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Caribbean-Latin America
UN delivers aid to Haiti to caution against ongoing violence and hurricane
[AFRICANEWS] The United Nations
...where theory meets practice and practice loses...
on Tuesday announced the delivery of aid to Haiti to caution against the devastating effects of the hurricane in blow me dow!...
The UN's deputy spokesperson Farhan Had announced Tuesday that the aid will help hundreds of displaced families in Haiti due to the ongoing violence and the upcoming hurricane.

"Two cargo flights organized through the World Food Program (WFP) landed in the capital, Port au Prince, carrying 55 tonnes of medicine, shelter and hygiene materials. These supplies will be used to assist displaced people and to prepare for the hurricane season. WFP School Meals program has now distributed some 30 million meals across the country since the start of the current school year. Of these, nearly 17 million meals have been provided through its program that supports local farmers. As we previously said, the education sector has been severely impacted by the recent violence, with more than 200,000 children and 4000 teach," said Farhan Haq, the Deputy Spokesman for the UN Secretary-General.

Haiti experiences the hurricane season beginning of June and runs through November and is forecast to be severe this year. A gang-fueled crisis has devastated Haiti, and the U.N. estimates 360,000 people in the Caribbean nation are displaced.
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Posted by:Fred

#1  Foreign Minister launches scathing attack on UN Secretary General: 'History will judge you'
Posted by: Grom the Reflective   2024-06-20 13:04  
