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Home Front: Politix
AOC survives Democratic primary challenge from former Wall Street banker Marty Dolan
[NYPOST] Rep. Alexandria Boom Boom Ocasio-Cortez
Dem Congressgirl from da Bronx in Noo Yawk and leader of the Mean Girl Caucus in Congress. One of the Great Minds of the 21st Century, she is known as much for her innaleck as for her dance moves. She is all in favor of socialism, even though she's fuzzy on the details. She was the inventor of the Green New Deal, though she doesn't talk about it much anymore
handily won her Democratic primary over a conservative-backed challenger Tuesday.

The far-left “Squad” member racked up enough votes to beat back a challenge from political newcomer Marty Dolan, according to the Associated Press, which called the race less than 20 minutes after polls closed at 9 p.m.
Posted by:Fred

#2  "Marty Dolan"... I kept thinking Mickey Dolenz... and he might have had a better showing
Posted by: Mercutio   2024-06-27 10:07  

#1  Just like the Gazans kept backing Hamas.
Posted by: Procopius2k   2024-06-27 07:32  
