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Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Ukrainian comedian jailed for reading out election promises
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.

Text taken from an article posted on

Commentary by Russian military journalist Boris Rozhin is in italics.

[ColonelCassad] In Kiev, Ukrainian comedian Sergey Chirkov was forcibly removed from the stage of the Atlas Weekend festival in Kiev for reading the election promises of the country's president, Volodymyr Zelensky, voiced by him during the debates in 2019. This was reported by the publication Politika Strany.

In particular, the election promises spoke of the end of the era of poverty, the end of nepotism and a quick end to the war.

Eyewitnesses said that Chirkov read out quotes without giving them an assessment or joking. The microphone was taken away from the stand-up comedian by a security guard, who removed him from the stage.

The festival's page called the incident an "unfortunate misunderstanding" between Chirkov and one of the team's employees, "who exceeded his official authority and behaved in an unacceptable manner due to a false interpretation of what was happening on stage."

"For our part, on behalf of the organizers, we publicly apologize to Sergey and his manager Daria for their unprofessional and unethical behavior and violation of physical boundaries," the organizers write.

Read it out unenthusiastically. They should take it to the TCC, not apologize.

Posted by:badanov

#1  I'm so old I remember when Ukrainian comedians were elected President rather than thrown in jail.
Posted by: SteveS   2024-07-27 00:43  
