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Home Front: Politix
Trump hits back at FBI director over 'shrapnel' comment, FBI then ‘clarifies’ it was indeed a bullet
[GEO.TV] Former US president Donald Trump
...The Hero of Butler, Pennsylvania...
on Friday hit back against suggestions his wound from an liquidation attempt was caused by "shrapnel," posting a letter from his former doctor saying it was almost certainly due to a bullet.

"There is absolutely no evidence that it was anything other than a bullet," wrote Ronny Jackson, now a Republican congressman from Texas, on Trump's social media platform Truth Social. Trump reposted the message.

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) chief Christopher Wray told US politicians on Wednesday that there was some doubt "whether or not it's a bullet or shrapnel that, you know, that hit his ear."

Trump was maimed on his right ear at a campaign rally on July 13 in Pennsylvania, surviving what the FBI has termed an liquidation attempt when a gunman fired eight bullets at him during a speech.

There has been no confirmation of the nature of Trump's wound from either medical, law enforcement or government authorities, and Wray's comments were the first on-the-record details from a bigwig on the matter.

Two rally attendees were seriously maimed in the attack, and a 50-year-old Pennsylvania firefighter was rubbed out, according to officials. The gunman was killed by a US Secret Service sniper.

FBI Clarifies That Bullet Struck Trump During Assassination Attempt At Rally
Look at that — mockery across the internet gets results.
[DAILYCALLER] The FBI clarified Friday that a bullet struck former President Donald Trump
...The man who was so stupid he beat fourteen professional politicians, a former tech CEO, and a brain surgeon for the Republican nomination in 2016, then beat The Smartest Woman in the World in the general election...
during an attempt against his life in a rally on July 13.

An attempted assassin present near a Trump rally in Pennsylvania on July 13 opened fire and injured the former president before he was neutralized by the Secret Service. FBI Director Christopher Wray told Congress on Thursday that there were still "some questions" as to what exactly had struck Trump during the liquidation attempt, whether it was a "bullet or shrapnel," though did not directly mention whether glass fragments could be responsible, a theory that has been used by some in the media.
The FBI confirmed in a statement on Friday that it was indeed a bullet that hit Trump.

"What struck former President Trump in the ear was a bullet, whether whole or fragmented into smaller pieces, fired from the dear departed subject’s rifle," the FBI told the Daily Caller News Foundation in a statement.
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Posted by:Fred

#9  ...or a country without an extradition treaty

I wouldn't count Argentina on that list.
Posted by: Procopius2k   2024-07-27 16:58  

#8  "Don't mind him, he's just the political idiot in the corner office upstairs."
Posted by: ed in texas   2024-07-27 15:56  

#7  ^or a country without an extradition treaty
Posted by: Mercutio   2024-07-27 13:54  

#6  ^ He should be looking for an attorney.
Posted by: Rex Mundi   2024-07-27 11:17  

#5  Wray should be looking for a new job soon.
Posted by: Besoeker   2024-07-27 08:35  

#4  The iconic picture of bloody Trump rolled up Joe Biden in the polls like a steamroller. The shrapnel idea is a lie intended to mitigate the damage caused by that image. Wray proposed the lie in official fashion and then it was rescinded. This passed the lie baton to The View to perpetuate as if Wray never took it back. The View will mobilize the army of stupid people by periodically repeating the lie which will project the tendrils of propaganda into social media via their army of stupid minions.
Posted by: Super Hose   2024-07-27 08:29  

#3  Given the level of corrupincompetence in the govt it's hard to know where to start. I'd suggest starting with USSS if you want to see Trump make it to January. So where to start with the USSS?
Posted by: Mercutio   2024-07-27 08:28  

#2  ^They principal talent is getting other people killed & undermining 5000 years of culture.
Posted by: Grom the Reflective   2024-07-27 07:33  

#1  Can these Deep Staters do anything but lie?
Posted by: no mo uro   2024-07-27 06:39  
