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Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Current information on the situation on the front line: June 19 (updated)
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
[NewsFront] 22:39 The Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) fired at nine settlements in the Kursk region during the day. The acting governor of the region, Alexey Smirnov, announced this in his Telegram channel.

“Today, the village of Tetkino was repeatedly attacked by Ukraine. <…>

Also during the day, the village of Novy Put, the village of Elizavetovka, the village of Otruba in the Glushkovsky district, the village of Uspenovka and the village of Gordeevka in the Korenevsky district, the villages of Nikolaevo-Daryino and Gornal, and the village of Oleshnya in the Sudzhansky district were repeatedly shelled. No one was hurt here. In Elizavetovka, a non-residential building was damaged by fire,” he wrote.

21:35 Statements by representatives of the North, West, South, Center, East and Dnepr groups on the progress of the special military operation (as of June 19, 2024) - video.

20:57 Kherson direction. Right bank. n.p. Stanislav.

The Russian Aerospace Forces attacked a concentration of Ukrainian Armed Forces personnel and equipment with several FAB-500 aerial bombs from UPMK. We tested the Su-34M.

19:55 At 19:20, Ukrainian troops fired 15 missiles from the MLRS at the Petrovsky district of Donetsk, the JCCC reported.

19:49 Consequences of the Ukrainian artillery attack of Pervomaisk in the LPR - video.

19:07 The T-80 BVM tank crew of the Dnepr group of troops destroyed the enemy fortified area north of Rabotino.

“The main problems in our area are enemy FPV drones in huge quantities. But thanks to electronic warfare installations installed on our vehicles, it is possible to overcome these unpleasant limitations in battle. There are also very extensive minefields that our “bird” assistants help us overcome,” the driver-mechanic of the T-80 BVM tank with the call sign “Raccoon” spoke about the situation on the battlefield.

18:44 Discovered and destroyed: the warehouse of the Armed Forces of Ukraine came under attack by bombers. Based on a reconnaissance tip from the 18th Combined Arms Army on the right bank of the Dnieper, an ODAB-1500 gliding bomb destroyed a ammunition depot.

17:47 Explosions occurred in the Odessa region. This was reported by the Ukrainian publication “Strana”.

17:24 Heavy snipers of the Pacific Fleet 155th Naval Infantry Brigade thwarted several attempts to rotate units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine near Urozhainy.

Sniper pairs of the heavy sniper unit of the naval infantry brigade of the Pacific Fleet are working on the same line with the assault detachments of the Vostok group of forces, which are conducting an offensive near Urozhainy in the area of the Vrem'evsky salient in the South Donetsk direction. The soldiers help our vanguard move forward, destroying the most dangerous targets. Marine brigade snipers work, as a rule, at night, wearing thermal imaging capes that make them invisible to thermal imagers

16:49 Footage of the destruction of enemy firing points on the border with the Belgorod region.

16:30 A powerful explosion was heard in Kharkov

16:05 Explosions in Poltava.

According to preliminary information, a missile strike was carried out on Ukrainian Armed Forces facilities in the Mirgorod area (where the military airfield is located).

15:54 The Armed Forces of Ukraine attacked a civilian car with a drone on a bridge over the canal between Kakhovka and Vasylivka, as a result of the impact in the car, a son died, his father was taken to the hospital with a shell shock, said the governor of the Kherson region, Saldo.

He also added that an abandoned canteen was damaged by artillery attack in the village of Raiskoye, Novokakhovsky urban district.

15:30 In the Donetsk direction, there was great local success in the Toretsk area. Russian fighters entered the village. NY. Gorlovka and Yasinovataya were shelled from this settlement.

15:01 The number of deaths during the Ukrainian artillery attack of Donetsk has increased to two - a wounded woman died in the hospital, Mayor Kulemzin said.

14:49 The head of the DPR Denis Pushilin said that Ukrainian troops fired at the School No. 106 stop area of Donetsk, as a result of the attack a man was killed and three more people were wounded.

14:37 The Ukrainian Armed Forces' strike on Pervomaisk in the LPR damaged glazing in administrative buildings, cultural and educational institutions, as well as in residential apartment buildings, local authorities report.

14:15 Aleksandro-Kalinovskoe direction: advance of the RF Armed Forces towards Druzhbe. Situation as of 14.00 June 19, 2024:

For the first time in a long time, revival and a local breakthrough are being recorded in the Alexander-Kalinovsky direction. Last evening, messages began to appear on the resources of both sides about a breakthrough of the front from Gorlovka to Toretsk (Dzerzhinsk).

At the same time, according to the most optimistic statements, the advance of Russian units was about three to five kilometers, and this was on one of the oldest and well-fortified sections of the front.

According to the first reports, Russian troops broke through Leninskoye (Pivdennoye) to the administrative borders of Artemovo (Zaliznoye), but this information has not yet been clearly confirmed.

But our sources confirm the push from the Mayorsk checkpoint towards Friendship. According to available information, the advance was about 900 meters along the railway and to the pumping station of the 3rd lift on the Seversky Donets - Donbass canal. At the same time, there are no objective control shots yet, and the fighting continues, so the situation may still change somewhat.

13:58 Summary of the Ministry of Defense on the progress of the military defense as of June 19, 2024. Main:

Units of the North group of forces improved the situation along the front line and defeated the manpower and equipment of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the areas of Volchansk, Staritsa and Liptsy in the Khar'kov region. Enemy losses amounted to up to 300 troops.

Military personnel of the West group of forces occupied more advantageous positions in the areas of Petropavlovka, Sin'kovka of the Khar'kov region, Stelmakhovka and Chervona Dibrova of the LPR. Enemy losses amounted to up to 450 troops.

The fighters of the “Southern” group of troops improved the situation along the front line in the areas of Minkovka, Kalinin, Chasov Yar, Konstantinovka, Katerynivka and Karlovka of the DPR. Enemy losses amounted to 560 military personnel.

Units of the "Center" group of troops improved the tactical position and defeated the formations of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the areas of Novgorod, Evgenovka, Uman, Vozdvizhenka, Kamyshevka, and Toretsk of the DPR. Enemy losses amounted to up to 355 military personnel.

More advantageous positions were occupied by units of the Vostok group of troops in the areas of Pavlovka, Shevchenko, Vladimirovka of the DPR and Marfopol of the Zaporozhye region. The Ukrainian Armed Forces lost up to 120 military personnel.

Units of the Dnepr group of troops defeated the formations of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Kamensky district of the Zaporozhye region and the Dneprovsky district of the Kherson region. Enemy losses amounted to up to 110 military personnel.

13:24 Under fire from Ukrainian terrorists

12:55 A girl born in 2007 was wounded in the Petrovsky district of Donetsk due to artillery attack from the Ukrainian Armed Forces, said the mayor of the city of Kulemzin.

12:52 Telegram channel “Military Chronicle” reported that Russian troops entered the southern outskirts of New York. This village is located six km west of Gorlovka and has been used by the Ukrainian Armed Forces for a long time as a powerful fortified area. New York is located in a lowland and, presumably, is the most convenient entry point for the further development of the attack on Nelepovka and subsequent possible access to Toretsk, and from there to the N-32 highway to Konstantinovka near Chasovoy Yar.

12:50 Artillerymen of the 36th Army of the Russian Armed Forces destroyed the enemy howitzer “Krasnopolem” - video.

11:55 Ukrainian militants attacked a high-rise building in Novaya Kakhovka with a drone in the morning, there were no casualties, said the governor of the Kherson region, Saldo.

11:12 The Armed Forces of Ukraine hit the village of Nevskoye in the LPR under their control with Grads, said retired LPR Lieutenant Colonel Andrey Marochko.

The Ukrainian military used at least 40 rounds. Perhaps this happened by mistake, but there could also be a provocation to blame Russian troops for the strike, he clarified.

10:54 Units of the Vostok group of troops, during active operations, improved the situation along the front line, thwarted the enemy’s attempts to strengthen forward positions and rotation in strong points in the areas of Nikolsky, Dorozhnyanka and Charivny.

Artillery fire and heavy flamethrower systems hit strongholds and areas where manpower and equipment accumulated in the 72nd Mechanized Brigade, the 108th and 123rd Territorial Defense brigades of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and the 21st Brigade of the National Guard of Ukraine in the areas of Dobrovolye, Zaliznychny, Neskuchny and Oktyabr.

Enemy losses amounted to up to 155 military personnel, an armored combat vehicle, a pickup truck, a 155mm self-propelled artillery mount "Crab", a 155mm howitzer FH70, a 152mm howitzer D-20, an electronic warfare station "Enklav-N", an unmanned aerial vehicle of an aircraft type and two ammunition supply points.

10:45 The situation in the Chasov Yarsky direction is reported by the Archangel of Special Forces:

“The assault on the Novy (Chanal) microdistrict continues. The enemy, despite the heavy fire, continues to cling to the remaining part of the buildings in the microdistrict itself, although most of the crossings across the Seversky Donets-Donbass canal have been destroyed. Yesterday, servicemen of the 24th brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces were captured.”

09:56 Frontline report for the morning of 06/19/2024:

Zaporozhye Front. The Russian Armed Forces are firing long-range weapons at the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and heavy flamethrower systems of the Russian army are actively working. Ukrainian artillery also responds quite often. On the ground, there are mainly positional battles. In the Rabotino area and north-west of Verbovoy LBS there are no significant changes.

Donetsk front. In the area of Konstantinovka and Maksimilyanivka - without much change - there are battles on the approaches to these settlements. In Krasnogorovka, fighting continues within the city limits; the Ukrainian Armed Forces are putting up serious resistance. In Nevelskoye there are oncoming battles.

In the Karlovka area, Russian troops are consolidating their positions on occupied lines on both sides of the reservoir, preparing for further assault operations in the populated area.

In Yasnobrodovka, fighting continues on the outskirts of the village. North of Sokol, Russian troops advanced and captured a number of Ukrainian positions. Fighting continues in the village itself.

The front intensified in the New York area, where the Russian Armed Forces attacked Ukrainian positions on a wide front line in order to push the LBS away from Gorlovka. Rapid advances, due to the very long static nature of the front line in this sector, should not be expected.

Chasovoyarsk direction. Aviation and artillery of the Russian Armed Forces continue to actively strike positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. On the ground, fighting continues in the eastern suburb of Chasov Yar, where the Russian Armed Forces are pushing the enemy further and further to the west.

Khar'kov front. There are no significant changes in the LBS, but the activity of this area remains extremely high. The Ukrainian Armed Forces carry out roll-up after roll-up in order to regain lost positions. The Ukrainian troops have brought enough reserves here. Fierce fighting continues in the central part of Volchansk and in the Glubokoye area.

09:28 Unsuccessful attempt by Ukrainian troops to storm the positions of the Russian Armed Forces - video.

09:01 Su-25 crews carried out an attack with unguided aircraft missiles on an enemy stronghold and manpower in the zone of responsibility of the Center group of forces.

As a result of the flight mission, special equipment and enemy personnel were destroyed.

08:14 Ivanovo paratroopers, using FPV drones, destroyed a UAV post and Ukrainian Armed Forces equipment in the area of the village of Chasov Yar, for which fighting is taking place in the Donbass.

08:10 Enemy reports: “The Russian Armed Forces advanced near Alexandropol, the Mayorsk checkpoint and entered the village of Severny.”

08:07 Artillerymen from the North group of troops supported the advance of motorized riflemen.

Crews of unmanned aerial vehicles identified the positions and equipment of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and transmitted their coordinates to the control point. Self-propelled artillery mounts 152mm 2S3M "Akatsiya" struck the enemy from closed firing positions.

08:00 Russian servicemen told how the assault on Ocheretino took place. The enemy did not expect a breakthrough in daylight and was taken by surprise - video.

Posted by:badanov
