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Seven federal agencies have pushed tech giants to censor Americans, Media Research Center says
[FoxNews] We have never seen this kind of effort to silence regular, everyday Americans,' Dan Schneider says

Seven federal agencies have pressured Big Tech to censor Americans, according to the Media Research Center.

The MRC analyzed actions of several federal agencies as the U.S. Supreme Court is set to hand down its opinion on Murthy v. Missouri, a case brought by the attorneys general of Missouri and Louisiana to prevent the Biden administration from colluding with and coercing Big Tech companies to censor Americans. The watchdog group found that the Department of Homeland Security, Department of State, Department of Justice, Department of Defense, Department of Health and Human Services, National Science Foundation, and Department of the Treasury have all pushed for various forms of censorship.

"There is a shocking degree of breadth and coordination within the Biden administration to use our tax dollars against us. We have never seen this kind of effort to silence regular, everyday Americans," MRC Free Speech America vice president Dan Schneider told Fox News Digital.

"The Biden administration's justification for its censorship initiative is astonishing. In court documents and in oral argument before the Supreme Court, Biden's lawyers literally claimed that the federal government has a First Amendment right to censor citizens," Schneider continued. "This inversion of the Constitution threatens the very essence of our democracy."

MRC Free Speech American editor Gabriela Pariseau, who wrote that Biden "sits atop a censorship regime made up of federal agencies that has repeatedly pressured Big Tech social media companies to clamp down on those who express views in opposition to his own," detailed censorship concerns at seven federal agencies in a recap of findings.
Details about each federal agency’s efforts at the link.
Posted by:Skidmark

#1  Biden's lawyers literally claimed that the federal government has a First Amendment right to censor citizens," Schneider continued.

At least one Supreme Court Justice will agree with them,
Posted by: Super Hose   2024-06-20 14:16  
