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Gaza civil defence says 26 killed in two Israeli air strikes on Gaza City
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2 18:45 Frank G [79] 
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12 17:58 Anon1 [228] 
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8 21:17 swksvolFF [139]
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5 18:50 swksvolFF [137]
Good Morning

Garland: Trump's Deadly Force Claim 'Extremely Dangerous'
Friday 05/24/2024

The father and son Hamas rapists
US service member critically
injured during work on Gaza pier
Heads of Iran-allied militant groups meet in Tehran
UN Sanctions Three Al-Shabaab
Leaders at Request of Somali Government
Africa Horn
Mass exodus from Abu Shouk
camp as violence escalates in El-Fasher
Mass Syria regime looting of
homes revealed in explosive new report

Posted by: Fred || 05/24/2024 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [79 views] Top|| File under:

#1  They call it a beauty mark. She'll probably keep it for life.
Posted by: jpal || 05/24/2024 17:46 Comments || Top||

#2  Died at 71, apparently, which was a long life at the time
Posted by: Frank G || 05/24/2024 18:45 Comments || Top||

Africa Horn
Mass exodus from Abu Shouk camp as violence escalates in El-Fasher
[SUDANTRIBUNE] Amidst escalating violence and widespread abuses by the Rapid Support Forces (RSF), an estimated 60% of residents have fled the Abu Shouk camp in El-Fasher, North Darfur. The camp, home to approximately 400,000 displaced persons, was overrun by the RSF on Wednesday, triggering a wave of killings, lootings, arrests, and arson, particularly in sections 27 and 28.

Adam Rijal, spokesperson for the Coordination of Displaced Persons and Refugees in Darfur, told Sudan
...a Moslem country located in the Horn of Africa. It is noted for its affinity for rule by ex- or current generals, its holy men, and for the oppression of the native Afro population by its Arab conquerors. South Sudan, populated mostly by the natives, split off from Sudan proper, which left North and South Darfur to be oppressed by the guys with turbans...
Tribune that the exodus began early Thursday morning, with thousands fleeing the northern sections of the camp "to unknown areas." Rijal detailed the extensive violations suffered by residents, including looting, robbery, and direct gunfire into homes.

The mass displacement is fueled by both the RSF’s brutal actions and the indiscriminate shelling of the camp by both sides of the conflict. The RSF was eventually repelled from Abu Shouk by a joint force of armed movements and pushed back to the Mali Gate.

...back at the the conspirators' cleverly concealed hideout the long-awaited message arrived. They quickly got to work with their decoder rings...
intense festivities persist near Abu Shouk and the nearby Naivasha camp, causing numerous injuries and destroying homes. Eyewitnesses report the use of heavy weaponry, with the conflict showing no signs of abating.

El-Fasher, the capital of North Darfur, has been engulfed in bloody conflict for two weeks between the army, allied armed movements, and the RSF, resulting in a significant civilian corpse count. In a surprising development, an army position in northern El-Fasher abruptly withdrew, citing ammunition shortages, inadvertently allowing the RSF to infiltrate the Abu Shouk camp.

In an effort to bolster the army and its allies, a military source revealed a successful airdrop operation delivering military equipment to El-Fasher. However,
it was a brave man who first ate an oyster...
the situation on the ground remains dire, with the humanitarian crisis deepening as thousands of displaced individuals seek safety and refuge.
Posted by: Fred || 05/24/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [79 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Sudan

Houthi leader on the movement operation in the Mediterranean Sea
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
[Regnum] One of the Houthi operations was carried out against a target in the Mediterranean Sea, the leader of the Yemeni Ansar Allah movement, Abdel Malik al-Houthi, said on May 23, whose speech was broadcast by Al Masirah TV channel.

“One of our military operations this week was against a target in the Mediterranean,” he said.

According to the Houthi leader, a total of eight operations were carried out this week using 15 missiles and drones in the Red and Arabian Seas, the Gulf of Aden and the Indian Ocean. In total, he said, the number of ships associated with Israel, the United States and Britain that were attacked reached 119.

As Regnum reported, on May 18, off the coast of the Yemeni city of Moha, an oil tanker was hit by a rocket. After this, a fire broke out on board. The ship was flying the flag of Panama. It received minor damage and continued to its next port of call.

Later, the US Central Command (CENTCOM) clarified that the Houthis allegedly attacked the M/T Wind oil tanker, which was allegedly heading to China. The US military claims that the ship moored in Russia before the voyage. It was operated by a Greek operator but flew the Panamanian flag.

On May 15, the Houthis said they attacked the US destroyer Mason in the Red Sea with a missile. In addition, they also launched a missile attack on the commercial ship Destiny, which was heading to the Israeli port of Eilat.

On May 8, the head of the Houthi Supreme Political Council, Mahdi al-Mashat, said at a military parade that the United States was sending “tempting offers” to stop the movement from attacking merchant ships in the Red Sea. He called these steps by the American leadership humiliating.
Indeed. Go Brandon.
Al-Mashat said the Houthis will continue their attacks in support of the Gaza Strip, whose residents are suffering from attacks by the Israeli army.
Update from the Times of Israel at 3:40 p.m. ET:
A missile attack targeted a commercial vessel transiting southwest of Yemen
...an area of the Arabian Peninsula sometimes mistaken for a country. It is populated by more antagonistic tribes and factions than you can keep track of...
’s port city of Hodeidah without causing any damage or casualties, maritime security firms said on Thursday, in an attack likely carried out by Yemen’s Iran's Houthi sock puppets
...a Zaidi Shia insurgent group operating in Yemen. They have also been referred to as the Believing Youth. Hussein Badreddin al-Houthi is said to be the spiritual leader of the group and most of the military leaders are his relatives. The legitimate Yemeni government has accused the them of having ties to the Iranian government. Honest they did. The group has managed to gain control over all of Saada Governorate and parts of Amran, Al Jawf and Hajjah Governorates. Its slogan is God is Great, Death to America™, Death to Israel, a curse on the Jews They like shooting off... ummm... missiles that they would have us believe they make at home in their basements. On the plus side, they did murder Ali Abdullah Saleh, which was the only way the country was ever going to be rid of him...

The vessel was "suspiciously approached" 68 nautical miles (125 kilometers) off Hodeidah, Ambrey said, without identifying the ship or the flag that it was flying.

"The vessel had undergone what she described as a ’missile attack’ at the location," it added, noting that "no injuries or damages were reported."

The United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations, run by the Royal Navy, also reported an incident at the same location near the crucial Bab el-Mandeb Strait in the southern Red Sea, with "a missile impacting the water in close proximity" to the ship.

"Vessel and all crew are safe and proceeding to next port of call," it said in an advisory.

On Wednesday, US military forces shot down four drones in Houthi-controlled parts of Yemen, the US Central Command (CENTCOM) said.

"It was determined these systems presented an imminent threat to US coalition forces, and merchant vessels in the region," CENTCOM posted on social media platform X.

A day earlier the Iran-backed Houthis claimed that they had shot down an American drone over the country on the Arabian Peninsula. The US military acknowledged reports but didn’t comment.

Posted by: badanov || 05/24/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [78 views] Top|| File under: Houthis

Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
A resident of Kabardino-Balkaria gets 15 years in the case of preparing a terrorist attack
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
[KavkazUzel] The Southern District Military Court in Rostov-on-Don sentenced Kantemir Nafedzov, a resident of Kabardino-Balkaria, finding him guilty of preparing a terrorist attack in Nalchik

According to the prosecution, from July 7 to August 24, 2023, Nafedzov participated in the activities of the banned terrorist organization “Islamic State (The Islamic State is prohibited in Russia),” sharing its ideology. 

As the court established, the young man then decided to commit a terrorist attack in Nalchik. To do this, he observed administrative buildings and the city railway station, taking photos and videos near these objects. 

Nafedzov conducted preparations for the terrorist attack “under the leadership of another member of the terrorist organization,” according to a publication on the court’s official Telegram channel dated May 22. 

It also follows from the verdict against a resident of Kabardino-Balkaria that on August 8, 2023, he recorded an oath of allegiance to the leader of a terrorist organization on his mobile phone and sent it to someone on the Internet. 

According to the court, using a mobile phone, he also received instructions from a member of a terrorist organization on how to make explosives and an improvised explosive device based on them. From August 15 to 17, the defendant purchased components for a homemade bomb in Nalchik, and on August 23, having made explosives and a homemade bomb at his home, he hid them in a cache. The next day, security forces detained Nafedzov, seizing these items from the cache. 

The court found Kantemir Nafedzov guilty, sentencing him to 15 years of maximum security, with the first two years to be served in prison.

Nafedzov was found guilty on four counts: preparation of a terrorist act (Part 1 of Article 30, Part 1 of Article 205 of the Criminal Code of Russia), participation in the activities of a terrorist organization (Part 2 of Article 205.5 of the Criminal Code), illegal trafficking in explosives (Part 1 of Article 222.1 of the Criminal Code) and illegal production explosive devices (part 1 of article 223.1 of the Criminal Code). The statement from the court's press service did not specify whether he agreed with any part of the charges. 

Nefedzov is 25 years old, he was born in the village of Shalushka in the Chegem region of Kabardino-Balkaria, as follows from the entry in the Rosfinmonitoring register of extremists and terrorists. The "Caucasian Knot" does not yet have any comments from the accused regarding the court's verdict.

Posted by: badanov || 05/24/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [33 views] Top|| File under: Islamic State

UN Sanctions Three Al-Shabaab Leaders at Request of Somali Government
[SHABELLEMEDIA] In a significant move to combat terrorism, the United Nations
...an idea whose time has gone...
Security Council has sanctioned three leaders of the al-Shabaab
... the Islamic version of the old Somali warlord...
holy warrior group following a request from the Somali government.
That’s nice. It’ll make no noticeable difference, but no doubt someone feels better for it.
The decision was made public on May 23, 2024, and targets three individuals identified as key figures in the organization:

1. Abdukadir Ikrima, is a Somali citizen who also holds a Kenyan passport.
2. Mohammed Mohamud Mire.
3. Mohammed Omar Mohammed.

The sanctions involve the freezing of assets and a travel ban, aiming to disrupt the activities of these individuals and the organizations they represent. This action comes as part of the ongoing efforts to improve security and stability in Somalia, a country that has been grappling with terrorism and insurgency for years.

The Somali government has been working closely with international partners, including the United Nations, to combat al-Shabaab, a group known for its violent mostly peaceful attacks and control over parts of the country.

The sanctions are a significant step forward in this ongoing battle, demonstrating the international community’s commitment to supporting Somalia’s efforts to eradicate terrorism.

The UK government, through its mission in Somalia, has also expressed support for these efforts, emphasizing the importance of tackling terrorism for a safer and more secure future for all Somalis.

The move has been welcomed by many, who see it as a necessary step towards peace and stability in the region.

As of now, the impact of these sanctions on al-Shabaab’s operations and the response from the group remains to be seen. However,
the hip bone's connected to the leg bone...
this action sends a strong message that the international community stands united against terrorism and is willing to take decisive measures to combat it.

Posted by: Fred || 05/24/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [55 views] Top|| File under: al-Shabaab (AQ)

UN resumes transporting aid from US-built pier in Gaza
[GEO.TV] The United Nations
...the Oyster Bay money pit...
has resumed transporting humanitarian aid arriving at a US-built pier off the coast of the Gazoo
...Hellhole adjunct to Israel and Egypt's Sinai Peninsula, inhabited by Gazooks. The place was acquired in the wake of the 1967 War and then presented to Paleostinian control in 2006 by Ariel Sharon, who had entered his dotage. It is currently ruled with an iron fist by Hamas with about the living conditions you'd expect. It periodically attacks the Hated Zionist Entity whenever Iran needs a ruckus created or the hard boyz get bored, getting thumped by the IDF in return. The ruling turbans then wave the bloody shirt and holler loudly about oppression and disproportionate response...
Strip after deliveries were halted for two days because some truckloads of aid were intercepted by needy Paleostinians.

Aid deliveries began arriving at a US-built pier on Friday as Israel comes under growing global pressure to allow more supplies into the besieged coastal enclave.

The UN halted transport for two days while it came up with a new route. WFP spokesperson Shaza Moghraby said on Thursday that deliveries resumed on Tuesday with 17 trucks arriving at the warehouse, while on Wednesday there were 27 trucks.

A US official said on Thursday that so far some 800 metric tonnes of aid had been delivered off the pier to a staging area. USAID said that as of Tuesday more than 307 metric tonnes of aid had been transported from "to onward points in Gaza."
Posted by: Fred || 05/24/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [91 views] Top|| File under: Hamas

#1  And Hamas resumes hijacking and selling it in the markets.
Posted by: Grom the reflective || 05/24/2024 0:15 Comments || Top||

#2  Intercepted by 'needy Paleos'. Hamas.
Posted by: Bobby || 05/24/2024 9:13 Comments || Top||

#3  Hlpng hamas
Posted by: Anon1 || 05/24/2024 17:41 Comments || Top||

The father and son Hamas rapists
[Daily Mail, where America gets its news] …Terrorists describe going house to house carrying out sex attacks and murder: 'One screamed and cried... father raped her then I did then my cousin did then father killed her'
  • Jamal Hussein Ahmad Radi, 47, and his son Abdallah, 18, were captured by IDF

  • They told Israeli captors of their heinous crimes against civilians on October 7

Father-of-seven Radi, a member of the Hamas Security Service, who was captured in March in Gaza, describes how he, his son and other terrorists broke into the Nir Oz kibbutz.

Without any visible sign of remorse he said: 'In each house where we found someone, we either killed them or kidnapped them.'
Posted by: Skidmark || 05/24/2024 00:06 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [199 views] Top|| File under: Hamas

#1  That's Gazan Civilians that the whole World is eager to protect.
Posted by: Grom the reflective || 05/24/2024 3:09 Comments || Top||

#2  Family values...
Posted by: European Conservative || 05/24/2024 6:17 Comments || Top||

#3  The old adage that says that in all societies the overwhelmingly large majority consist of normal law abiding people is true.

The problem is that "law abiding" is defined by the respective cultural, legal and ethical consensus opinions of different societies.

If an alien culture's notion of ethics and law is a monstrous abomination in our eyes then, logically the alien "law abiding" people are abominable monsters for us, and vice versa.

Sometimes different cultures are as incompatible as fire and water.
Posted by: Elmerert Hupens2660 || 05/24/2024 8:51 Comments || Top||

#4  The ICC didn't like that Gallant called these people "human animals".

I agree with that. He really didn't have to insult animals.
Posted by: European Conservative || 05/24/2024 14:04 Comments || Top||

#5  Father and Son .... hmmmm, why do Joe and Hunter Biden come to mind?
Posted by: DooDahMan || 05/24/2024 14:27 Comments || Top||

#6  Yes, anon commenter above is right. Hamas, Muslim Brotherhood, concept of sharia law means it is permissable for them to rape non-Muslim women who are war captives

They do not think there is anything wrong with this as mohammad did it

This is why the Arab Muslims of Gaza and West Bank need to be resettled in the surrounding arab muslim nations Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Qatar and further off, Saudi Arabia

These countries have an obligation as theyare te ones who sated the original war hat displaced these people in 1948.

It is their fault

Non-Muslim nations have NO obligation and must not take any muslims in. Not even one.
Posted by: Anon1 || 05/24/2024 17:39 Comments || Top||

US service member critically injured during work on Gaza pier
[IsraelNationalNews] Defense officials say three US service members were injured, one of them critically, while supporting a mission to provide humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza.

A US service member is in critical condition after sustaining a non-combat injury on Thursday while supporting humanitarian aid to Gaza, a US defense official said on Thursday.

"On May 23, a US service member sustained a non-combat related injury aboard USNS Benavidez (T-AKR 306) while in support of the humanitarian aid mission to Gaza," the official said, according to Fox News. "The service member was transported to a medical facility and is in critical condition at this time. More information will be provided as it becomes available."

Earlier on Thursday, it was reported that two US soldiers had suffered light injuries while working near the temporary US pier off the coast of Gaza.

The soldiers were evacuated through the Ashdod Port to an Israeli hospital.

During an on-record call later in the day, defense officials confirmed to reporters that three US service members were injured while supporting a mission to provide humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza.

While one individual was found to be in critical condition, the other two sustained injuries that were "very minor," according to Vice Admiral Brad Cooper, who described them as "routine injuries."

He added that the two service members who sustained minor injuries had returned to duty.

Posted by: Grom the reflective || 05/24/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [228 views] Top|| File under:

#1  All the IDF soldiers who died making war the humanitarian way not enough for Biden & co - they must have American blood?
Posted by: Grom the reflective || 05/24/2024 3:14 Comments || Top||

#2  A US service member is in critical condition after sustaining a non-combat injury

Fell off a pier or caught a round of bullet while engaged in non-combat task?
Posted by: SteveS || 05/24/2024 8:18 Comments || Top||

#3  they must have American blood?

Itching for an election year trigger to intercede.
Posted by: Skidmark || 05/24/2024 8:30 Comments || Top||

#4  They were not carrying weapons, so they were not 'in combat'.
Posted by: Bobby || 05/24/2024 9:24 Comments || Top||

#5  As long as its nothing out of the 'normal' for training in which we suffer casualties as well.
Posted by: Procopius2k || 05/24/2024 12:35 Comments || Top||

#6  Poor guy. Just following orders.
Posted by: Regular+joe || 05/24/2024 13:14 Comments || Top||

#7  Most likely got caught between two heavy things. Most common injury in this type of work. Second is falling. Either the man falls or something falls on the man.
Posted by: DarthVader || 05/24/2024 13:28 Comments || Top||

#8  Not only have they acknowledged that none of the aid that came across the pier so far has actually gotten to the civilians of Gaza, the Army version of CWIS is now mounted on the pier for self defense.

Posted by: NoMoreBS || 05/24/2024 13:37 Comments || Top||

#9  I second your guess. The USNS Benavidez is a roll on/Roll off cargo ship for vehicles. I doubt they preloaded trucks for the cargo so if they palatized loads it would be a cluster.
Posted by: Black+Charlie+McGurque1103 || 05/24/2024 16:15 Comments || Top||

#10  I'm referring to #7
Posted by: Black+Charlie+McGurque1103 || 05/24/2024 16:17 Comments || Top||

#11  Second is falling. Either the man falls or something falls on the man.

Which of course is also being squished between two heavy things. Only vertically instead of horizontally.

Posted by: trailing wife || 05/24/2024 17:02 Comments || Top||

#12  Should be building a wall on US border not a pier for hamas
Posted by: Anon1 || 05/24/2024 17:58 Comments || Top||

Gaza civil defence says 26 killed in two Israeli air strikes on Gaza City
[GEO.TV] Gazoo
...Hellhole adjunct to Israel and Egypt's Sinai Peninsula, inhabited by Gazooks. The place was acquired in the wake of the 1967 War and then presented to Paleostinian control in 2006 by Ariel Sharon, who had entered his dotage. It is currently ruled with an iron fist by Hamas with about the living conditions you'd expect. It periodically attacks the Hated Zionist Entity whenever Iran needs a ruckus created or the hard boyz get bored, getting thumped by the IDF in return. The ruling turbans then wave the bloody shirt and holler loudly about oppression and disproportionate response...
's civil defence agency said two pre-dawn Israeli air strikes on Thursday killed 26 people in Gaza City, amid fierce battles between troops and resistance fighters across the Paleostinian territory.

Civil defence agency front man Mahmud Bassal told AFP that one strike hit a family's house, killing 16 people, while 10 others died when a mosque was struck in the second strike.
Posted by: Fred || 05/24/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [159 views] Top|| File under: Hamas

Israel launches deadly Gaza strikes, says ready for new truce talks
[GEO.TV] Israel launched devastating air strikes on Gazoo
...Hellhole adjunct to Israel and Egypt's Sinai Peninsula, inhabited by Gazooks. The place was acquired in the wake of the 1967 War and then presented to Paleostinian control in 2006 by Ariel Sharon, who had entered his dotage. It is currently ruled with an iron fist by Hamas with about the living conditions you'd expect. It periodically attacks the Hated Zionist Entity whenever Iran needs a ruckus created or the hard boyz get bored, getting thumped by the IDF in return. The ruling turbans then wave the bloody shirt and holler loudly about oppression and disproportionate response...
early Thursday while also saying it is ready to resume stalled talks on a truce and hostage release deal with Hamas
..the well-beloved offspring of the Moslem Brotherhood,...
to pause the war raging since October 7.

The Gaza Strip's civil defence agency said two pre-dawn air strikes had killed 26 people, including 15 children, in Gaza City alone.

Agency front man Mahmud Bassal said one strike hit a family house, killing 16 people, in the al-Daraj area, and another killed 10 people inside a mosque compound.

Fierce street battles also raged in Gaza's Jabalia and Rafah where the armed wings of Hamas and its ally Islamic Jihad
...created after many members of the Egyptian Moslem Brotherhood decided the organization was becoming too moderate. Operations were conducted out of Egypt until 1981 when the group was exiled after the assassination of President Anwar Sadat. They worked out of Gaza until they were exiled to Lebanon in 1987, where they clove tightly to Hezbollah. In 1989 they moved to Damascus, where they remain a subsidiary of Hezbollah...
said they had fired mortar barrages at Israeli troops.
Posted by: Fred || 05/24/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [92 views] Top|| File under: Hamas

#1  To me "devastating strike" means a thousand Gazooks dead.
Posted by: Grom the reflective || 05/24/2024 3:16 Comments || Top||

#2  Street battles and mortar attacks. Mostly peaceful.
Posted by: Frank G || 05/24/2024 6:51 Comments || Top||

Hamas says it is holding Israeli colonel reported killed on Oct 7
[GEO.TV] Hamas
..one of the armed feet of the Moslem Brüderbund millipede,...
said on Thursday it was holding an Israeli colonel captured on October 7, who Israel had previously reported was killed in the attacks that day.

The Hamas armed wing al-Qassam Brigades said Colonel Asaf Hamami had been maimed during his capture. It supplied no proof, and did not specify whether he was still alive now.
”He’s dead, Jim.” If he weren’t, they’d have video to prove it.
The Israeli military reported months ago that Hamami, 41, a brigade commander, had been killed in the Oct. 7 attacks and his body was being held in Gazoo
...Hellhole adjunct to Israel and Egypt's Sinai Peninsula, inhabited by Gazooks. The place was acquired in the wake of the 1967 War and then presented to Paleostinian control in 2006 by Ariel Sharon, who had entered his dotage. It is currently ruled with an iron fist by Hamas with about the living conditions you'd expect. It periodically attacks the Hated Zionist Entity whenever Iran needs a ruckus created or the hard boyz get bored, getting thumped by the IDF in return. The ruling turbans then wave the bloody shirt and holler loudly about oppression and disproportionate response...

Posted by: Fred || 05/24/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [94 views] Top|| File under: Hamas

#1  IDF finds additional three bodies of hostages in Gaza
According to IDF intelligence, the hostages were murdered during the October 7 massacre and were taken by Hamas terrorists to Gaza.
Posted by: Grom the reflective || 05/24/2024 4:22 Comments || Top||

#2  "The bodies of the hostages were discovered in a tunnel that had a large entrance in a building that was reconstructed by UNWRA and Germany in 2023.

Were they not aware of the tunnel?"

It's not always nice to see how one's tax money is put to destructive use. </sarc>
Posted by: Elmerert Hupens2660 || 05/24/2024 8:59 Comments || Top||

Al-Awda hospital in Gaza is being forced to close following a terrifying four-day siege, the latest in a series of systematic attacks on healthcare by Israeli forces.

Posted by: Fred || 05/24/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [119 views] Top|| File under: Hamas

#1  You mean the Hamas weapons depot, right? Gets mighty confusing in Gaza.
Posted by: Raj || 05/24/2024 0:13 Comments || Top||

#2  Gets mighty confusing in Gaza

By UNRWA rules, if it has band-aids and a coffee maker, it counts as a hospital.
Posted by: SteveS || 05/24/2024 8:28 Comments || Top||

#3  ^ Early SOTD candidate
Posted by: Frank G || 05/24/2024 9:08 Comments || Top||

#4  Good. Resettle them all in Egypt, Jordan, Qatar, Iraq and Saudi Arabia
Where they belong
And where they can get on with their lives
It is the fault of those arab muslim nations that the arab muslims of Judea were displaced inn 1948 from the British-administered Ottoman lands when the British left
Their fault, their liability
Posted by: Anon1 || 05/24/2024 20:08 Comments || Top||

Heads of Iran-allied militant groups meet in Tehran

Leaders of the Iran-led, so-called "axis of resistance", including Hamas
..a contraction of the Arabic words for "frothing at the mouth",...
's Ismail Haniyeh
...became Prime Minister of Gaza after the legislative elections of 2006 which Hamas won. President Mahmoud Abbas dismissed Haniyeh from office on 14 June 2007 at the height of the Fatah-Hamas festivities, but Haniyeh did not acknowledge the decree and continues as the PM of Gazoo while Abbas maintains a separate PM in the West Bank...
and Hezbollah's Naim Qassem
... the Grand Vizier of the Hezbullies...
, discussed the war in Gazoo
...Hellhole adjunct to Israel and Egypt's Sinai Peninsula, inhabited by Gazooks. The place was acquired in the wake of the 1967 War and then presented to Paleostinian control in 2006 by Ariel Sharon, who had entered his dotage. It is currently ruled with an iron fist by Hamas with about the living conditions you'd expect. It periodically attacks the Hated Zionist Entity whenever Iran needs a ruckus created or the hard boyz get bored, getting thumped by the IDF in return. The ruling turbans then wave the bloody shirt and holler loudly about oppression and disproportionate response...
during a meeting in Tehran on the sidelines of president Ebrahim Raisi's funeral, state media reported Thursday.

The "axis of resistance" brings together Iran's regional allies in the fight against Israel, including the Paleostinian movement Hamas, Leb
...an Iranian satrapy currently ruled by Hassan Nasrallah situated on the eastern Mediterranean, conveniently adjacent to Israel. Formerly inhabited by hardy Phoenecian traders, its official language is now Arabic, with the usual unpleasant side effects. The Leb civil war, between 1975 and 1990, lasted a little over 145 years and produced 120,000 fatalities. The average length of a ceasefire was measured in seconds. The Lebs maintain a precarious sectarian balance among Shiites, Sunnis, and about a dozen flavors of Christians, plus Armenians, Georgians, and who knows what else? It is the home of the original Hezbollah, which periodically starts a war with the Zionist Entity, gets Beirut pounded to rubble, and then declares victory and has a parade. The Lebs have the curious habit of periodically murdering their heads of state or prime ministers...
's Hezbollah, Yemen
...an area of the Arabian Peninsula sometimes mistaken for a country. It is populated by more antagonistic tribes and factions than you can keep track of...
's Iran's Houthi sock puppets
...a Zaidi Shia insurgent group operating in Yemen. They have also been referred to as the Believing Youth. Hussein Badreddin al-Houthi is said to be the spiritual leader of the group and most of the military leaders are his relatives. The legitimate Yemeni government has accused the them of having ties to the Iranian government. Honest they did. The group has managed to gain control over all of Saada Governorate and parts of Amran, Al Jawf and Hajjah Governorates. Its slogan is God is Great, Death to America™, Death to Israel, a curse on the Jews They like shooting off... ummm... missiles that they would have us believe they make at home in their basements. On the plus side, they did murder Ali Abdullah Saleh, which was the only way the country was ever going to be rid of him...
s and Iraqi Shiite gangs.

The leaders of these movements met Wednesday after attending ceremonies organised in Tehran to pay tribute to Raisi, who died Sunday in a helicopter crash in northwest Iran.

The meeting was attended by Haniyeh, the head of Hamas's Qatar
...an emirate on the east coast of the Arabian Peninsula. It sits on some really productive gas and oil deposits, which produces the highest per capita income in the world. They piss it all away on religion, financing the Moslem Brotherhood and several al-Qaeda affiliates. Home of nutbag holy manYusuf al-Qaradawi...
-based political bureau, as well as Hezbollah deputy chief Naim Qassem and Houthi front man Mohammed Abdulsalam.

Haniyeh had also previously had an audience with Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei
...the very aged actual dictator of Iran, successor to Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini...>
Iranian officials meanwhile included General Hossein Salami, commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, as well as General Esmail Qaani, commander of the Quds Force, the foreign operations branch of the guards.

They discussed "the latest political, social and military situation in Gaza and the al-Aqsa Flood operation and the role of the resistance front," state broadcaster IRIB reported.

The meeting reportedly stressed "the continuation of jihad and struggle until the complete victory of the Paleostinian resistance in Gaza with the participation of all resistance groups and fronts in the region", IRIB said.

Hezbollah's al-Manar channel also reported the meeting, broadcasting photos.

Iran's Fars news agency said representatives of Paleostinian Islamic Jihad
...created after many members of the Egyptian Moslem Brotherhood decided the organization was becoming too moderate. Operations were conducted out of Egypt until 1981 when the group was exiled after the assassination of President Anwar Sadat. They worked out of Gaza until they were exiled to Lebanon in 1987, where they clove tightly to Hezbollah. In 1989 they moved to Damascus, where they remain a subsidiary of Hezbollah...
, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Paleostine and Iraqi groups were also present at the meeting.

Since the start of the war in Gaza in October, Iran's foreign minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, who also died in the helicopter accident, had increased his trips to the region, particularly to Lebanon and Syria.

...a theocratic Shiite state divided among the Medes, the Persians, and the (Arab) Elamites. Formerly a fairly civilized nation ruled by a Shah, it became a victim of Islamic revolution in 1979. The nation is today noted for spontaneously taking over other countries' embassies, maintaining whorehouses run by clergymen, involvement in international drug trafficking, and financing sock puppet militias to extend the regime's influence. The word Iran is a cognate form of Aryan. The abbreviation IRGC is the same idea as Stürmabteilung (or SA). The term Supreme Guide is a the modern version form of either Duce or Führer or maybe both. They hate Jews Zionists Jews. Their economy is based on the production of oil and vitriol...
is a key backer of Hamas, but has repeatedly denied involvement in the Paleostinian group's October 7 attack on Israel.
Posted by: Fred || 05/24/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [90 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Iran

#1  Let me know when it's "Heads of Irania-Allied militant groups mounted on pikes".
Posted by: Deacon+Blues || 05/24/2024 13:25 Comments || Top||

#2  Sounds like an "oopsie" drone targeting error.
Posted by: Whiskey Mike || 05/24/2024 15:47 Comments || Top||

Mass Syria regime looting of homes revealed in explosive new report
[NEWARAB] As the Syrian regime retook the Damascus suburb of Harasta, one soldier from the elite Tiger Forces proudly proclaimed his intentions for the former opposition stronghold.

"Everyone is stealing, looting, not leaving anything... with God’s help, nothing will remain," he tells the camera.

During the same operation, numerous videos were shot showing mobs of uniformed and plain-clothed men stripping vacated homes of all their belongings, with washing machines, furniture, and even steel facades piled onto the back of trucks and military vehicles before they departed town.

"Farewell to Harasta," one soldier taunted the survivors in a video showing part of a convoy of military and civilian vehicles, some loaded with household items, leaving the neighbourhood. "This is how looting is done."

Such admissions are frequent in an explosive new report revealed by the Syria Justice and Accountability Centre, presenting evidence of widespread pillaging by regime soldiers as they 'liberated' rebel towns and suburbs.

Posted by: Fred || 05/24/2024 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [66 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Syria

#1  What's that's called "making war the traditional way".
Posted by: Grom the reflective || 05/24/2024 3:12 Comments || Top||

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Two weeks of WOT
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