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Good Morning

Judge rules Montana law defining
sex as only male or female is unconstitutional
Friday 06/28/2024

Watched Joe's performance at last night's debate
Soldier killed, 16 injured by roadside
bombs during operation in West Bank's Jenin
Israel strikes reportedly creating
5-kilometer 'dead zone' in southern Lebanon
Al-Aqsa imam indicted on charges of incitement to terrorism
Protesters in Jerusalem, Caesarea
urge Netanyahu ouster, demand hostage deal
Home Front: WoT
Florida man becomes 6th charged with
antisemitic mob beating of Jewish man in Times Square
Home Front: WoT
Feds ID 400 migrants smuggled into US by ISIS-affiliated network --with the whereabouts of 50 unknown
[NYC] Woman ambushed by baseball
bat-wielding attackers in broad-daylight

Posted by:Fred

#9  Not too far off from that Groomer in a kindergarten explaining how to make a pizza with the ingredients being different kinks.
Posted by: swksvolFF   2024-06-28 17:36  

#8  Almost as if it was planned in advance:

Obama to hold intervention with Biden as Kamala is 'furious' post-debate
Posted by: NoMoreBS   2024-06-28 14:16  

#7  By this point I'll believe Dems steal Jewish babies and kill them to make pizza sauce with their blood.

Posted by: Fred   2024-06-28 13:01  

#6  Doe anyone seriously believe his handlers didn't purposely set him up for failure by agreeing to a public debate, so they could get rid of him more easily?

Hildebeast or Michelle Wildebeast coming to a ballot near you soon.
Posted by: Mercutio   2024-06-28 09:46  

#5  "You had s3x with a pr0n star!"
"You had s3x with your daughter!"

Posted by: Skidmark   2024-06-28 07:48  

#4  But does he shower with his children and sniff wimins ?

Some democratic qualifications simply cannot be waivered.
Posted by: Besoeker   2024-06-28 07:40  

#3  Beto Newsom - That's gonna leave a mark...
Posted by: M. Murcek   2024-06-28 07:37  

#2  So they're gonna replace him with Beto Newsom?

Posted by: Fred   2024-06-28 05:11  

#1  Our local [10NewsSD - Scripps Media] victorious take on the debate: After the first debate, discussion of whether President Biden should step aside as the Democratic candidate

Posted by: Frank G   2024-06-28 02:22  
