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The Grand Turk
Is Turkey gearing up for a new military offensive against Syria's Kurds?
[NEWARAB] The Sick Man of Europe Turkey
...just another cheapjack Moslem dictatorship, brought to you by the Moslem Brüderbund...
is once again using threatening language after the Kurdish-led Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES) scheduled local elections for 11 June in the territories under its control.

Ankara said it is "closely following the aggressive actions by the terrorist organization against the territorial integrity of our country and of Syria under the pretext of an election," President His Enormity, Sultan Recep Tayyip Erdogan the First
...Turkey's version of Mohammed Morsi but they voted him back in so they deserve him. It's a sin, a shame, and a felony to insult the president of Turkey. In Anatolia did Recep Bey a stately Presidential Palace decree, that has 1100 rooms. That's 968 more than in the White House, 400 more than in Versailles, and 325 more than Buckingham Palace, so you know who's really more important...
declared on 30 May.

"Turkey will never allow the separatist organization to establish (a state) just beyond its southern borders in the north of Syria and Iraq," he said, claiming their ultimate goal is the establishment of "a terroristan".
Posted by:Fred

#2  "Terroristan?" An appropriate descripter of the entire region.
Posted by: Besoeker   2024-06-20 08:24  

#1  Beware the ICC, Rajub!
Posted by: Grom the Reflective   2024-06-20 08:20  
