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Displaced Palestinian family in Khan Younis recalls evacuating shelter damaged by nearby strike
[GEO.TV] Mai al-Masri and her children cleared the rubble off their belongings in a Khan Younis school-turned-shelter's classroom on Friday after a strike on a neighbouring house.
Are your heartstrings tugged yet?
Masri and her husband, who were displaced from Beit Hanoun several times before taking shelter in the Khan Younis' school for weeks now, recounted the events of the previous night.
Have you put October 7th out of your mind?
"Do you see the destruction around me? I thought the shelling was directed at me, I thought I was the one targeted. It's nothing but a school. The school is packed with people. We all fled after the Jews (referring to Israelis) gathered us, thank God they gathered us. We all then went to Nasser Hospital, stayed there for some ten minutes, they bombed then they called, telling us they were done with their mission," Masri said.
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Posted by:Fred

#3  ^ "No sign it was us"
Posted by: Frank G   2024-06-22 07:00  

#2  ICRC says 22 dead in attack that damaged its Gaza office; IDF: No signal it was us
Posted by: Grom the Reflective   2024-06-22 02:40  

#1  It's nothing but a school.

"And an armory/command and control/human shield gathering"
Posted by: Frank G   2024-06-22 01:39  
