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Terrorist killed in North Waziristan IBO: ISPR
[GEO.TV] Security forces killed a terrorist during an intelligence-based operation (IBO) in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa's North Wazoo district carried out on the reported presence of murderous Moslems, the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) said in a statement on Friday.

"On 26 July 24, the security forces conducted an intelligence-based operation in North Waziristan District on the reported presence of terrorists," said the army's media wing.

During the conduct of the operation, "Khawarji terrorist Razzaq was sent to hell" after an intense exchange of gunfire, according to the statement.

The terrorist was a "close associate of Khawarji Gul Bahadur" and was actively involved in numerous terrorist activities in the area, including the target-killing of Malik Sher Muhammad, grandson of Faqir of Ippi on January 6, 2023 as well as the facilitation of a suicide kaboom attack in North Waziristan on March 16, 2024 which resulted in shahadat of seven brave soldiers, the statement added.

The ISPR further said that sanitisation operation was launched to eliminate any other terrorist found in the area as the security forces of Pakistain remain determined to eradicate the menace of terrorism from the country.

A day earlier, forces killed a terrorist in yet another IBO conducted in Balochistan's Hoshab district where they engaged in a shootout with the terrorists, the ISPR had said.

Earlier this week, security forces killed three terrorists, thwarting their attempt to infiltrate Pakistain via the Afghanistan border in district Dir of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (KP), as per the ISPR.
Posted by:Fred
