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IAF airstrike eliminates key PIJ terrorist, MSF decry killing of 'colleague'
[Jpost] Israel Air Force eliminated the terrorist Fadi Jihad Muhammad Al-Wadiya, Doctors Without Borders colleague and an operative of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror organization, according to an IDF Spokesperson's unit announcement on Tuesday evening.

...Al-Wadiya was involved in the development and advancement of the terror group's missile array and was a unique knowledge center within the organization in the fields of electronics and chemistry.

...Following the elimination of Al-Wadiya, the Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) International expressed their "outrage" in a posted on X, formerly twitter, and "strongly" condemned the killing of their "colleague, Fadi Al-Wadiya."

… exploiting the civilian population as human shields.

Lord Garth submitted the Israel Times report, commenting: His name was actual Jihad.
Gaza City: 2024-06-25 Good Morning
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Gaza City: 2024-06-23 Israel Defense Force announced that Fighter Aircraft have Struck several Hamas Infrastructure Targets within Gaza City
Médecins Sans Frontières: 2024-02-03 'Doctors Without Borders' in Rostov
Médecins Sans Frontières: 2023-12-22 UAE foreign minister meets with Palestinian official in Abu Dhabi
Médecins Sans Frontières: 2023-12-22 'Surrender or die', Netanyahu tells Hamas
Posted by:Grom the Reflective

#4  Apologies to Emir Ansary who's just informed me that the entire Muslim "Conquest" was pretty much Juneteenth, Tax Freedom Day, and skipping church to go fishing all rolled into one.
Posted by: Pancho Poodle8452   2024-06-26 07:38  

#3  Waxing apostrophic...

O Mohammedans' hated invaders,
["Cue daily mail, slaughter, and waders!"]
You stormed the Levant
From your primitive haunt
Four full centuries before the crusaders!"
Posted by: Pancho Poodle8452   2024-06-26 07:36  

#2  while he was cycling to work

That's two fer one - I hate bicyclists.
Posted by: Grom the Reflective   2024-06-26 07:15  

Posted by: badanov   2024-06-26 06:27  
