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Good Morning

Jocelyn Nungaray, 12, fought back with her dying breaths
Wednesday 06/26/2024

Emilie Marie Bouchard 1890s.
Great White North
British anti-Islam activist Tommy Robinson was arrested in Calgary, Canada after speaking at an event
Fifth Column
Terrorism supporters, some who are linked to Antifa, have announced plans to try to shut down the first debate
Fifth Column
Cal Antifa felony convict has suddenly
announced he is trans nonbinary ahead of sentencing
Hamas fires at UNICEF mission
for reuniting children with parents in Gaza
IAF airstrike eliminates key PIJ
terrorist, MSF decry killing of 'colleague'
After 30 Years, German Police
Capture a Leftist Red Army Militant

Posted by:Fred

#9  Yup, thanks very nice indeed
Posted by: Thor Snetle6920   2024-06-26 23:20  

#8  /\ Thanks Dale.
Posted by: Besoeker   2024-06-26 17:40  

#7  Reminds me of this lady;
Posted by: Dale   2024-06-26 17:39  

#6  That is a pretty lass.
Posted by: alanc   2024-06-26 16:11  

#5  Looks like the crazy kids tp’d Emilie and her house.
Posted by: Super Hose   2024-06-26 09:59  

#4  Dunno. If I saw her? today, I'd ask to see her X chromosomes.
Posted by: Mercutio   2024-06-26 09:30  

#3  The ayes have it.
Posted by: old salty   2024-06-26 08:51  

#2  High humidity and no AC.
Posted by: Mullah Richard   2024-06-26 07:21  

#1  Looks like her hair exploded.
Posted by: jpal   2024-06-26 06:53  
