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Fifth Column
Prosecutors release update about anti-Israel protesters who set American flag alight
[Daily Mail, where America gets it news] … shouted 'Allahu Akbar' in Washington during Netanyahu's speech.

Anti-Israel protestors and Hamas sympathizers who desecrated Washington, D.C.'s Union Station have learned their fates.

A minimum of eight people who participated in the anti-Israel protest during Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's speech Wednesday are now facing federal criminal charges after defacing federal property and fighting police.

Some protestors, however, have had their charges dropped by more lenient Washington, D.C. prosecutors.

Frederick Coates, Crow Momamome and Antonio Somerville have all been charged with attempting to carry a dangerous weapon, according to the U.S. Attorney's Office in D.C.

Nathaniel Lawrence, Sonia Krishan
…the outwardly lovely 2022 Miss Maryland Teen USA, now apparently a psych major at NYU…
and Roger Miller have been charged with attempted theft.

Zachary Kam has been charged with two counts of assaulting a police officer.

And Essa Ejelat has been charged with making threats.

Authorities also maintain that the protest, which began near the National Mall close to the U.S. Capitol before heading to the train terminal, is still an open investigation and updates could come.

In addition to those charged there are numerous protestors who were arrested that will not face charges, Fox News reports.

The D.C. attorney general's office got at least 11 cases 'no-papered,' which means that the charges were dropped.

Among those three were charges for crossing police lines, five were for disorderly conduct and inducing violence and three were for disorderly conduct causing unreasonable fear.

All of the charges are misdemeanors.

Further, the report reveals an additional five pending cases for crowding and obstructing, though prosecutors have yet to decide whether to press charges.

Biden NPS cited anti-Israel group with lack of disclosure before violent protest, permit shows

[WashingtonExaminer] One day before anti-Israel protesters caused mayhem in Washington, D.C., burning an effigy of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu after he spoke to Congress, scrawling graffiti across federal property, and burning American flags, the National Park Service granted the organizing group a public gathering permit. The Washington Examiner obtained a copy of that permit in full from a Biden administration source — providing a key window into the planning of the rally and the ways in which demonstrators skirted federal rules.

The permit, a redacted version of which can be read at this link, was given to the ANSWER Coalition,
…they used to call themselves International ANSWER, back when they were protesting the possibility of an American response to 9/11…
a group that coordinated with other pro-Paleostinian activist hubs on the planning and execution of the protest. Dozens of protesters were arrested following festivities with police, though at least 11 of them had their misdemeanor charges dropped by Thursday evening, the Washington Examiner reported.

But even before the protest began, the Interior Department’s National Park Service was aware of problems with ANSWER’s level of disclosure about its activities, documents reveal.

The NPS said in the permit documents that ANSWER "refused to provide specific locations for onsite contacts." ANSWER is a project of a charity in the Socialist paradise of San Francisco
...where God struck dead Anton LaVey, home of the Sydney Ducks, ruled by Vigilance Committee from 1859 through 1867, reliably and volubly Democrat since 1964...
called Progress Unity Fund, according to tax records.

In the permit, the ANSWER Coalition described how it would be protesting in various areas in the nation’s capital, including John Marshall Park and Columbus Plaza. At 3:37 p.m. on Wednesday, after many hours of protests in the streets, the NPS said the permit for Columbus Plaza had been revoked.

Minutes later, a man wearing a red shirt was captured on social media graffitiing the phrase "Hamas
..the braying voice of Islamic Resistance®,...
is coming" on a historic fountain in the plaza honoring Christopher Columbus.

The Wednesday protest, according to the permit, was slated for between 5 a.m. and 4 p.m. that day. Activists continued to demonstrate after 4 p.m. in the district as part of the rally, which ANSWER said on the permit application was to "stop the genocide in Gazoo
...Hellhole adjunct to Israel and Egypt's Sinai Peninsula, inhabited by Gazooks. The place was acquired in the wake of the 1967 War and then presented to Paleostinian control in 2006 by Ariel Sharon, who had entered his dotage. It is currently ruled with an iron fist by Hamas with about the living conditions you'd expect. It periodically attacks the Hated Zionist Entity whenever Iran needs a ruckus created or the hard boyz get bored, getting thumped by the IDF in return. The ruling turbans then wave the bloody shirt and holler loudly about oppression and disproportionate response...
." The protest was called "Arrest Netanyahu! Surround Congress July 24 with the People’s Red Line for Paleostine," according to ANSWER’s website.

"These events were utterly predictable, as similar recent protests had also resulted in vandalism of federal property and assaults on Park Police, and the organization seeking the permit apparently did not even comply with its requirements before it was issued," said Michael Chamberlain, director of Protect the Public’s Trust, a watchdog group investigating the Biden administration.

The permit said ANSWER, per federal rules, was prohibited from climbing, removing, or injuring "any statue seat, wall, fountain, light poles, elevator towers, or other erection or architectural feature, or any tree, shrub, or landscaping feature" in protest areas.

The document also cited 36 CFR Section 7.96, a regulation holding that "the alteration, damage, or removal of park resources or facilities is prohibited." On Thursday, NPS staffers began to power-wash the Christopher Columbus statue and fountain that were vandalized outside Union Station.

The permit listed ANSWER’s point of contact as Brian Becker, ANSWER’s director and "a central organizer for the Party for Socialism and Liberation," according to Liberation News.
PSL are boringly unapologetic Marxist-Leninist revolutionaries who split off from the equally Marxist-Leninist revolutionary Workers World Party in 2004. ANSWER is one of their projects.
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ANSWER Coalition: 2023-11-09 The ANSWER Coalition of America's Enemies
ANSWER Coalition: 2014-11-03 US empire trying to capture Ukraine: Activist
International ANSWER: 2024-07-24 Lefty mob floods U.S. Capitol ahead of planned ''Day of Temper Tantrum Rage'' against Netanyahu's visit to Congress
International ANSWER: 2020-01-06 More than 70 planned protests were organised by CODEPINK
International ANSWER: 2016-11-17 Trump protesters plan to build ‘tea party of the left’
Posted by:Skidmark

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Posted by: Elmerert Hupens2660   2024-07-27 23:24  
