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Olde Tyme Religion
Loved ones search for missing as hajj death toll passes 900
[GEO.TV] Relatives of dead pilgrims scoured hospitals, pleaded online for news, fearing worst after temperatures hit 51.8 degrees Celsius
Posted by:Fred

#6  Horrifying video shows bodies being loaded onto trucks and Hajj pilgrims passing out in the streets.
Posted by: Skidmark   2024-06-20 20:41  

#5  Popcorn venders made a killing.
Posted by: Woodrow   2024-06-20 20:35  

#4  51.8 Degrees Celsius = 125.24 Degrees Fahrenheit

Pretty warm.
Dug a watering cistern yesterday.
Planning a brick lining today.
Plopped in to cool down after the dig.
Dogs loved the splashing,

Gonna be warmer today.
Posted by: Skidmark   2024-06-20 10:17  

#3  The "searing heat" must be preventing the usual stampedes.
Posted by: jpal   2024-06-20 08:50  

#2  Hajj pilgrim death toll passes 1,000 after brutal 50C heatwave
Posted by: Skidmark   2024-06-20 08:08  

#1  When I was young I once attended a Billy Graham Crusade event. Don't recall any deaths.
Posted by: ed in texas   2024-06-20 08:07  
