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Skyrocketing Food Prices Are Prompting Many Americans to Stock Up on Long-Term Storage Beef
[Gateway] If one watches corporate media or listens to the narrative coming out of Washington DC, inflation is going down and everyone should be happy with the economy. If one looks at the prices at the grocery store, they realize that the narrative doesn’t match reality.

With some foods skyrocketing in price over the last year, it’s getting harder for Americans to keep their cupboards full. But some Americans are looking ahead, seeing the writing on the wall, and realizing the trajectory of the nation and the world points to food shortages and government-controlled distribution.

"Who controls the food supply controls the people," Henry Kissinger once said. He was right. It doesn’t matter how independent and patriotic someone is. If they’re given the choice between bowing to government or letting their family members starve to death, nearly everyone will bow.

"We don’t want anyone to bow to a tyrannical government because they didn’t have enough food to feed themselves and their families," said Jason Nelson, CEO of Prepper All Naturals. "I fought for a free country and the direction America is heading is away from freedom."

Nelson, a disabled veteran who served in both the U.S. Marines and U.S. Army, left the military after a long career because of the Covid-19 "vaccine" mandates. When he returned, his desire to serve compelled him to launch his company in order to empower Americans with their own long-lasting supply of freeze-dried food.

Ribeye, NY Strip, and Tenderloin are among the cuts offered by Prepper All Naturals.

Nelson decided to go with premium cuts because of his own experience with "prepper" beef.

"I tried the freeze-dried ’beef crumbles’ and ’beef chunks’ that were being offered to Americans as survival food and realized the apocalypse is really going to suck if this is our only option," Nelson said. "So, we came up with a better option."
Click here to see what Prepper All Naturals has for you.

Beef cubes offered by Prepper All Naturals are cut from all-American cattle. The cubes are cooked sous vide, then freeze-dried and placed in mylar bags with oxygen absorbers to make them shelf-stable for at least a decade. The USDA recommends freeze-dried beef be used within 25-years of being packaged.
Posted by:Besoeker

#8  Way back in 1990 I was in Beaverton, Oregon working on the design of a TP mill. One week a group of Russians came in and spent the week studying our design, They bought a lot of TP to take home.
Posted by: Deacon+Blues   2024-06-29 11:54  

#7  BRING elitist SOB's and reap the whirlwind. As long as the 2nd still stands, we will have a fighting chance.
Posted by: Besoeker   2024-06-29 11:28  

#6  wounded and martyrs lie in the street
Posted by: Skidmark   2024-06-29 11:23  

#5  If you read The Road, you know fresh long pig will be the go to...
Posted by: M. Murcek   2024-06-29 10:13  

#4  We purchased a cases of precooked:
canned beef with BB Date of 2026+.
Ham with BB Dates of 2026+,
Chicken with 2026+,
Sardines 2008+, etc...

But the ammo, is what will allow us to keep it.

BB Dates I have found are more taste than a expire Date. With usually many many months of good to use after that.
Posted by:    2024-06-29 10:06  

#3  If you have ever been to Europe you learn to travel with a roll of TP in a plastic bag.

Mexico. Gearshift lever. Fast access.
Posted by: Skidmark   2024-06-29 07:04  

#2  If you have ever been to Europe you learn to travel with a roll of TP in a plastic bag.
Posted by: Procopius2k   2024-06-29 06:36  

#1  I had an aunt who had survived the Great Depression. She kept a second floor bedroom in her farmhouse for canned goods and expendable items. Two years was her rule of thumb, donating some dated items to charity from time to time then replacing.

At her estate sale in 1990, relatives found 91 roles of TP. Someone handed me a roll to take home. Many of them chuckled. I did not. I kept the roll in a plastic bag for many years. "Prepper" or plain old common sense. You decide.

Posted by: Besoeker   2024-06-29 04:39  
