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-Short Attention Span Theater-
Ouch with video
Posted by:3dc

#9  The anti-protestor vehicle of choice.....

And cleanup duty is perfect for those people who NEED to be punished!
Posted by: Silentbrick   2024-06-27 16:48  

#8  A "Wile E. Coyote. Genius..." moment...
Posted by: magpie   2024-06-27 12:57  

#7  Can't stop watching it.
Posted by: jpal   2024-06-27 12:29  

#6  Anti-Israel, radical left vandals enjoy impunity in the UK -analysis
Posted by: Grom the Reflective   2024-06-27 11:40  

#5  Protesters blocking roads could cost states federal highway funds under new bill
Posted by: Skidmark   2024-06-27 10:27  

#4  I'm impressed with how concerned her fellow agitista is at the end, checking out her chest.
Posted by: Mercutio   2024-06-27 10:10  

#3  You would need a heart of stone not to laugh at that.
Posted by: EMS Artifact   2024-06-27 10:10  

#2  That was funny. Do it again.
In Texas the legislature passed a law where, if someone is blocking a road in a protest, drivers aren't liable for injuries. Just sayin'.
Posted by: ed in texas   2024-06-27 08:01  

#1  Idiots.
Posted by: BrerRabbit   2024-06-27 07:42  
