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Home Front: Politix
Kinzinger on Endorsing Biden: We've Got to Put Decency Above Politics
[Breitbart] Kinzinger is a Wisconsin ANG O-6, most famous for crying in The Peoples House, and is anyone surprised by this?

Trump will, I'm certain, have some fun with Mr. Kinzinger.

According to The Times, which usually avoids printing profanities, Trump then "poked his finger in his chest and told him to deliver to Mr. Kinzinger a vulgar message about what he should do with himself."

The Times reported that when Porter told Kinzinger of that conversation, Kinzinger "laughed and invited Mr. Trump to do the same."
Posted by:Gleremble+Bucket3559

#1  We've Got to Put Decency Above Politics

And for that he's proposing Biden?!
Posted by: Skidmark   2024-06-27 11:59  
