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US forces destroy Houthi drones as terror group continues aggressive actions at sea
[FoxNews] U.S. forces in the Middle East have destroyed Houthi drones in Yemen in the past 24 hours, the military said Friday.

Separately, forces with the U.S. Central Command destroyed three uncrewed Houthi surface vessels operating of the Yemeni coast, CENTCOM said.

"It was determined these weapons presented an imminent threat to U.S., coalition forces, and merchant vessels in the region," a Centcom statement said. "These actions were taken to protect freedom of navigation and make international waters safer and more secure."
Posted by:Skidmark

#2  Then they'd be out of work.
Posted by: Skidmark   2024-07-27 09:07  

#1  How about destroying the entire infrastructure so they can unload or move anything?
Posted by: Procopius2k   2024-07-27 06:54  
