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-Great Cultural Revolution
US students say they won't work at Google, Amazon due to Project Nimbus
[Ynet] Over 1,100 students studying technology, engineering, and mathematics from more than 120 universities across the United States signed a pledge on Tuesday not to accept jobs or internships at Google or Amazon until the companies cease their involvement in Project Nimbus, which provides cloud computing services and infrastructure to the Israeli government.
"Is that a Venti caramel macchiato or latte?"
I'm making a pledge not to play for NBA
Posted by:Grom the Reflective

#9  I'd guess the number claimed is real--if they were making it up I don't think they'd choose such a piddling little number.

An average of about 9 students per university. Not exactly a stampede. I wonder how that number compares to students who would jump at a chance to work at either company.
Posted by: SteveS   2024-06-20 19:44  

#8  There are already enough crazy antisemitic conspiracy theories accusing Jews of secretly controlling America, and creating blacklists doesn't help.
Posted by: Cromonter Spawn of the Faeries8107   2024-06-20 17:40  

#7  I bet 100% of them are STEM student stat padded DEI recruits.

So they think they have juice because companies are "requested" to have certain DEI scores, but why would colossi like GG and AM hire one of them who will be poo poo'd through graduation no matter their grade, when they could hire some kid from India who makes fits that bill, has three languages, and a work ethic?
Posted by: swksvolFF   2024-06-20 17:01  

#6  "The pledge, which marks the latest backlash against Google and Amazon, was organized by No Tech for Apartheid (NOTA), a coalition of tech workers and activists from Muslim grassroots movement MPower Change and advocacy group Jewish Voice for Peace."
I gather that NOTA is the source of the claim. I'd guess the number claimed is real--if they were making it up I don't think they'd choose such a piddling little number.
Posted by: james   2024-06-20 16:59  

#5  You mean two of the biggest Heroes of the Left were turned on?

Posted by: swksvolFF   2024-06-20 13:06  

#4  There's a migrant for that job.
Posted by: Skidmark   2024-06-20 09:46  

#3  ^Why skateboards?
Posted by: Grom the Reflective   2024-06-20 07:39  

#2  I have quit buying hair gel, condoms, and skateboards.
Posted by: Besoeker   2024-06-20 07:37  

The names please.
So when their resume crosses someone's desk, it can be $hit-canned immediately.

Let them stand by their little social media whine for attention, and allow them to experience the real employment world ramifications of being an open Racist.
Posted by: NN2N1   2024-06-20 05:28  
