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IDF releases images showing Doctors Without Borders staffer in Islamic Jihad uniform

From a Skid comment which deserves it's own posting.
[IsraelTimes] The IDF releases images showing Palestinian Islamic Jihad rocket expert Fadi al-Wadiya wearing the terror group’s uniform, after Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), or Doctors Without Borders, named him as a staffer but denied he was a terror operative.

Al-Wadiya was killed in a drone strike in Gaza City yesterday.

The organization then said in a post on X that al-Wadiya was killed while riding his bicycle to the MSF clinic where he worked.

The IDF said he was a prominent member of Islamic Jihad, involved in developing missiles for the terror group, as well as being an electronics and chemistry expert.

Lt. Col. Avichay Adraee, the IDF’s Arabic-language spokesman, says al-Wadiya worked for Islamic Jihad’s rocket manufacturing unit for more than 15 years.

He attaches three images showing al-Wadiya in Islamic Jihad uniform.

Adraee adds that in 2018, the same year that al-Wadiya joined Doctors Without Borders, the latter tried to leave Gaza for Iran to undergo training there with two other terror operatives.

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Posted by:Besoeker

#4  They were treating and hiding terrorists in Afghanistan.
Posted by: Procopius2k   2024-06-28 13:19  

#3  Here is my shocked face

Posted by: DarthVader   2024-06-28 09:17  

#2  Non-Gov't Agencies (NGO's) are incubators for clandestine intelligence activity and money laundering.
Posted by: Besoeker   2024-06-28 08:17  

#1  From personal experience, never once trusted the Marxist-dominated MSF.
Posted by: Huputle+Cherelet4131   2024-06-28 08:09  
