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Rep. Thomas Massie announces the passing of his wife, Rhonda: 'The smartest kindest woman I ever knew'
[BLAZE] Republican Rep. Thomas Massie of Kentucky announced on Friday that his wife Rhonda passed away on Thursday.

"Yesterday my high school sweetheart, the love of my life for over 35 years, the loving mother of our 4 children, the smartest kindest woman I ever knew, my beautiful and wise queen forever, Rhonda went to Heaven. Thank you for your prayers for our family in this difficult time," the lawmaker tweeted.

"She was valedictorian at our high school where we went to the Prom together, accepted at MIT and Harvard, earned a Mechanical Engineering degree from MIT, and devoted her life to our family," he added. "We spent last week touring Mt Rainier with our grandson - she was the best mammaw ever! We love you Rhonda," Massie wrote.

Back in late August 2022, the congressman posted about their 29th anniversary, writing, "Happy 29th Anniversary today to my high school sweetheart & lovely wife. Who else could be valedictorian of her high school class, solve differential equations at MIT, run a farm, can green beans, bake apple pies, set tobacco, rake hay, raise 4 perfect kids, and tolerate me?!"

Condolences have been pouring in on social media.

"I was in Massie's office just yesterday afternoon," Blaze Media's Steve Baker noted. "I had a scheduled appointment with him and other members of his staff. His chief of staff messaged me just before I arrived and said his boss had to go to Kentucky for a 'family emergency.' The meeting went on with the staffers, and they showed no sign of this tragedy. (They may not have even known.) I even joked with them that Massie needed to clean his desk - which was piled high with papers and books and other junk. One staffer said, 'We always make him clean it before the August recess.' My gut aches right now. Prayers up for Thomas Massie and his family."
Posted by:Besoeker

#10  Sadly, all the pharmaceutical potential is wasted on me. I just enjoy the outlandish appearance and smell of the blooms (foliage is mildly disgusting). My parents had a dense little grove of it that couldn't have been much more than a couple of hundred square feet in extent and fifteen or twenty feet high, but it was like a whole other world in there. Dunno why I suddenly decided to spell it with two Ns. Is this Monday?
Posted by: Pancho Poodle8452   2024-06-29 22:56  

#9  Brugmannsia AKA Angel's Trumpet.

What does Angel's trumpet do to you?

Taking angel's trumpet can cause confusion, dilated pupils, intense thirst, dry skin, flushing, fever, high or low blood pressure, fast heartbeat, difficulty breathing, hallucinations, nervousness, loss of memory, convulsions, paralysis, coma, and death.

So basically, it's like Monday.
Posted by: SteveS   2024-06-29 21:28  

#8  Heh. Brugmannsia man, meself.
Posted by: Pancho Poodle8452   2024-06-29 17:46  

#7  ^ Jimson Weed semi-ref applauded
Posted by: Frank G   2024-06-29 17:34  

#6  As in loco weed. Datura stramonium, is it, or used to be?
Posted by: Pancho Poodle8452   2024-06-29 17:22  

#5  Bitter Herbs, or, The Gas of Passover. Or, less obnoxiously, The Sacred Cows

For all you goy Semites, good news:
Your McCoy's now defending the Jews
In a sarcasm dark
And obscure as his mark...
[blood-daubed Hakenkreuz, "Deaf to the Moos!"]
Posted by: Pancho Poodle8452   2024-06-29 17:17  

#4  I watched the interview about a week ago. It was my first introduction to Massie. He made a lot of good points. Borgia has done us a great service.
Posted by: Super Hose   2024-06-29 14:50  

#3  Someone is off their meds.
Posted by: M. Murcek   2024-06-29 13:05  

#2  Mossad motto: "it's never a coincidence"
Just in case you don't know who he is, here you can get a taste of the ugly antisemitic conspiracy theories this piece of shit was pushing.
Posted by: Vortigern Borgia1150   2024-06-29 12:42  

#1  RIP. I like the guy, but living in his homemade house would be too much Chitty Chitty Bang Bang for most sensible humans.
Posted by: Super Hose   2024-06-29 08:25  
