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Eco zealots who threw tomato soup over priceless Van Gogh Sunflowers painting learn their fate
[Daily Mail, where America gets its news] Just Stop Oil
…the climate panic branch of Black Bloc anarcho-communist syndicalists funded by the Climate Emergency Fund (CEF) with donations from rich Hollywood actors and the usual histrionic scions of old money families like Getty and Kennedy, and newer money like Disney, Hillary Clinton, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s PAC…
activists who threw tomato soup over a priceless Van Gogh painting have been found guilty of criminal damage. Anna Holland and Phoebe Plummer, both 22, flung two tins of Heinz soup at the Dutch artist's 1888 masterpiece while it was on display at the National Gallery on October 14, 2022. The pair then proceeded to glue themselves to the wall following the attack on the painting. Although the oil-canvas worth up to £72.5m was protected by a glass cover and went unharmed, its 17th century Italian frame was damaged.

Both Plummer and Holland refused to say who they took instructions from before they carried out the publicity stunt.
Posted by:Skidmark

#2  They should soup, be made of.
Posted by: Skidmark   2024-07-27 19:47  

#1  Andy Warhol unavailable for comment.
Posted by: Warthog   2024-07-27 09:41  
