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Willie Mays passes away at the age of 93 years old
Posted by:badanov

#3  I like what he said last week after MLB merged the Negro Leagues stats and he got 10 more hits, it must be some kind of record for a 93-year-old.”
Posted by: Beavis   2024-06-20 13:56  

#2  I was 9 when the Giants moved to San Francisco. Willie Mays was always my hero. Especially when he helped, offensively or defensively, to beat the Dodgers.
Posted by: Tom   2024-06-20 12:37  

What I feel was his best quote.
"Never assume the other guy will never do something you would never do." Willie Mays
Posted by: NN2N1   2024-06-20 05:35  
