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Good Morning

SCOTUS just sank Bragg?
Saturday 06/22/2024

Lily Brayton. I really like her horns
Kuwait Ministry of Foreign Affairs has called on its Citizens to Avoid any and all Travel to Lebanon
Elements of Carrier Strike Group 2 (CSG-2) including the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN-69) currently conducting Operations against the Houthis
Israel-Hezbollah hostilities fan fears of widening Gaza war
Israeli forces pound Rafah, other areas across Gaza Strip
Israel says it killed two Palestinians
from Islamic Jihad in West Bank
Palestinians pray over their dead,
as Israeli forces step up bombardment across Gaza
Genovese mobster 'Tony Cakes' ID'd
as NYC pedestrian, 86, decapitated by DOT truck

Posted by:Fred

#8  Better than our post-modern Star War costuming.
Posted by: swksvolFF   2024-06-22 11:30  

#7  Odd. I find the stare more disconcerting than the headgear....
Posted by: Mercutio   2024-06-22 10:34  

#6  'Grabbing the bull by the horns' comes to mind.
Posted by: Skidmark   2024-06-22 08:51  

#5  I thought the woman was supposed to put the horns on her man.
Posted by: M. Murcek   2024-06-22 08:14  

#4  Young Sarah Hukabee Sanders goes full native.
Posted by: Super Hose   2024-06-22 07:58  

#3  (Marge) She looks like she could gore
(Homer) Yeah, she does look like Al Gore…
Posted by: Ululating Platypus   2024-06-22 03:45  

#2  Cute li'l devil, ain't she?
Posted by: Fred   2024-06-22 03:22  

#1  What horns?
Posted by: Frank G   2024-06-22 01:07  
