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Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Sources report details of the detention of the head of the Sergokalinsky district
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
[KavkazUzel] The head of the Sergokalinsky district, Magomed Omarov, whose children are suspected of involvement in militant attacks in Derbent and Makhachkala, was detained for petty hooliganism, and the issue of bringing charges against him for aiding terrorism is being considered, sources said.

As the Caucasian Knot reported, on June 24, the head of Dagestan Sergei Melikov announced that Magomed Omarov, whose two sons and nephew participated in the militant attack, was relieved of his post as head of the Sergokalinsky district. Earlier, sources said that Omarov was detained and interrogated.

Investigators are considering the issue of bringing charges against Magomed Omarov for aiding terrorism, Kommersant reported today, citing a source in law enforcement agencies.

Omarov was detained under the article of petty hooliganism, RIA Novosti cited today the words of another source in law enforcement agencies.

Let us recall that on June 23, on Trinity Day, which is one of the main Christian holidays, militants attacked synagogues and an Orthodox church in Derbent and Makhachkala. The attacks were  the first armed incidents  in Dagestan in more than a year.

Veterans of the special services interviewed by the "Caucasian Knot" said that the attacks by militants in Dagestan  were a failure of the security forces, who did not pay due attention to preventive work. On June 23, the American Institute for the Study of War stated that  the  Vilayat Caucasus cell, a division of the Islamic State, was behind the attacks.
Sergokalinsky district: 2024-06-25 Veterans of special services called the attack of militants in Dagestan a failure of the security forces
Sergokalinsky district: 2024-06-24 Kots: There is no escaping these questions after the terrorist attack in Dagestan: Who is behind the militants
Sergokalinsky district: 2024-06-24 Synagogues in Makhachkala and Derbent were attacked by terrorists - Russian Jewish Congress
Magomed Omarov 06/25/2024 Veterans of special services called the attack of militants in Dagestan a failure of the security forces
Magomed Omarov 06/24/2024 Kots: There is no escaping these questions after the terrorist attack in Dagestan: Who is behind the militants
Magomed Omarov 06/24/2024 Synagogues in Makhachkala and Derbent were attacked by terrorists - Russian Jewish Congress

Posted by:badanov
