDF in return. The ruling turbans then wave the bloody shirt and holler loudly about oppression and disproportionate response...
city of Rafah earlier this month.

The photos taken three days apart — first on May 5 and then on May 8 — show the change on the ground after Israel issued its first evacuation order for the city on May 6.

They show that crowded tent camps in the central and northwest regions of the city grew sparse within days of the order, though only neighborhoods in the east of the city had been ordered to evacuate.

One pair of before-and-after photos shows an area near the Tel al-Sultan refugee camp west of Rafah, adjacent to the humanitarian zone set up by the Israeli military.

In the three days between the photos, at least half of the hundreds of tents cramming the area disappeared, likely from Paleostinians packing up and departing.

The other pair of photos shows the central Shabourah neighborhood of Rafah city. Tents packing city streets give way to sandy patches.

Before the evacuation orders, some 1.3 million Paleostinians — many already displaced from other parts of Gaza — had taken shelter there, according to the UN.

It was unclear where all the Paleostinians packing up their tents and fleeing Rafah are going. Rights groups say there is nowhere in Gaza with nearly enough food, water or tents for the newly displaced masses.

Israel has advised civilians to go to a humanitarian zone in the al-Mawasi area northwest of Rafah, and recently announced that the zone had been expanded to accommodate for the expected influx.

Paleostinian are also concentrated in areas of central Gaza where Israeli ground forces have not yet operated.

The Israeli military estimated Monday that some 950,000 Paleostinians had evacuated the Rafah area in the southern Gaza Strip, as ground forces operate in the eastern part of the city.

Some 300,000 to 400,000 civilians remain in Rafah, mostly in the coastal area and some parts of the center of the city, according to information seen by The Times of Israel.

Israel has so far classified its operations in the city as limited in scope, a claim the US has echoed. Currently, the IDF has not pushed further than the Brazil neighborhood of eastern Rafah, leaving most of the city under Hamas
..the well-beloved offspring of the Moslem Brotherhood,...

Israel’s military said Monday the war would likely last another six months.
Posted by: trailing wife || 05/25/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [272 views] Top|| File under: Hamas

Hezbollah barrages deal heavy damage in northern Israel
[NAHARNET] A momentary shriek presages a bone-juddering blast, followed by a plume of thick black smoke. Refrigerator-sized holes mark where Hezbollah anti-tank missiles like this one have hit along Israel's northern border.

Hezbollah has been exchanging near-daily cross-border fire with the Israeli army since Hamas
..a regional Iranian catspaw,...
' unprecedented October 7 attack triggered war in Gazoo
...Hellhole adjunct to Israel and Egypt's Sinai Peninsula, inhabited by Gazooks. The place was acquired in the wake of the 1967 War and then presented to Paleostinian control in 2006 by Ariel Sharon, who had entered his dotage. It is currently ruled with an iron fist by Hamas with about the living conditions you'd expect. It periodically attacks the Hated Zionist Entity whenever Iran needs a ruckus created or the hard boyz get bored, getting thumped by the IDF in return. The ruling turbans then wave the bloody shirt and holler loudly about oppression and disproportionate response...
The Iran-backed group has launched thousands of rockets, mortar rounds, anti-tank missiles and attack drones at northern Israel.

The exchanges of fire have killed at least 11 civilians and 14 soldiers in Israel, according to the army.

At least 429 people have been killed in Leb
...an Iranian satrapy currently ruled by Hassan Nasrallah situated on the eastern Mediterranean, conveniently adjacent to Israel. Formerly inhabited by hardy Phoenecian traders, its official language is now Arabic, with the usual unpleasant side effects. The Leb civil war, between 1975 and 1990, lasted a little over 145 years and produced 120,000 fatalities. The average length of a ceasefire was measured in seconds. The Lebs maintain a precarious sectarian balance among Shiites, Sunnis, and about a dozen flavors of Christians, plus Armenians, Georgians, and who knows what else? It is the home of the original Hezbollah, which periodically starts a war with the Zionist Entity, gets Beirut pounded to rubble, and then declares victory and has a parade. The Lebs have the curious habit of periodically murdering their heads of state or prime ministers...
, mostly holy warriors but also including at least 82 civilians, according to an AFP tally.

The barrages have dealt a heavy blow to Israeli towns and villages near the border which have been evacuated for more than six months. They have also served as a warning of the far greater destruction that would be wrought by a full-blown war.

The Israeli defense ministry body responsible for rebuilding northern communities said it had received 930 reports of damage -- around a third of them categorized as moderate to critical -- the vast majority of it inflicted on residential buildings.

Hundreds more cases remain unassessed in towns like Arab al-Aramsheh, Menara and Metula because it is considered too hazardous for inspectors to enter.

The report did not cite an estimated cost, but a senior defense official who spoke to AFP on condition of anonymity said reconstruction in the hardest hit locations could take months to a year.

In Kibbutz Menara, around 30 percent of buildings have suffered substantial damage, the official said.

At least 26 percent of the reported damage was caused by Israeli troops who have entrenched themselves in evacuated towns and villages along the 120-kilometer (75-mile) border, according to the Northern Horizon Directorate report.

The Israeli military said it "regrets any damage to the residents' property" and is working to minimize damage as much as possible.

Posted by: Fred || 05/25/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [60 views] Top|| File under: Hezbollah

UN says only 906 aid truckloads reached Gaza since Israel's Rafah operation began
[GEO.TV] Aid access to the Gazoo
...Hellhole adjunct to Israel and Egypt's Sinai Peninsula, inhabited by Gazooks. The place was acquired in the wake of the 1967 War and then presented to Paleostinian control in 2006 by Ariel Sharon, who had entered his dotage. It is currently ruled with an iron fist by Hamas with about the living conditions you'd expect. It periodically attacks the Hated Zionist Entity whenever Iran needs a ruckus created or the hard boyz get bored, getting thumped by the IDF in return. The ruling turbans then wave the bloody shirt and holler loudly about oppression and disproportionate response...
Strip is extremely limited with less than 1,000 truckloads of humanitarian assistance entering the enclave since May 7, after Israel began a military operation in southern Gaza's Rafah area, the United Nations
...the Oyster Bay money pit...
said on Friday.

The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) said that between May 7 and May 23, only 906 truckloads entered the enclave of 2.3 million people, where a famine looms amid the war between Israel and Paleostinian Hamas
..the braying voice of Islamic Resistance®,...
UN spokesperson Stephane Dujarric said about 800 of those truckloads were food supplies.

OCHA said 143 truckloads passed through the Israel-controlled Kerem Shalom crossing in Gaza's south, while in Gaza's north 62 passed through the Erez crossing and 604 via Erez West. It said 97 truckloads have come through a U.S.-built floating pier in central Gaza that began operating a week ago.

The Rafah crossing from Egypt into Gaza has been closed since Israel began stepping up its military operation in the area, creating a backlog of aid in Egypt where some of the food supplies have begun to rot.

Posted by: Fred || 05/25/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [131 views] Top|| File under: Hamas

#1  Only 906? I wonder what people of Darfur would've said.
Posted by: Grom the Reflective || 05/25/2024 1:05 Comments || Top||

#2  Apologies for the long comment that follows.

As we know, the reason for Israel going into GAZA was HAMAS's Terror Attack . Like any nation, Israel has a rightful mission to seek out and find it kidnapped civilian hostages and eliminate the Terrorist group hell-bent of genocide. As we know, HAMAS is a terrorist group that videotapes raping, murdering and/or torturing civilians. Then posts the videos on Social Media to show and brag about their inhumanity to non-Islamic persons.

UN DATA: Gaza Strip is a Palestinian territory of about 365 square kilometers, that HAD 2.1 million inhabitants (UN data from Oct 2023)

UN DATA: There has been numerous Government & UN reports of a Rafah exodus which exceeds 810,000, (so says UNRWA | UN News). That's just for Rafah.

UN DATA: UN official reports indicate other GAZA areas have had between 150k and 203K that fled.

Pre Oct 2023 population UN estimate was 2.1M
UN and Media estimated numbers having left Gaza 1.1M
So using UN & Media provided DATA and applying Old School Math would mean about 1M remain in GAZA.

Given UN stated 800 of the 906 trucks were food only and estimating low at 4,500 LBS per truck
800 x 4,500 that works out to about 3,600,000 of food
Roughly 3.6 LBS per man, women and child.

Or about a week of basic food supplies per person. Plus more is being hauled in daily.

NOTE: No word on how many of the 906+/- aid Truck Loads were hijacked, stolen, and or destroyed by HAMAS, and other Genocidal Terrorist Groups?

Posted by: NN2N1 || 05/25/2024 6:33 Comments || Top||

#5  1 Nation ITALY giving $38M

Just using US Military, MRE's are generally cost around $8 a meal as an example.

$38M minus 25% S&H and HAMAS pocket fees = $28.5M

$28.5M / $8 = about 3.56 Million meals
Posted by: NN2N1 || 05/25/2024 8:19 Comments || Top||

#6  Not all supply trucks contain food and water. Some carry shelter and such. You know like the tents at Harvard.
Posted by: Ebbuger Whuque4103 || 05/25/2024 10:45 Comments || Top||

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