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Good Morning

Gaza reporter who harbored Israeli hostages at his home wrote for US-based The Palestine Chronicle
Tuesday 06/18/2024

Diana Rigg 652
US, UK warplanes bomb Yemeni island in Red Sea
Africa Subsaharan
The curse of natural gas and armed groups in Mozambique
Deaths, injuries as Israeli strikes
hit Nuseirat and Bureij refugee camps
Israel war on Gaza live: Hamas
strikes Israeli soldiers in Tal as-Sultan
Explosion that was reportedly heard earlier off the Northwestern Coast of Israel, is now said to have been the Interception of an 'Unknown Aerial Contact'
Muhammad Mustafa Ayoub, a Rocket and Artillery Field Commander is Hezbollah%u2019s Nasser Unit was Eliminated earlier today by an Israeli Airstrike on his Car
High-profile lawyer ditches accused rapist real-estate heirs Oren and Alon Alexander after more allegations surface

Posted by:Fred

#6  That was fun P2K, thanks!
Posted by: NoMoreBS   2024-06-18 13:07  

#5  I loved The Avengers. I remember being surprised to see her Red hair when TV went from black and white to when my family got a color TV. My family wasn't on the cutting edge of technology haha
Posted by: Jan   2024-06-18 12:14  

#4  ..hit it.
Posted by: Procopius2k   2024-06-18 09:09  

#3  even with little make up

still hot
Posted by: Lord Garth   2024-06-18 07:18  

#2  Mrs. Peel.
Posted by: Frank G   2024-06-18 04:49  

#1  Arrrg! Be still my heart!

Posted by: Seeking Cure For Ignorance   2024-06-18 02:08  
