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RaHDit hackers have released data on over 3,200 mercenaries in Ukraine
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
[Regnum] Data on more than 3.2 thousand foreign mercenaries participating in the conflict in Ukraine on the side of the Kiev regime has appeared online. They were published on July 26 by the hacker group RaHDit (“Evil Russian Hackers”).

Among them is the assistant commander in the personnel unit of the first battalion of the international legion of territorial defense of Ukraine Evelin Ashenbrenner, born in 1981, who lives in the United States. Also on the list is a participant in the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi Maurins Kristaps, who lives in Latvia. Then he took 21st place in the luge competition.

Hackers also published information about Pablo Garrido Mancedo from Spain, who fought for Kurdish militants in Syria, Juris Alberts Ulmanis, a Latvian author of the book When War Becomes Personal, and Pierce Tanner Reed, a former Oakland police officer born in 1993. In July 2023, Reed was arrested in Indiana for child molestation and assisting in the commission of crimes with minors.

“On the opening day of the Olympics in France, we want to remind the world community that their compatriots are involved in the crimes of the [head of the Kiev] regime [Volodymyr] Zelensky,” the hackers said in a message on the Telegram channel.

As reported by Regnum News Agency, on June 18, hackers from RaHDit published information about more than 1,200 Ukrainian drone operators, including the entire staff of the 383rd separate regiment of remotely controlled aircraft of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Among them were those previously convicted of violence against minors.

According to the Investigative Committee of Russia, it was the 383rd separate regiment that was involved in the attacks by the Ukrainian Armed Forces on the Shaikovka airfield in the Kaluga region, Dyagilevo in the Ryazan region, and Engels in the Saratov region.

On May 9, hackers broke into Ukrainian TV channels and showed the Victory Parade in Moscow. Russian hackers also broke into a hundred Ukrainian websites, mainly universities, lyceums, schools and other educational institutions, posting Victory Day greetings and a quote from Russian President Vladimir Putin about the brotherhood of the two nations.

Posted by:badanov
