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-War on Police-
Mother of fallen Connecticut detective admonishes town council after refusal to fly 'antagonistic' flag
[FoxNews] A mother of a fallen Connecticut detective admonished a Democrat-led town council after it voted against flying the "thin blue line" flag in honor of a recently slain trooper.

Debbie Garten, the mother of Hartford police Det. Robert "Bobby" Garten, who was killed in the line of duty in September 2023, shared a heartfelt testimony at the Wethersfield town council meeting on Monday on why the "thin blue line" flag matters to those who have lost a loved one in the line of duty.

"I understand that you may have your own viewpoints and policies, but I want to share a few of my thoughts with you," Garten said. "Was this issue mishandled? Without a doubt."

Garten said the situation has caused her a "world of hurt."


Debbie Garten, the mother of fallen Hartford Det. Robert "Bobby" Garten, gave heartfelt testimony on why the "thin blue line" flag matters to families of slain officers at a Wethersfield Town Council Meeting on June 17. ( Weathersfield Town Council)

"I feel you all have missed the point of this flag request, which has caused a world of hurt to me as a lifelong resident of this town for 60 years, my family, residents of Wethersfield and the law enforcement community at large," she said. "The impact of this council's action is immeasurable."

She said that the fallout after the decision was "an embarrassment."

"When the Pelletier family was mourning the loss of Trooper First Class Aaron Pelletier, some council members chose to appear on television and, in essence, I feel, embarrassed themselves and the town of Wethersfield," Garten said.

"It was disheartening to witness the news coverage and hear the disrespectful and hurtful remarks made by some town council members, especially as the week and funeral for First Class Pelletier was going on," she said.

The mother of the fallen officer said that she appreciated seeing the unveiling of her son's name on the Connecticut Law Enforcement Memorial and seeing a row of "thin blue line" flags flying in Washington, D.C.

"Beyond honoring fallen officers, the blue line flag supports families," Garten said. "It shows that they are not alone in their grief, and that there is a network of individuals who understand and empathize with our pain."

She added that the flag symbolizes a "united community" that can band together after experiencing the loss of a fallen hero.
Posted by:Skidmark

#2  New England was the birthplace of American patriotism. It’s become a Dunkin swilling Marxist nightmare.
Posted by: Super Hose   2024-06-20 14:58  

#1  The town council pot heads, cocaine users and human traffickers have no desire to honor law enforcement.
Posted by: Whavick Scourge of the Apes9857   2024-06-20 14:40  
