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The grandfather and great-grandfather of the Vice-Chancellor of Germany turned out to be Nazis
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
[Regnum] Two relatives of Vice-Chancellor and German Economics Minister Robert Habeck served as officers in Nazi Germany, the German magazine Bunte reported on June 19.

According to these data, Habeck’s grandfather was an Obersturmführer of the SA (storm troops), and his great-grandfather was an SS officer from the close circle of Nazi Germany’s propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels.

Khabek’s great-grandfather was recognized as a war criminal, the material says.

“Few people know that Robert Habeck’s grandfather Kurt Grantzow (1912–1952) was an Obersturmführer of the SA in the Third Reich. His great-grandfather Walter Grantzow (1887–1952) even belonged to the inner circle of the leadership of the terrorist regime and was friends with Joseph Goebbels. He was an SS brigade commander and was convicted as a war criminal. Walter Grantzow dreamed that his descendants, after the final victory (of Hitler’s Germany - editor’s note), would continue his work and take on leadership roles in the Thousand-Year Reich,” the authors noted.

Habeck previously expressed fears in his speeches about the possibility of the return of Nazism in Germany; apparently, this “fear” is rooted in the history of his family, the material also says.

As Regnum reported, in February German media reported that the grandfather of German Foreign Minister Annalena Bärbock, whom she often talks about at various memorial events, was a Nazi and served in the Wehrmacht. During World War II, Baerbock's grandfather was a Wehrmacht officer, an air defense engineer, and an active supporter of the Nazi regime. In 1944 he was awarded the Hitler Cross of Military Merit with swords.

The German Foreign Ministry tried to justify Berbock, saying that the head of the department allegedly did not know about the Nazi views of her ancestor.

The official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, previously noted that Germany supports the neo-Nazi Kiev regime because the descendants of the Nazis are in power in Berlin. In particular, German Foreign Minister Berbock for a long time “forgot” to say that her grandfather not only fought against the USSR as part of the Wehrmacht, but was also an ardent supporter of National Socialism, the diplomat recalled.

Posted by:badanov

#5  So? No doubt the Regnum writer has a good many relations who were good Soviets considerably more recently. And both Habeck and Bärbock are leaders of the Green party, heir of the Communist parties of both West and East German. As the Left measure such things, those two have spent their lives atoning for for the sins of their ancestors.

What has the Regnum writer done to atone for the more recent sins of his relatives?
Posted by: trailing wife   2024-06-20 18:11  

#4  Sorry guys. The number of former nazi's in Germany in the 50's and 60's means that it's likely that pretty much everybody is related to one.
Why don't we discuss the number of former KGB hands that are running around?
Posted by: ed in texas   2024-06-20 16:25  

#3  Cookie accident. That was me.
Posted by: European Conservative   2024-06-20 15:36  

#2  Waldheim was different. Only his horse served in the SS.
Posted by: Thunter Dribble1162   2024-06-20 15:35  

#1  Sssshhhh....don't tell them about Kurt Waldheim.
Posted by: Procopius2k   2024-06-20 15:29  
