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Elements of Carrier Strike Group 2 (CSG-2) including the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN-69) currently conducting Operations against the Houthis

… assist Israel with the Defense of its Northern Airspace from Large-Scale Attacks from Long-Range Missiles, Rockets, and Drones expected to be launched by Hezbollah at the beginning of an Israeli Ground and Air Offensive into Southern Lebanon. Once in the Eastern Mediterranean, the Ships will link with additional U.S. and British Navy Vessels currently Deployed to the Mediterranean and from Naval Station Rota in Spain, while Coalition Forces with the EU’s “Operation Aspides” will continue with Operations against the Houthis in the Red Sea.

Posted by:Fred

#2  All just theatre until they open up the RoE.
Posted by: Glenmore   2024-06-22 17:17  

Posted by: Pearl Hapsburg1419   2024-06-22 05:22  
