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Florida man becomes 6th charged with antisemitic mob beating of Jewish man in Times Square
[NYPOST] A Florida man became the sixth attacker indicted in the brutal caught-on-camera beating of a Jewish man in Times Square in 2021, Manhattan prosecutors said Thursday.

Salem Seleiman, 28, was arrested on a warrant on May 10 — nearly three years after he allegedly joined the hateful mob who pummeled victim Joseph Borgen during festivities between Israel and Paleostinian supporters in Midtown.

Seleiman was part of a pack of men that hurled antisemitic slurs like "dirty Jew," "filthy Jew" and "f—k Israel" at Borgen, who was wearing a yarmulke, according to the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office.

The 29-year-old victim, who had been attending a pro-Israel rally when he was attacked May 20, 2021, was thrown to the ground, punched, hit with a crutch and pepper-sprayed — with footage of the vicious beating later going viral on social media.

As good Samaritans tried to intervene, Seleiman pretended to offer to help Borgen — only to then unload a kick in his face as he lay on the ground, prosecutors said.

"Seleiman’s alleged conduct was abhorrent and many of the other individuals who joined him have already been convicted and are serving state prison sentences," DA Alvin Bragg
...Soros-owned and operated Manhattan DA. Putting vicious and blood-thirsty criminals in jail only makes them unhappy, and they've led such hard lives after all...
said in a statement.

"Violently assaulting someone because of their religion is unacceptable, and we will continue to work with our law enforcement partners, community groups and local leaders to address attacks on the Jewish community."

Seleiman, who was extradited from Tampa, Fla., was arraigned in Manhattan Supreme Court Thursday and pleaded not guilty
"Wudn't me."
to hate crime assault and attempted gang assault charges. Judge Felicia Mennin set his bail at $50,000.
Joseph Borgen 11/22/2023 Antisemitic attacker shouts 'Free Palestine' as family slams 'racist' judge
Joseph Borgen 05/24/2021 Jew-beating murderous Moslem makes bail in New York

Posted by:Fred

#4  "I abort thee. I abort thee. I abort thee!"[swooshing scimitar]
Posted by: Pancho Poodle8452   2024-06-28 19:52  

#3  Peace of Suleiman sounds like a threat.
Posted by: swksvolFF   2024-06-28 16:37  

#2  p.s. "Salem" is peace in Arabic.
Posted by: Grom the Reflective   2024-06-28 06:52  

#1  A Florida man ... Salem Seleiman
Posted by: Grom the Reflective   2024-06-28 06:50  
