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Great White North
British anti-Islam activist Tommy Robinson was arrested in Calgary, Canada after speaking at an event
... if anything.

Tommy Robinson 05/27/2024 WATCH: 25 Arrested as Mass Street Brawl Breaks Out in Sheffield
Tommy Robinson 12/23/2023 Ayaan Hirsi Ali: The Death of the Old Europe‐and the Rise of the Right
Tommy Robinson 11/27/2023 ‘Zero tolerance for antisemitism’: Tens of thousands march against hate in London on Sunday

Calgary: 2023-07-06 Anglican Church of Canada finalizes removal of prayer wishing for conversion of Jews
Calgary: 2023-06-26 Trantifa tried crashing a Muslim protest of LGBTQ ideology in Calgary
Calgary: 2023-05-29 Alberta heads to the polls with Canada's green agenda in balance
Posted by:Fred

#1  The extent of the UN-Hamas-UNRWA fraud exposed by Israel
Posted by: Grom the Reflective   2024-06-26 00:38  
