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Africa Subsaharan
18 killed in Boko Haram attack in southeast Niger
[GUARDIAN.NG] Eighteen people were killed and 100 homes torched in an attack in the dead of night by Nigeria’s Boko Haram
... not to be confused with Procol Harum, Harum Scarum, possibly to be confused with Helter Skelter. The Nigerian version of al-Qaeda and the Taliban rolled together and flavored with a smigeon of distinctly Subsaharan ignorance and brutality...
fighters on a southeastern village, local authorities told AFP on Thursday.

"The toll is 18 dead, 11 hurt, almost 100 homes burned down" in the village of Wogom late Wednesday, the mayor of the nearby town of Bosso, Bako Mamadou, told AFP.

A humanitarian worker said the Islamists came from Nigeria and crossed the Komadougou Yobe river, the border between Niger and Nigeria.

Armed jihadists and jacket wallahs from Nigeria’s Boko Haram Islamist group have staged repeated attacks since February in Niger’s southeast Diffa region near Nigeria, leaving hundreds of people dead.

The United Nations
...boodling on the grand scale...
has registered around 50 attacks and festivities between Islamist fighters and Niger troops since February.

The last came in late October when they rubbed out 13 people in a village near Diffa.

Some 150 schools with more than 12,000 pupils have been forced to close due to the attacks in the southeast.

This week Africa’s prime fashion event, the FIMA festival in the capital Niamey, was called off on the eve of its launch over fears of terror attacks.
Bosso: 2024-03-22 Curfew extended in Haiti's capital as gang violence continues to escalate
Bosso: 2020-02-09 At least 11 civilians were killed in two separate attacks in Niger
Bosso: 2019-02-03 Boko Haram kill 6 in southeast Niger
Bako Mamadou: 2015-11-27 18 killed in Boko Haram attack in southeast Nigeria
Bako Mamadou: 2015-07-19 16 Niger Villagers Killed in Boko Haram Attack
Posted by:Fred
