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US drone and a Russian Su-34 almost collided in the skies over Syria
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
[Regnum] An American MQ-9 Reaper UAV of the so-called international coalition led by the United States came dangerously close to a Su-34 fighter of the Russian Aerospace Forces in the skies over Syria. This was announced on Tuesday, June 25, by the deputy head of the Center for Reconciliation of Warring Parties (CPVS) in the Arab Republic, Yuri Popov.

“Over the town of Es-Sukhneh in Homs province, at altitudes from 7,000 to 8,000 meters, there was a dangerous approach between a modular unmanned aerial vehicle MQ-9 Reaper of the coalition and a Su-34 aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces,” Popov said during the briefing.

He emphasized that the Su-34 was on a scheduled flight in Syrian airspace. Popov also noted the high professionalism of the Russian pilot, who promptly took the necessary measures to prevent a collision.

Over the past 24 hours, the TsPVS recorded nine cases of violation of deconfliction protocols by coalition unmanned aircraft.

Previously, a similar incident occurred on June 21. Then the pilot of the SU-35 fighter of the Russian Aerospace Forces prevented a collision in the skies over Syria with three MQ-9 Reaper UAVs.

As reported by IA Regnum, on June 22, Yuri Popov said during a briefing that a multi-purpose unmanned aerial vehicle MQ-1C of the coalition attacked a truck in Syria from Iraq, as a result of which Syrian citizens were killed and injured. He clarified that the incident occurred on June 21 around 22:30 Moscow time in the Bu-Kemal area.

Posted by:badanov
